America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Viper Zero
Oh no, if Canada does that, we will have to make our own Avril Lavigne CDs!

The horror!

And your own coal...wheat...lumber...

And uh, $1,476,000,000,000 of your national budget comes from imports. Now just imagine if that all dissapeared?


Oh, and half of your northeastern seaboard's water+electricity would be gone.

And $ 795,000,000,000 worth of exports wouldn't be bought.

Not so worthless is the rest of the world, now is it?
We can get our own wheat, coal and lumber. It would be a higher price but we wouldn't die without out it. The only thing I would miss from Canada is Molson and Labats :D.
Once again we could move the plants easily. But with the automotive industry I really think more cars should be built in America and should not be built by the UAW. But I don't think thats going to happen. I doubt the CAW is much better, in fact it's more then likely just as bad.
You guys are making it sound like the U.S. is cutting off just Canada in that speech. Cutting relations with any one country size of Canada wouldn't be a major problem. Cutting off parts of the world would be a huge problem. Most of the world? suicidal IMO.
But we really need to focus more at home instead of worrying about other countries. It's ludicris on how much we spend (give) to other countries without getting anything in return.
U.S. action overseas isn't exactly a freebie "charity". A lot of resources from around the world ends up in the U.S., and IMO, U.S. gives little of it back in order to ensure the trend continues. If world is out of control, U.S. will have a tough time taking care of the " GLOBAL BU$INE$$".
Well half your country is Christian, so don't expect anything back. Gotta be moddest! ^.^

I just love how non-christians are always telling christians how they should act. :dunce:

Actually, it is always good to give and not expect a return. HOWEVER, to do that and let your own vineyard(home) be unkept is very much not the acto of a christian.

Song of Solomon 1:6
Look not upon me, because I [am] black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; [but] mine own vineyard have I not kept.
I have always said the US should worry about its own problems before it starts trying to police the world and take care of everybody else's.

Aslo, I doubt the US would shrivel up and implode without Canada, but I think we'd find a way to survive without the US as well if we needed to.
Has anyone seen Martial Law: 9-11 Rise of the Police State? If not,do it. Know the truth.
When was the last time I was serious?

Just thought this thread could do with a cheesy grin or two...
When was the last time I was serious?

Just thought this thread could do with a cheesy grin or two...

Well it was.....nah, to many occations to site. Heh heh. :dopey:
A wonderfull collection of Bush jokes ....who says democracy doesnt work ... :)

Kinky Freedman is a friend of George Dubya's go figure . My reguard for GWB went up .
I watched "farenheit 911" the other day, and the video evidence, interviews, and factual information it presented convinced me that the only reason we (yes, I'm an American) are in Iraq is because of corruption and the need for oil. Two things that got to me were that President Bush had business relations in an oil company with the president they planted in Iraq. The second thing is the soldiers that were interviewed. They have no idea why they are in Iraq and are not buying the whole "freedom" thing. Afghanistan is a whole different story from Iraq, the way I see it.

IF THIS HAS NOT BEEN DISSCUSSED BEFORE, I think it would be interesting what Americans and people from other countries think of this film. If this film has been discussed already in this thread, I apologize for bringing it back up.
I would take everything said in Micheal Moore's movies with a grain of salt. They are incrediably slanted and he makes the illusion that he knows what he is talking about. I suggest reading some less idiotic liberal material, instead of watching some big fat idiot talk about whatever.

Plus this is the same guy would said General Motors ruined Flint, MI. Which it didn't, in fact it had saved it for a while.

But if we are in Iraq for oil, why in God's name am I paying 2.59 a gallon for gas? I would think if we went to war for oil, the price would at least drop or stay constant. We are in Iraq because an insane mother was incharge, the reason we are still there is because if we leave the country will be even more screwed up then it is now.

I hate the media nowadays, they are the most bias things out there. You have CNN which slants rediculiously to the left, and Fox News which goes way right. I just want good news that tells me the facts and let me make up my mind.
I would take everything said in Micheal Moore's movies with a grain of salt. They are incrediably slanted and he makes the illusion that he knows what he is talking about. I suggest reading some less idiotic liberal material, instead of watching some big fat idiot talk about whatever.

I agree.

But if we are in Iraq for oil, why in God's name am I paying 2.59 a gallon for gas? I would think if we went to war for oil, the price would at least drop or stay constant.

I can answer that. For one, it would be too obvious. You can't get countries to back the US and tell them we're going to war so our people can pay less for gas. Doesn't work that way. :lol: If only life were that simple... :indiff:

As far as gas prices are concerned, that's another story. We use 65 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel every year! High demand equals higher prices. When you buy gas, you're paying for the crude oil ($65/bbl), the cost to refine the crude oil into gas/diesel, the distribution/marketing (Shell/Mobil -- the brand name and the shipping costs), taxes (varies depending on where you live), and individual station markup (because gas station attendents need to eat and a place to sleep). Anything that will negatively affect any part of the process of turning crude into the fuel you buy at the station will increase prices.

Where OPEC has a strong influence on crude oil supply, we have a strong influence on demand. :lol:

The US is the 2nd largest oil producer following only Saudi Arabia (if I remember correctly). All the hurricanes we had in the Gulf of Mexico (where the majority of our oil is) negatively affect supply -- hence -- increased prices (and that's just one example).

I hate the media nowadays, they are the most bias things out there. You have CNN which slants rediculiously to the left, and Fox News which goes way right. I just want good news that tells me the facts and let me make up my mind.

That'll never happen. Ever. The mainstream media and alternative media are both excellent sources of information. It all depends on how you use them.
Michael Moore is propaganda from the other camp. Exaggarating, the same way many American channels broadcast pro-government propaganda, especially during elections.

But that's America, to get attention you have to yell louder than everyone else.... which often means exaggarating of yelling controversial things of which you can expect it will piss of certain groups of people.
Interesting, I'll definitely look into this. Anyone on Moore's side? I want to see which way the argument goes, it seems kind of one-sided right now.
I thought he was cool, when he directed "Bowling for Columbine". But even then, I didn't belive everything he was saying. I thought it was a good eye opener on some interesting issues. With the " Fahrenheit 911", I couldn't belive anything he was saying. Once I realized his agenda, he lost his credibility from me.
I thought he was cool, when he directed "Bowling for Columbine". But even then, I didn't belive everything he was saying. I thought it was a good eye opener on some interesting issues. With the " Fahrenheit 911", I couldn't belive anything he was saying. Once I realized his agenda, he lost his credibility from me.

yeah, pretty much... You want the truth try Supersize Me :scared: :ill: