America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Kevin just knows he's going to kick that football this time, but......

The big question is, how do you fix a broken political system when it is awash with people like that?
In the House of Representatives? You get rid of/fix gerrymandering so that the people who are elected are more representatives of the nation. The way it works right now is that districts are gerrymandered based on who's in power in a given state so that the opposing party has a difficult time winning.

This is how it currently works:

Make it more representative and you'll likely get rid of the extreme candidates who shouldn't be in power in the first place. But since we don't do that, we end up with people like MTG, who I wouldn't trust with a ham sandwich, let alone the country.
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It's also a tad rich that the same people who are demanding 'change', supposedly in the name of 'fixing a broken system' are largely the same people who have consistently and erroneously claimed that Trump won the 2020 US Presidential election. The big question is, how do you fix a broken political system when it is awash with people like that?
Sometimes your options are just limited, but the situation today doesn't have to the same one you'll find yourself in tomorrow. The US could be dealing with a very long term issue, and whatever the solution might be may have to wait for certain conditions to arise to take effect. Personally I'm hoping the surge of extremism we're currently seeing is a move of desperation in the last moments before collapse. The important thing in my mind is to remain vigilant and consistent in containing problems so that they don't spiral out of control before they can be solved. The way forward is not always obvious, but the worst thing you can do is be deluded into thinking the status quo is unchangeable.
In the House of Representatives? You get rid of/fix gerrymandering so that the people who are elected are more representatives of the nation. The way it works right now is that districts are gerrymandered based on who's in power in a given state so that the opposing party has a difficult time winning.

This is how it currently works:

Make it more representative and you'll likely get rid of the extreme candidates who shouldn't be in power in the first place. But since we don't do that, we end up with people like MTG, who I wouldn't trust with a ham sandwich, let alone the country.
The only drawback is that no politician will be wise enough to do this and no group of politicians will even risk this. People are selfish and they view their elected seat as a sign of power despite the fact they won a popularity contest to serve the constituents involved. As a result, all of the grandiose promises they made (or made up) on the trail fall to the wayside and party politics take over.
Gaetz is threatening to resign from Congress if the Dems cross the aisle and get "moderate" McCarthy in as Speaker.

Just like him to lose interest in something once it passes 12.
"I am willing to shoot myself in the foot if something doesn't go my way and nobody can stop me!"
Gaetz, apparently.
My favourite thing I've seen from Gaetz was when he gave his comments after the day's voting and said: "If you want to drain the swamp, you cannot put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise. I'm a Florida man and I know of what I speak."

Yes Matt, you are indeed a Florida Man given how ridiculous you are. Then throw in the underage girls and the fact that he has a live in caban boy from Cuba that's been with him for 7-8 years and well, he fits right in with the typical Florida Man, just with less meth.
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There seems to be slight but maybe growing momentum for some kind of coalition? I keep hearing Fred Upton's name thrown around and I initially discounted it because he is no longer in congress...but apparently being a member is not a requirement. I mean...if nothing else, the Trump era of politics has certainly made me learn so much about the government that I never wanted or needed to know.
Ignorant or misinforming, I can never tell.
That's why I say malicious. Ignorance isn't merely the state of unknowing. Unknowing is innocent, but ignorance is insidious (see: bigotry). Malicious ignorance accounts for the propagation of falsehoods, preying upon the [often wanton] ignorance of others.

The GOP very likely knows better, but they're manipulating a base that doesn't, and in many cases, doesn't want to. They're counting on a base sheltered from conflicting, accurate information, and that's precisely what they have.

I was once sypmathetic to the GOP's unwitting base. They didn't know their representatives were acting in bad faith. Now I understand that they just don't want to know.
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Well, if you're not careful or have some muscle laxity, squeezing a Trump too hard can lead you to absolutely **** yourself.
Trump would do a better job of squeezing the hoodlums if he was the one leaning on them heavily rather than the other way around.
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How do you have half an illegal encounter?

Still, 4.5 illegal encounters during Biden's time in office sounds impressive. That's only 1 every 5 months or so.
I'm thinking there may be something stupid going on. I can't find anything on that number going back to before a 2021 letter to Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas by representatives John Katko (R-NY) and Clay Higgins (R-LA) which is no longer hosted on the House Committee on Homeland Security GOP servers.

Half of an illegal encounter could easily be an illegal encounter with a minor, but 4.5 encounters with CBP seems awfully low. Even 4500 seems awfully low, and 4.5 million is high seems high enough to be wholly made up, which...I mean...that's not so absurd, but I can't find a source for the figure regardless.
4.5 million is high seems high enough to be wholly made up, which...I mean...that's not so absurd, but I can't find a source for the figure regardless.
It's million.

It says "since Biden took office".
My message is this: If you’re trying to leave Cuba, Nicaragua, or Haiti, you have — and we — or have agreed to begin a journey to America, do not — do not just show up at the border. Stay where you are and apply legally from there.
It looks to me like Joe is advising asylum seekers to stay in their own countries and apply from there. Wouldn't that contravene 8 USC 1158(a) as stated? Or would it be okay because he says they require a lawful sponsor in the US?
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It looks to me like Joe is advising asylum seekers to stay in their own countries and apply from there. Wouldn't that contravene 8 USC 1158(a) as stated? Or would it be okay because he says they require a lawful sponsor in the US?
It's not clear on the face of that that it's talking about seeking asylum. But I think it does run counter to our rules around asylum, and it's not a great thing for the President to say.

Yea, digging further into that press release, the part you quoted is referring to this:

"Second, in October, we worked with the Mexican government to launch a new parole program. There’s another program called the — you all know it, but the public may not — called the “parole program” that immediately showed results by reducing the number of people crossing the border unlawfully. The way this parole program works: One must have a lawful sponsor here in the United States who agrees to sponsor you to get here."

The parole program doesn't look like an asylum application but a sponsorship for some kind of legal immigration. This is what he's talking about getting started before you leave. But the statement that follows it kinda drops the context and just says in a blanket way to everyone coming for any reason, which is not really what this is about. He did talk about asylum, and even a phone app that allowed people to schedule an asylum hearing within the US, but this blanket statement that kinda drops the context looks like it was about the parole/sponsorship program.


You can see it clearly if you include the next statement:

"My message is this: If you’re trying to leave Cuba, Nicaragua, or Haiti, you have — and we — or have agreed to begin a journey to America, do not — do not just show up at the border. Stay where you are and apply legally from there.

Starting today, if you don’t apply through the legal process, you will not be eligible for this new parole program." [emphasis added]
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McCarthy goes down again in round 14. Gaetz is milking it for all he's worth. People were literally on their knees begging him to vote for McCarthy. He voted present. Because he's a dick. And a sex trafficker of minors. And he's the king maker of the GOP right now. Unbelievable.
