So I was thinking about this the other day and I hope it doesn't get buried because I might be onto something.
I was thinking about Jesus. Christianity. I was thinking about how some guy, some dude wandering his way home from Woodstock accidentally got himself in trouble, stumbled into a famous rock band, got tied to a pike, and spawned a religious movement that quickly enveloped the Roman Empire and ultimately hundreds of millions of people around the globe for over two thousand years. Two thousand years! Some door to door salesman with a beard and a message. How is that even possible?
Then I got to thinking about the phenomenon we're seeing with Trump. Within just a few years, some guy with marginal influence, a loud mouth, and a not very nice personality has managed to turn an entire political party and potentially millions of people into what are basically his religious followers. They believe anything he says and take it for gospel. This is their truth. They're effectively religious extremists, just as any Christian who thinks the earth is only a few thousand years old or believes a man could possibly part a sea or that Jesus comes back from the dead, etc. Trump might not be the lord and savior, but he is president apparently, both statements being equally false to any of us who aren't idiots. Trump might not guide each and every one of us to salvation but he will guide America. Like Jesus and the homies, Trump already has books written about him and will likely have more...maybe one day he'll have his own compilation album.
Once again we've got a salesman on our hands who is selling a message of hope. It's wrong of course, it's a pack of lies, he's not the president, he won't save these people or the country, but they believe it. Trump is their new Jesus. And I'm rather concerned that this really is blossoming into a real extremist movement, a real cult, a real religion effectively. I'm worried that it's not just a bunch of people being dumb, it is actually a bunch of people developing a completely new reality for themselves and they will not stop until the retake their holy land of America. I don't know what else to compare Trump's rise to other than the spontaneous and massive rise of Christianity out of nothing. I'm not sure if the medical field considers religious extremism a mental illness but it's about time they looked into it because we might have a problem on our hands.