America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
People like Chik-fil-A?
Republicans like their politics and rampant homophobia. Even ones who may or may not be in the closet themselves. Either that or their money's good.

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I prefer In-N-Out Burger - nothing like a Bible verse on the bottom of your cup!

... but when you're down to your last $2, you can't beat Taco Bell. (Well, the food is absolutely disgusting, but $2 will at least buy you something, possibly two...) What I didn't know at the time was that the branch I went to (Irvine university campus) was pretty close to being their flagship store... Taco Bell is HQ'd just a few miles away. All I can say is, if that is a flagship store, then...
Green Bay Packers Text Back GIF by Martellus Bennett's Text Back Pack

As for Chick-fil-A, I loved it 🤭
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I prefer In-N-Out Burger - nothing like a Bible verse on the bottom of your cup!
Those're good enough to ignore the religious polemic on their packaging.

I know we discussed C-f-a's quality or lack thereof at length on this thread last year but what I don't get is their claim to have invented the chicken sandwich. Say whaaaat? Is this like English people claiming to have invented football because they slapped a bunch of rules on it?

The cynic in me can't help but suspect some people interpret the American way as "slapping a ™ sign on someone else's idea then sitting back and watching the money roll in".
You mean the first since 2001. A friend of mine tried to visit but the queues were really long. Ironically it's on the site of Chik-fil-A after they pulled out of the UK.

I rather think that Five Guys have stolen much of their thunder in the London area.
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People like Chik-fil-A?
Down here in god country they sure do. They're always building bigger and better ones down here with double drive through lanes and they're always packed. As for me, because of their religious ******** and their anti-gay stance, I'll never eat anything from there again.
People like Chik-fil-A?
They do make a pretty good spicy chicken sandwich, and chick fil a sauce . The waffle fries are alright, and consistent. Wasn't too impressed at first, but it grew on me especially the sauce.

I don't really care for their views, but I like the food. Though I rarely eat fast food currently.
People like Chik-fil-A?
Chick Fil A is basically the Henry Ford of fast food. We could suffer nuclear war and Chick Fil A's highschool girls would keep churning out chicken sammies faster than you can count them. I don't think I've ever spent long than 5 minutes in a Chick Fil A drive-through line and that incudes some lines that were like 30 cars long. In two rows. When the line gets that long at McDonald's the whole staff is liable to just quit.
I prefer In-N-Out Burger - nothing like a Bible verse on the bottom of your cup!

... but when you're down to your last $2, you can't beat Taco Bell. (Well, the food is absolutely disgusting, but $2 will at least buy you something, possibly two...) What I didn't know at the time was that the branch I went to (Irvine university campus) was pretty close to being their flagship store... Taco Bell is HQ'd just a few miles away. All I can say is, if that is a flagship store, then...
Green Bay Packers Text Back GIF by Martellus Bennett's Text Back Pack's Text Back Pack

As for Chick-fil-A, I loved it 🤭
If you like In-N-Out then you've clearly never been to the Midwest, especially Minneapolis through Ohio. Culver's is by far the best fast food smash burger in the land. They've got all sorts of variations but the staple is the cheddar butter burger. Myself, everytime I see one (I do not pass a Culver's) I stop and get a triple cheddar butter burger. That's it, no frills, no toppings. Buttered bun, beef, cheddar cheese. Tripled. And then I don't move for a couple hours and just bask in one of the most savory and mouth-watering flavors humanity has ever created. The cheese curds and frozen custard are damn good as well. This one has bacon which is also highly recommended:


There aren't any in Dayton yet so I've been known to drive 20 minutes one-way just to eat here. Matter of fact I might do it tomorrow.

Edit: Just to drive home the point, I would rather get a triple cheddar butter burger from Culver's than virtually any $12+ restaurant burger from basically anywhere. I've had some positively excellent traditional burgers but Culver's nails it ever single time. This combo is just such a uniquely rich flavor, honestly I have trouble finding things to compare its richness to. I'd compare the savoriness to a fatty smoked brisket, honestly. That type of genuinely heavy, rich flavor is what I'm all about. To hell with my arteries, I've gotta eat good.
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Wait a second.


I mean I know these investigations are long and complicated but this is what they've come up with so far? UAE is one of our allies, this is hardly any different than corporate lobbying! What the hell were their "foreign policy interests", to buy more oil? To swap Austin and Abu Dhabi on the F1 schedule?

You might as well as why the United States spies on its friends.

Surveillance knows no loyalties.
Jesus H. ****ing Christ. The grievance culture knows no bounds.
A spokesman for Republican Gov. Greg Abbott told CNBC on Tuesday night: “Ben and Jerry’s decision to boycott parts of Israel is disgraceful and an insult to America’s closest ally in the Middle East.” The statement went on to say: “Unilever, Ben and Jerry’s parent company, must reverse this ill-conceived decision.”

Abbott signed a bill into law four years ago that would force Texas pension funds to divest from any company boycotting Israel.

State Comptroller Glenn Hegar, who controls billions of dollars in assets for Texas’ public pension funds has already told his office to take action. In a statement to CNBC he said, “I’ve directed my staff to determine whether any specific action has been taken by Ben & Jerry’s or Unilever would trigger a listing under Chapter 808 of the Texas Government Code,” the law passed in 2017.
They're halting sale of ice cream.

Also, punituve measures by government against an actor for protected speech is a violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
I've got several friends who have given up on their Texas experiments and are moving back to Ohio next year. Politics here seem a lot less extreme and might actually be able to be improved. Texas is getting more expensive rapidly, the cities have become monstrosities of diesel truck traffic. Honestly the two states are pretty similar but Texas is just more ridiculous in every way.

Even our sports fans are insufferable but at least the Buckeyes win. @McLaren
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So this was shared in the /Texas subreddit.

I thought at first maybe it was potentially being misrepresented, but it is all right there. And much of it is Christian-only bull**** than the party that is all about "small guvment & personal freedoms". There is one proposition, #132, that calls for religious freedoms in schools that asks schools to not infringe students' and staffs' rights to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in groups, on school property without government interference. I believe it says schools should be free from censorship to discuss religion in our founding documents & are encouraged to do so. There's also the right to exhibit religious items on school property.

To me, this sounds like freedom for all religions on school grounds which sounds like a fair approach. But, this is really just the Texas Republicans goal to call for "Religious Freedom" in schools so they can then push specifically Christian beliefs in them because Texas Republicans will not at all, also support Muslim students/staff having these same religious freedoms to pray, engage in religious speech, and exhibit religious items.

There is another one, #145, that calls for the removal of Sex Ed. (no teaching of sex education, sex health, sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade). It says until this prohibition goes into effect, sex ed should only utilize sex risk avoidance programs and promote abstinence outside of marriage. Tack on no pornography, no legalize gambling, only doctors should determine marijuana use, marriage is only recognized as man and woman. This to me, is Texas Republicans not just wanting Christian values free to be expressed and taught, but be forced on everyone.

And this isn't touching on the issue most of the folks in the Reddit thread are more concerned with in regards to Government Affairs basically wanting to stack the deck.
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I've got several friends who have given up on their Texas experiments and are moving back to Ohio next year. Politics here seem a lot less extreme and might actually be able to be improved. Texas is getting more expensive rapidly, the cities have become monstrosities of diesel truck traffic. Honestly the two states are pretty similar but Texas is just more ridiculous in every way.

Even our sports fans are insufferable but at least the Buckeyes win. @McLaren
If this trend is representative of the state as a whole, I bet right wing Texans will see this as some kind of a victory. Because nothing represents success more than driving people away from your state. 😳

Israel- we oppose the creation of a Palestinian state, it would force Israel to give up land that god gave to the jewish people as referenced in Genesis
Anything mentioning Christian (or any other religious) beliefs in state legislation sets off huge alarm bells to me.
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So this was shared in the /Texas subreddit.

I thought at first maybe it was potentially being misrepresented, but it is all right there. And much of it is Christian-only bull**** than the party that is all about "small guvment & personal freedoms". There is one proposition, #132, that calls for religious freedoms in schools that asks schools to not infringe students' and staffs' rights to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in groups, on school property without government interference. I believe it says schools should be free from censorship to discuss religion in our founding documents & are encouraged to do so. There's also the right to exhibit religious items on school property.

To me, this sounds like freedom for all religions on school grounds which sounds like a fair approach. But, this is really just the Texas Republicans goal to call for "Religious Freedom" in schools so they can then push specifically Christian beliefs in them because Texas Republicans will not at all, also support Muslim students/staff having these same religious freedoms to pray, engage in religious speech, and exhibit religious items.

There is another one, #145, that calls for the removal of Sex Ed. (no teaching of sex education, sex health, sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade). It says until this prohibition goes into effect, sex ed should only utilize sex risk avoidance programs and promote abstinence outside of marriage. Tack on no pornography, no legalize gambling, only doctors should determine marijuana use, marriage is only recognized as man and woman. This to me, is Texas Republicans not just wanting Christian values free to be expressed and taught, but be forced on everyone.

And this isn't touching on the issue most of the folks in the Reddit thread are more concerned with in regards to Government Affairs basically wanting to stack the deck.

Yea that state electoral college bit is pretty disgusting.
I've got several friends who have given up on their Texas experiments and are moving back to Ohio next year. Politics here seem a lot less extreme and might actually be able to be improved. Texas is getting more expensive rapidly, the cities have become monstrosities of diesel truck traffic. Honestly the two states are pretty similar but Texas is just more ridiculous in every way.
It's a mistake to think this is a Texas thing. It's definitely the GOP on the whole. Think of Texas and Florida--among others to a lesser extent (though not for lack of trying)--as indicator states.

They're scared. They've been backed into a corner by anything and everything they perceive to be a threat to their already dying ideology, but that's when a wild animal is most dangerous.
So this was shared in the /Texas subreddit.

I thought at first maybe it was potentially being misrepresented, but it is all right there. And much of it is Christian-only bull**** than the party that is all about "small guvment & personal freedoms". There is one proposition, #132, that calls for religious freedoms in schools that asks schools to not infringe students' and staffs' rights to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in groups, on school property without government interference. I believe it says schools should be free from censorship to discuss religion in our founding documents & are encouraged to do so. There's also the right to exhibit religious items on school property.

To me, this sounds like freedom for all religions on school grounds which sounds like a fair approach. But, this is really just the Texas Republicans goal to call for "Religious Freedom" in schools so they can then push specifically Christian beliefs in them because Texas Republicans will not at all, also support Muslim students/staff having these same religious freedoms to pray, engage in religious speech, and exhibit religious items.

There is another one, #145, that calls for the removal of Sex Ed. (no teaching of sex education, sex health, sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade). It says until this prohibition goes into effect, sex ed should only utilize sex risk avoidance programs and promote abstinence outside of marriage. Tack on no pornography, no legalize gambling, only doctors should determine marijuana use, marriage is only recognized as man and woman. This to me, is Texas Republicans not just wanting Christian values free to be expressed and taught, but be forced on everyone.

And this isn't touching on the issue most of the folks in the Reddit thread are more concerned with in regards to Government Affairs basically wanting to stack the deck.

Spectacular. They are positively lawless, unless God hates it in which case it shall be illegal.

@UKMikey I'm not sure it's being done on purpose but it's definitely celebrated. On the flipside, Texas is actually beginning to attract a lot of business, especially from the West Coast tech sector, because of their "friendly business environment". From a business standpoint, Texas has an attractive combination of large cities full of amenities, educated and skilled workers living in them, and extremely cheap real estate just outside the city limits. There's also international port access which is a bonus. And every new business that moves from California to Texas is hailed as a victory - in the long run it might end up being a victory in terms of population movements, but there is also evidence that Texas is struggling to support its rapidly growing population and people are getting tired of it. In general, it's growing. I wouldn't move there but a lot of people are.

@TexRex That makes a lot of sense. I sure hope the Midwest doesn't fall into that trap but Ohio and especially Indiana have some work to do. I swear, bordering Kentucky is like a poison. Never should've built those bridges but if we didn't they'd just smuggle their moonshine in boats.
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In-N-Out is so good that it might as well be in the Bible.

Those are good burgers dude.

edit: [trigger warning for @Keef U of M content ahead:] @Joey You ever grab a burger from Frita Batidos in Ann Arbor? I don't think I've ever had so sumptuous a burger in all my life.
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Edit: Just to drive home the point, I would rather get a triple cheddar butter burger from Culver's than virtually any $12+ restaurant burger from basically anywhere. I've had some positively excellent traditional burgers but Culver's nails it ever single time. This combo is just such a uniquely rich flavor, honestly I have trouble finding things to compare its richness to. I'd compare the savoriness to a fatty smoked brisket, honestly. That type of genuinely heavy, rich flavor is what I'm all about. To hell with my arteries, I've gotta eat good.
Back in the day when I worked close to a Culver's, the double bacon deluxe with no sauce was my preferred choice. I tend not to order mayo on burgers especially if there is already cheese or bacon on the burger.

I also liked Portillos if I needed more of a charred flavor.
Those are good burgers dude.

edit: [trigger warning for @Keef U of M content ahead:] @Joey You ever grab a burger from Frita Batidos in Ann Arbor? I don't think I've ever had so sumptuous a burger in all my life.
Frita Batidos is legit. The loaded plantains are awesome and so is the chorizo frita. And I had no idea what a batidos was before I went there, but they had me at "for $2 we can add rum". Next time I'm in Michigan I probably should hit up that place again since Cuban food is my jam, even if it's a fusion version of it.
Unfortunately I don’t think anybody’s made the radio with a song about nuts that fall from trees.
I've got several friends who have given up on their Texas experiments and are moving back to Ohio next year. Politics here seem a lot less extreme and might actually be able to be improved. Texas is getting more expensive rapidly, the cities have become monstrosities of diesel truck traffic. Honestly the two states are pretty similar but Texas is just more ridiculous in every way.

Even our sports fans are insufferable but at least the Buckeyes win. @McLaren
I've seen a bit of that. When the Toyota NA building went from Ca. to Tx., they wanted to move most of their employees over starting with a few thousand. TMU from a former co-worker who worked for them, they were all basically under a contract to stay with the company for a certain amount of time as Toyota had paid several expenses for them. He last told me that as the contracts have ended, instead of taking the available offer of continuing to work there, many packed up and went back to California for various reasons. He's positive a few likely never even sold their homes in California and had full intentions of going back. He noted that Toyota was also spending the first few years reaching out to get Texans into many of the roles they had not moved over yet or would need for the expansion.

As for the Buckeyes, I know zero of college sports. Don't even watch the Red River Showdown anymore. Ya gotta talk NBA for my ears to perk up. :)
As for the Buckeyes, I know zero of college sports. Don't even watch the Red River Showdown anymore. Ya gotta talk NBA for my ears to perk up. :)
Another relevant Midwest vs Southwest discussion lol. Using Giannis as the bar, at this rate it'll only take what, six more years of loyalty for Luka to reach the Finals?

Edit: I didn't watch Dallas's series against LAC but apparently it was a heater. Shame. Lots of talent on that roster and Luka himself is capable of being the team-leading player that Lebron has been more than any other player in the league. How did he look compared to Kawhi?
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Another relevant Midwest vs Southwest discussion lol. Using Giannis as the bar, at this rate it'll only take what, six more years of loyalty for Luka to reach the Finals?

Edit: I didn't watch Dallas's series against LAC but apparently it was a heater. Shame. Lots of talent on that roster and Luka himself is capable of being the team-leading player that Lebron has been more than any other player in the league. How did he look compared to Kawhi?
Luka's a more complete player than Giannis was when he was a youngster. My hope is that with Giannis crediting Kidd with his development, that'll will make Luka even better.

Luka was fine compared to Kawhi; Kawhi's ability to get to the rim & mid-range is still a real team-killer. It's the supporting cast & decision making from Carlisle that drove me nuts. "Hey, the 3 isn't dropping.... Space the floor and shoot a 3". Plenty of teams suffer from this though, esp. since the league has placed a large focus on the 3-ball. But, I've seen a ton of, "Live by the 3, die by the 3" games in the last couple seasons, so the best teams learn how to adapt.

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