America..are you a part of it?

  • Thread starter Joey D
well ok my experences with liberals has not been a positive one. There are some liberal kids at school and they are the ones that call me a Terrorist due to my SUV, thye tell me not to eat meat, they tell me Bush is the worst president ever. They just piss me off. Plus there is a Liberal talk show on this rock station I listen to every night at 11 and it comes on when I'm driving around. I usally turn the station but last night it really pissed me off about how Bush is a terrorist and how our country is so badly messed up we'd be better living in some thrid world country. So I called in a told the host that he had no right to say that ****. He had the goddamn nerve to say I was a unamerican bastard and had no right to live in this coutry cause I was a terrorist like Bush. This is why liberals piss me off. If they didn't say stupid **** to me then I would fine with them. Show me a liberal who has a good idea and is willing to listen then I'll show them the respect they deserve.

Sorry I'm a little pissed as you can see.
George Washington was a true liberal. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson..etc. all men who had something to give to the world besides invective and unproductive thought. the people you speak of are not liberal in any sense of the word...unless you are being liberal in your use of reason.
Ummm Idiots ? POSERS ? thieves ..what do they offer besides words ? what value do they have or do they have any productive thoughts besides taking your thoughts and your reason from you and telling you that they are their own. Liberal is a marketing Irish springs soap..the **** aint made in Ireland nor is it made in any spring..they steal the name liberal and attatch it to their philosophy to sell the bull **** that they produce..if you can call what they accomplish production.
well thats how they all act around here. I'm sorry I can see now not all people are like that.
Dude go work your balls off for a week and then look at how much got STOLEN ( taxed ) out of your pay check. I say stolen because you didn't give it up out of YOUR OWN FREE WILL. The so called liberals would deny you that free will and help themselves to your paycheck AND make you feel guilty for being pissed off...sorry for ranting but its friday..payday ?...neeed moooore beeer
Originally posted by streetracer780
well ok my experences with liberals has not been a positive one. There are some liberal kids at school and they are the ones that call me a Terrorist due to my SUV, thye tell me not to eat meat, they tell me Bush is the worst president ever. They just piss me off. Plus there is a Liberal talk show on this rock station I listen to every night at 11 and it comes on when I'm driving around. I usally turn the station but last night it really pissed me off about how Bush is a terrorist and how our country is so badly messed up we'd be better living in some thrid world country. So I called in a told the host that he had no right to say that ****. He had the goddamn nerve to say I was a unamerican bastard and had no right to live in this coutry cause I was a terrorist like Bush. This is why liberals piss me off. If they didn't say stupid **** to me then I would fine with them. Show me a liberal who has a good idea and is willing to listen then I'll show them the respect they deserve.

Sorry I'm a little pissed as you can see.

For every action...

You hate liberals? I'm certain there are people who hate conservatives. To be honest, in high school, all kids, in my experience, really do is parrot what their parents' views are.

Your problem is that you see things purely in terms of black and white. Shutting out all liberals is completely absurd and it's exactly what you're angry about (them shutting you out). Believe me - there are loads of conservatives that say 'stupid **** to me.' Rush Limbaugh, for instance. Definitely a two-way street.
Rush Limbaugh is quite annoying sometimes. But if I found a liberal who would be willing to listen to my ideas I'd listen to theres
The economy sucks. The fact that George W. has not improved it may prove to make him the second Pres. to lose an election after wining a popular war. ( popular to a majority of voters ). I myself will judge him on how he and his administration handle the economy and it wouldnt suprise me if there are others who will do the same. Here is my dilema if not George W. who is there to choose from ?
Originally posted by ledhed
Here is my dilema if not George W. who is there to choose from ?

Fair point - most Democrat candidates running are extremely far-left (Daschle, Sharpton, Gephardt, Lieberman) or not experienced (Edwards). If not Bush, I'd vote for Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass right now) but I wish we elected McCain in 2000.
Originally posted by ledhed
The economy sucks. The fact that George W. has not improved it may prove to make him the second Pres. to lose an election after wining a popular war. ( popular to a majority of voters ). I myself will judge him on how he and his administration handle the economy and it wouldnt suprise me if there are others who will do the same. Here is my dilema if not George W. who is there to choose from ?

If Arnold Schwarzenager won the popular, would all of those votes be void because he wasn't a native-born American? Seems awfully racist to me...
@ rjensen. I don't understand your statement..If Arnolds an American citizen he can legaly run for office provided he meets the other criteria for the office he's running for. . Were exactly does race enter the picture ?
Originally posted by streetracer780
I wanted McCain to

Yeah - he's fairly moderate which is really what you need in a candidate; liberals hate Bush, conservatives hated Gore, but centrist is a fair compromise. McCain was surely centrist - he sided with conservatives on some issues, but he'd devoted his life to some fairly liberal issues also.
Thats why I liked him too. He was what I thought a good president would be.
As far as I know, only the office of US president requires natural-born citizenship. House, Senate and Gubernatorial candidacies require different years of residency in a state, not all concurrent. And so many years citizenship, along with age. It might be 12 years citizenship, 5 years total residency, with an age minimum of 33.
I'm not sure about governors' offices; perhaps not. McCain? I don't know, I'd have to know his politics better. I'm iffy on campaign finance reform.
You are correct, Sir.

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.
Now that is surely one of the classical debates of our nation. Probably prejudiced to say, but my inclination is toward natural borns who have been immersed in US culture early. Presumably, this may increase the odds of loyalty.
Hmm, do all Senators have to be born American, since they are elegable to become President if they're the only person not at a State of the Union address and if something happened like it started on fire and everyone in power there couldn't escape could die, then he would become the President, so would a Senator have to be a native-born American?

No, I'm not planning on setting buildings on fire during the next State of the Union Address!
Senators do not have to be native born.

No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen.

And for the Congress:

No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen.

And, I believe it is a member of the President's Cabinet who would be absent, not a senator. Could be both.
why would I vote for someone who was not a native to this country? Its like me trying to become the Prime Minister of Britian. It would never happen.
Originally posted by streetracer780
why would I vote for someone who was not a native to this country? Its like me trying to become the Prime Minister of Britian. It would never happen.

But that's because you're too fuzzy.
Originally posted by streetracer780

THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! :bowdown: *kisses the ground you're stepping on*:bowdown: IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN SAID BETTER!

I have to agree with you on that--pretty much everything you said. (Except for the language speaking part. Sure it's annoying when people live here and can't even speak English, but I think it's kinda cool too. It's nice learning to speak a language you don't know and adds more color and flavor to our nation.)

But yes, this war WAS NOT OVER OIL. Thank you for pointing that out.