America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
BTW did they charge Hunter yet?
what about Epstein's list, released yet?
it's almost as if the media and some gov agencies became political cheerleaders and let that get in the way of their mission.
The media has one mission and that's to make money. They need to fill airtime 24/7 and keep people engaged so they can sell ads, the best way to do this is spoon-feed idiots who consume the stuff all day so they keep watching. I will continue to say that Fox News is just Cocomelon for boomers. It contains little substance, catchy topics, and repeats asinine crap over and over again. So no, there's no great conspiracy, just companies attempting to make as much money as possible by selling outrage. That's why it's important to diversify news sources and, when possible, look at the source of truth so you can make up your own mind instead of being told what to think by a talking head.


The media has one mission and that's to make money. They need to fill airtime 24/7 and keep people engaged so they can sell ads, the best way to do this is spoon-feed idiots who consume the stuff all day so they keep watching. I will continue to say that Fox News is just Cocomelon for boomers. It contains little substance, catchy topics, and repeats asinine crap over and over again. So no, there's no great conspiracy, just companies attempting to make as much money as possible by selling outrage. That's why it's important to diversify news sources and, when possible, look at the source of truth so you can make up your own mind instead of being told what to think by a talking head.
I don't listen to most American media for news, I just find it appalling how they can lie so much, after all they influence a lot of people, they should have responsibility and do actual journalism. I don't see anything mentioned on that link about his potential involvement with minors as I've seen on some pics posted on twitter, I wonder if they were doctored but they didn't seem. Tax related crimes are nothing compared to crimes against children.
He could've googled that all himself if only the search engines weren't controlled by the globalist uniparty. :lol:
But hey, let's do trial by Twitter instead.
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There's a lot of corruption in governments all over the place sadly. BTW did they charge Hunter yet? what about Epstein's list, released yet? I must admit I haven't been keeping up with American affairs but I've seen a few pics from the "laptop from hell" on twitter and was baffled. How is it possible to remain out of jail when there's damning evidence like that floating around the internet. I've read news that there was some kind of coverup too? wth is going on in America?:odd: it's almost as if the media and some gov agencies became political cheerleaders and let that get in the way of their mission. Very sad to witness.
Such whiny. Very bitchfit. Wow.

I don't listen to most American media for news, I just find it appalling how they can lie so much, after all they influence a lot of people, they should have responsibility and do actual journalism. I don't see anything mentioned on that link about his potential involvement with minors as I've seen on some pics posted on twitter, I wonder if they were doctored but they didn't seem. Tax related crimes are nothing compared to crimes against children.
Media, in general, isn't in the business of journalism. They're in the business to turn a profit. This isn't exclusive to America either.

As for Hunter Biden's crimes, he's been charged with crimes that there's evidence of. The iCloud leak, as far as I'm aware, comes from 4Chan which is not something our justice system should take seriously. Xitter is also rampant with fake information, which is not the ideal place to look for anything. There's also the whole thing where the FBI informant who gave Congress information about Biden lied. If that's a lie then what's to say everything isn't a lie either? Photos are easily doctored today and without any concrete proof you can't do much when it comes to a crime. Is Hunter a shady individual? Ya, probably, but being a slimeball isn't a crime.

As for the tax crimes, they're pretty serious and he faces up to 17 years in prison. He's also going to be on the hook for a ton of money as well. If there's one crime you don't commit in America, it's tax fraud, it's even what brought down Al Capone.
Counter arguments require an argument to counter.
Well it's in my first sentence, corruption is all over the place, it's not just a republican thing, and I gave some great examples. Epstein's list took too long to be released and well.. Hunter's laptop contents still mostly ignored. Imagine if it was Trump's laptop, he'd be in jail and rightfully so!

Media, in general, isn't in the business of journalism. They're in the business to turn a profit. This isn't exclusive to America either.

As for Hunter Biden's crimes, he's been charged with crimes that there's evidence of. The iCloud leak, as far as I'm aware, comes from 4Chan which is not something our justice system should take seriously. Xitter is also rampant with fake information, which is not the ideal place to look for anything. There's also the whole thing where the FBI informant who gave Congress information about Biden lied. If that's a lie then what's to say everything isn't a lie either? Photos are easily doctored today and without any concrete proof you can't do much when it comes to a crime. Is Hunter a shady individual? Ya, probably, but being a slimeball isn't a crime.

As for the tax crimes, they're pretty serious and he faces up to 17 years in prison. He's also going to be on the hook for a ton of money as well. If there's one crime you don't commit in America, it's tax fraud, it's even what brought down Al Capone.
Just one question, have you seen the photos yourself on twitter? if you haven't you should and then tell me if it's not Hunter or if its been doctored etc, you as an individual can dismiss evidence just because it was posted on xyz social network but investigative agencies fighting crimes such as child trafficking shouldn't, is there even a valid reason why they'd do that? I don't think so.
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I must admit I haven't been keeping up with American affairs but I've seen a few pics from the "laptop from hell" on twitter and was baffled.
I don't see anything mentioned on that link about his potential involvement with minors as I've seen on some pics posted on twitter, I wonder if they were doctored but they didn't seem.
Get off Twitter....
Imagine if it was Trump's laptop, he'd be in jail and rightfully so!
Yeah, the same way he's still walking freely after being found guilty of fraud for millions & millions of dollars when you & I would be in jail immediately.

Stop playing centrist, it fools no one.
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Just one question, have you seen the photos yourself on twitter? if you haven't you should and then tell me if it's not Hunter or if its been doctored etc, you as an individual can dismiss evidence just because it was posted on xyz social network but investigative agencies fighting crimes such as child trafficking shouldn't, is there even a valid reason why they'd do that? I don't think so.
The photos of Hunter Biden with hookers, drugs, and diddling himself? Ya. I didn't see any minors, just a slimy dude who pays for sex and gets high. While those are crimes, they're pretty insignificant when compared to tax fraud.

Also, I think it's fair to dismiss stuff from Xitter. Elon Musk has made that entire place a cesspool of misinformation and he's even promoted conspiracy theories himself. There's nothing honest about Xwitter other than, like the media, they're trying to keep people engaged to turn a profit. If you think the media is in on some sort of conspiracy, you should be dismissing Xitter too since it's even a worse offender than something like Fox News because any idiot can post stuff on it. Also, now that you can pay to be verified or whatever, anyone can claim they're a journalist or whatever.
Get off Twitter....

Yeah, the same way he's still walking freely after being found guilty of fraud for millions & millions of dollars when you & I would be in jail immediately.

Stop playing centrist, it fools no one.
Not to argue semantics but you seem to be saying that if Trumps walking freely so why shouldn't Hunter. That just sounds wrong man. And if Trump really is guilty then he should be treated as anybody else, I mean it and I actually prefer RFK btw as for Biden I wouldn't hire him to walk my dog (if I had one).
Not to argue semantics but you seem to be saying that if Trumps walking freely so why shouldn't Hunter. That just sounds wrong man. And if Trump really is guilty then he should be treated as anybody else, I mean it and I actually prefer RFK btw as for Biden I wouldn't hire him to walk my dog (if I had one).
There is a very big difference between the things Trump is accused of (election interference, potential insurrection/instigating a riot, committing fraud, trying to steal confidential documents) and the things Hunter Biden is accused of. It is entirely possible that Trump is pushing for the accusations for Biden because he himself is guilty of the same thing (in this case, political favors).
Not to argue semantics but you seem to be saying that if Trumps walking freely so why shouldn't Hunter. That just sounds wrong man. And if Trump really is guilty then he should be treated as anybody else, I mean it and I actually prefer RFK btw as for Biden I wouldn't hire him to walk my dog (if I had one).

I'm pointing out the absurdity of your statement claiming that if it was Trump's laptop, he'd be in jail. Trump has already committed his fair share of crime yet he's also free, so clearly your "if it was" holds no water.

RFK is a nutjob as well. The fact the entire Kennedy family just put all their support behind Biden shows they don't even trust him. "I wouldn't hire him to walk my dog", boy, hush. Trump would sell your dog for $50 & RFK would probably let it get smuggled.

I'm pointing out the absurdity of your statement claiming that if it was Trump's laptop, he'd be in jail. Trump has already committed his fair share of crime yet he's also free, so clearly your "if it was" holds no water.

RFK is a nutjob as well. The fact the entire Kennedy family just put all their support behind Biden shows they don't even trust him. "I wouldn't hire him to walk my dog", boy, hush. Trump would sell your dog for $50 & RFK would probably let it get smuggled.
Pictures of potential child trafficking or pedophilia would not land Trump in jail or anybody else? I doubt it but if you say so.. you must know how corrupt your country is better than I do.
Pictures of potential child trafficking or pedophilia would not land Trump in jail or anybody else? I doubt it but if you say so.. you must know how corrupt your country is better than I do.
Dude, Trump is a rapist.

Pedophilia is not something hunter is charged with in any court. I'm with @McLaren, get off Xitter. Some of what you seem to be listening to is coming from Putin.
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Well it's in my first sentence, corruption is all over the place, it's not just a republican thing, and I gave some great examples.
That's not an argument. That's an attempt to dismiss what I'd previously posted with pathetic whataboutery.
Imagine if it was Trump's laptop, he'd be in jail and rightfully so!
Now this is an argument. Unfortunately it's not relevant to what you sought to dismiss with pathetic whataboutery. It's also a logical fallacy.

This is what's commonly referred to as a counterfactual--or hypothesis contrary to fact--an informal logical fallacy. You've conditioned your conclusion, that Trump would be in jail, on the hypothetical scenario that the laptop belongs to Trump. Because the conclusion is conditioned on that which is not the the case, no specific evidence can be offered to validate or invalidate said conclusion. It's not falsifiable and it's intellectually dishonest.

"Let's face it, Trump could walk on water and all you'd be hearing is how terrible he is because he can't swim," is another example of this fallacy.
Pictures of potential child trafficking or pedophilia would not land Trump in jail or anybody else? I doubt it but if you say so.. you must know how corrupt your country is better than I do.
Trump was literally found guilty of sexual assault. He has admitted to underage peeking.
Mariah Billado, Miss Teen Vermont 1997 told BuzzFeed, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.'” Three other teenage contestants from the same year confirmed the story. The former pageant contestants discussed their memories of the incident after former Miss Arizona Tasha Dixon told Los Angeles’ CBS affiliate that Trump entered the Miss USA dressing room in 2001 when she was a contestant.
“I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone’s getting dressed and ready and everything else,” he said. “You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that,” he said.

What he has done is far worse in comparison to what has been found so far on Hunter's lap top.
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Legally liable for sexual battery that I call rape.
Okay so the reporting on the verdict is all over the place but, per the actual form provided by the jury foreperson, the jury found Trump liable for sexual abuse and forcible touching, but not rape as it's defined in New York criminal statute (forcible penetration by the penis). They also found that Trump had defamed Carroll.




Presiding Judge Kaplan clarified that what was found by the jury to have occurred was rape as it's recognized by the public even if not by the law. Indeed federal law defines what the jury found to have occurred as rape.

Legal liability may refer to either criminal or civil, and this wasn't a criminal trial but a civil one.

Why does battery somehow sound lighter than assault.
I don't necessarily agree that it does. I think assault is probably more colloquial. I do see that state laws vary on usage for the same acts, which is less than ideal for the purpose of understanding the law.
I don't necessarily agree that it does. I think assault is probably more colloquial. I do see that state laws vary on usage for the same acts, which is less than ideal for the purpose of understanding the law.
I always figured it was a legal doublet from the days of multiple languages within the legal system.
Okay so the reporting on the verdict is all over the place but, per the actual form provided by the jury foreperson, the jury found Trump liable for sexual abuse and forcible touching, but not rape as it's defined in New York criminal statute (forcible penetration by the penis). They also found that Trump had defamed Carroll.
Based on my understanding of the case, Carroll argued that he inserted his penis at least partially. My understanding is that the jury found that something like that must have happened, but positively identifying that it was his penis would be required under New York law at the time for it to be called rape (not anymore). I'm not sure what "sexual abuse" is unless it's sexual battery. But maybe that's my misunderstanding. Regardless, it is beyond assault.

There is another wrinkle, which is that the jury found that Trump's statement was false and with malice. Meaning his claim that Ms. Carroll was lying about being raped was wrong and with malice. That's my understanding. In a sense, this also appears to be a finding that he is legally liable for rape.
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Donald Trump is a sex offender. Surely that's bad enough on its own? In a local community that's usually grounds for being completely ostracised but it seems to be a professional requirement in public and political life.
Donald Trump is a sex offender. Surely that's bad enough on its own? In a local community that's usually grounds for being completely ostracised but it seems to be a professional requirement in public and political life.
I think if you looked at all of American politics, the number of sex offenders and/or people who should be convicted sex offenders would be incredibly shocking. The same could probably be said for many wealthy and influential people in the world too.
Donald Trump is a sex offender. Surely that's bad enough on its own? In a local community that's usually grounds for being completely ostracised but it seems to be a professional requirement in public and political life.
If you were abusive toward women, who would you vote for?
I actually prefer RFK
An anti-vax loon who recently tried to excuse his association with Epstein as follows:

“I’m in New York for most of my life. You run into everybody in New York,” Kennedy said. “I mean, I know Harvey Weinstein. I knew Roger Ailes. I knew, O.J. Simpson came to my house. Bill Cosby came to my house.”

But you prefer him, OK!