Dear America,
We are turning a corner. It seems like a joke to talk about people becoming more and more coddled. We all have a disease and expect special treatment, narcissism is an epidemic, young kids are suspended for talking about toy guns at home or making finger guns, and we have to have dogs on planes for anxiety. Well, when it seemed that it's hit its full ridiculousness it gets worse.
A high school football game in Texas had a 91-0 blowout. The winning team didn't play a starter after the first quarter, and only had third and second string players during the second half. A father from the losing team filed a bullying complaint against the winning coach.
Let's lay out the facts:
Texas high school football. It doesn't get more serious than that.
A father of a player. A Texan.
Bullying complaint filed.
One of those three doesn't belong. Can you imagine being the kid of this guy? I'd be insulted! This wasn't a fight, abuse, or even online stalking. It was a football game. A game where pads are necessary to avoid injury, and injuries still happen. You let your son play a game where he will be hit, knocked on his butt, and likely concussed or worse but you won't let him learn to deal with a loss? Hand in your man card, dad card, and never step foot on a sports field again. You sir, clearly do not have an understanding of what sports and competition is about.
The article I posted is an opinion piece bashing the father, because it needs to be seen what kind of nationwide shame he has brought his son. No wonder he had his name redacted. I only hope his son doesn't know it was him. My dad beat me and my brother (aggressively punished is the better term, no bleeding or bruises), but I would take my dad over this guy any day.
And before someone reacts to the complaint being taken serious, the files were dropped by investigators.
It says something about our reaction to bullying when rules require that even the most stupidly frivolous case must be investigated, but at least the investigative body has some common sense.
And if you agree with this parent:
There is only one exception.
That's right. You're the Tim Tebow of parenting.