America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
This is insane though. The thought police are in full force, even objecting to supporting your friend, who is dying of cancer.

I have a challenge to my Heart Walk team that I will shave my head if I raise a certain amount of money. It is harmless, and not worth making a girl miss school. If anything it is an opportunity for the school to address issues such as cancer and dying, by letting the girl explain her reasoning. It creates awareness.

But no, she wasn't being a good automaton and must be punished. Her reasoning does not matter. Nor does her ability to actually attend school.
Oh come now. Surely you know by now that obeying each and every little authoritarian diktat is far more important that piddling little concerns such as getting an education or actually caring about another human being.

Could other for-profit businesses hijack religion and use it as a loophole out of certain practices - who would be the judge in drawing the line between strong religions convictions and smart business acumen?
Yeah, that's a real concern, at least I believe it is. I foresee more corporations "getting religion" when convenient/profitable to do so.

Frankly I don't see how a corporation can have "religious convictions" in the first place. The owner of a proprietorship, certainly. But not a publicly traded corporation.
It seems like undue weight is put on religion over there. I can't imagine those cases getting anywhere near the SCOTUS if they were extremely moral atheists. Could other for-profit businesses hijack religion and use it as a loophole out of certain practices - who would be the judge in drawing the line between strong religions convictions and smart business acumen?
Along with freedom of speech and press the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution protects expression of religion, and prevents laws that favor religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Keep in mind also, many of the earliest colonists were running from religious persecution. We not only wrote laws preventing the things England was doing at the time of the American Revolution, but preventing the things that caused people to risk their lives to get away from.

If you believe in free speech, free thought, and free expression then religion is an extension of that. Why would owning a business suddenly strip you of those rights?

Yeah, that's a real concern, at least I believe it is. I foresee more corporations "getting religion" when convenient/profitable to do so.

Frankly I don't see how a corporation can have "religious convictions" in the first place. The owner of a proprietorship, certainly. But not a publicly traded corporation.
Hobby Lobby is privately owned, and their religious beliefs are part of their mission statement.

At Hobby Lobby, we value our customers and employees and are committed to:
  • Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with biblical principles.
  • Offering our customers exceptional selection and value in the crafts and home decor market.
  • Serving our employees and their families by establishing a work environment and company policies that build character, strengthen individuals and nurture families.
  • Providing a return on the owner's investment, sharing the Lord's blessings with our employees, and investing in our community.
I'm pretty sure a company started by religious people and run with those values will be easily differentiated by a company that suddenly "found" religion for profit.
I'm pretty sure a company started by religious people and run with those values will be easily differentiated by a company that suddenly "found" religion for profit.
Oh, absolutely. Not arguing that at all. I'm just saying that I'm afraid there will be companies with no such mission statement or anything like that suddenly "finding religion" when they think it's to their benefit to do so.

Edit: I should mention I was not trying to imply that Hobby Lobby falls in the group of "conveniently religious" companies I see coming.
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EDIT: This is insane though. The thought police are in full force, even objecting to supporting your friend, who is dying of cancer.
You guys in the US are so backwards.

About 3 months backwards in fact - a school here required a girl to "make alternative arrangements" for her education back in January after she shaved her head to raise money for a charity inspired by the cancer-related death of her best friend.

Quite why she needed "alternative arragements" has never been adequately explained.
You guys in the US are so backwards.

About 3 months backwards in fact - a school here required a girl to "make alternative arrangements" for her education back in January after she shaved her head to raise money for a charity inspired by the cancer-related death of her best friend.

Quite why she needed "alternative arragements" has never been adequately explained.

Perhaps it's because schoolgirls are expected to wear make-up and compete in popularity contests? The appearance of a schoolgirl deliberately mutilating herself would be so traumatizing/damaging to the desired social ethic as to almost amount to domestic terrorism - or an unwanted and anarchic display of hysterical emotion, bound to disturb the less resilient. Maybe.
You guys in the US are so backwards.

About 3 months backwards in fact - a school here required a girl to "make alternative arrangements" for her education back in January after she shaved her head to raise money for a charity inspired by the cancer-related death of her best friend.

Quite why she needed "alternative arragements" has never been adequately explained.

I like how not having hair is considered an "extreme hair style."
I'm so glad to see we are following Europe's lead. This must mean that we are becoming more civilized by doing this, or so some would have us believe.

Anyway, a couple of videos.

Speaking of Europe, those guys are rude. Or they aren's so sold on President Obama's rhetoric anymore. Is it traditonal to not clap and just walk out after head of state speaks?

I do love the one guy that tried to start with a slow clap.:lol:

Speaking of laughing, this guy calls out Dianne Feinstein's hypocrisy by parodying Alanis Morissette.

Speaking of Europe, those guys are rude. Or they aren's so sold on President Obama's rhetoric anymore. Is it traditonal to not clap and just walk out after head of state speaks?

I wouldn't call it "speaking", he was answering a question in a news conference from the looks of things. That's his job just is its the job of the hacks to collect whatever he says and turn it into "news". They're all at work... it's not the Oscars ;)

Surely you didn't think that your jobbing democratically-elected civil servant was any more important than ours? Next time we'll arrange to have him carried shoulder-high through our cobbled streets while we try to forget all about PRISM :D
I wouldn't call it "speaking", he was answering a question in a news conference from the looks of things. That's his job just is its the job of the hacks to collect whatever he says and turn it into "news". They're all at work... it's not the Oscars ;)

Surely you didn't think that your jobbing democratically-elected civil servant was any more important than ours? Next time we'll arrange to have him carried shoulder-high through our cobbled streets while we try to forget all about PRISM :D
Here, everyone stands when a head of state enters a room. When they leave a press conference there is noise as everyone is grabbing pictures and still trying to ask questions. It can get kind of hectic. And ina formal setting like that one you usually have applaus. Thee is general respect for the office, if not the person.

It is why the presdent will shake the hand and/or bow when meeting a foreign head of state, even if we are not allied nations. Of course, that turns into a giant ordeal too.

Anyway, long story short; here, even if in a press conference, it is not dead silent with everyone trying to pack up their bags before the head of state leaves the room, as if they can't get out fast enough. As in most etiquette situations, you allow the host or guest of honor to leave before you try to.
And ina formal setting like that one you usually have applaus. Thee is general respect for the office, if not the person.

My understanding is that something like this happens during the State of the Union as well. The applause as the President walks in is a sign of respect for the Office, but not necessarily for the person in Office.
Speaking of Europe, those guys are rude. Or they aren's so sold on President Obama's rhetoric anymore. Is it traditonal to not clap and just walk out after head of state speaks?

I do love the one guy that tried to start with a slow clap.:lol:

The non-clapping is your clue that Europe feels very sour about joining Obama's sanctions regime against Russia. Europe fears he is trying to sell them a double-price sleigh-ride to hell.
The stereotype as I understand it is that Europeans in general aren't scared to show lack of respect. If they like you they're nice people but if they don't they'll let you know.
So was I supposed to sign up for this Obamacare nonsense? I never received a letter in the mail like I do for my car registration. I haven't even received any emails.
****I never received a letter in the mail like I do for my car registration. I haven't even received any emails.

We received two phone calls from the ACA folks mentioning the deadlines during the past week. Since my son can get coverage thru the State Obamacare Plans, this was not surprising since we live in Massachusetts.:)

So was I supposed to sign up for this Obamacare nonsense? I never received a letter in the mail like I do for my car registration. I haven't even received any emails.
Are you too old to be on your parent's plan?
So was I supposed to sign up for this Obamacare nonsense? I never received a letter in the mail like I do for my car registration. I haven't even received any emails.

I heard that opting out without a fine was easy since you could say that you were unable to find an insurer (or something along these lines).
Are you too old to be on your parent's plan?
Yes, and I'm eligible for Medicaid (thanks Turbotax). I began signing up, I think I made an account, but I said screw it and went about my business.

I also have an unpaid parking ticket from Columbus - I'll find out if my registration has been blocked when I try to renew it here soon. Call me a rebel.
Yes, and I'm eligible for Medicaid (thanks Turbotax). I began signing up, I think I made an account, but I said screw it and went about my business.

I also have an unpaid parking ticket from Columbus - I'll find out if my registration has been blocked when I try to renew it here soon. Call me a rebel.
A woman at work (Department for Public Health) was looking at the penalty for low income people and in some cases it was $95...a year, increasing year after year. The cheapest health plan available through Kentucky's exchange: $150...a month.

Gee, I wonder why they are having trouble signing people up?

Find out what your penalty is. It might be cheaper to pay that.
What happens if I don't pay it?
I believe the fine is 1% of your annual income.

I didn't realize it, but I was kicked from my non-ACA insurance at the beginning of the year.

I just signed up with a Blue cross/Blue Shield of Texas ACA account. I am paying a little less, but the deduction is higher. Also, I am no longer a smoker. In a normal group plan I am sure I would be paying much less.
I thought this was America.

Come on guys don't ruin it for me before I get there. Where the hell else is a Canadian Libertarian to go? I guess there's Alberta but it's too cold there even for me.

If only I were better at hockey. I would totally sign in Florida or Dallas.
I believe the fine is 1% of your annual income.

Its my understanding that the penalty is either 1% of your income above $20,000, or $95, whichever is greater.

So the breakeven point would be an income of $29,500

This is for 2014.
Perhaps it's because schoolgirls are expected to wear make-up and compete in popularity contests? The appearance of a schoolgirl deliberately mutilating herself would be so traumatizing/damaging to the desired social ethic as to almost amount to domestic terrorism - or an unwanted and anarchic display of hysterical emotion, bound to disturb the less resilient. Maybe.

More like idiots at the school coming up with arbitrary policies that they feel they need to enforce to the letter. Give a moron some power and this is what you get.
Its my understanding that the penalty is either 1% of your income above $20,000, or $95, whichever is greater.

So the breakeven point would be an income of $29,500

This is for 2014.

Yep, people focus on that ninety five dollar penalty and forget the "or one percent of your income, whichever is greater" part. As you say, it's at $29,500. Which means that a lot of people who would "only" be liable for $95 would probably be eligible for a subsidy anyway.

This being the government, though, things are a bit more complicated. It's $95 per adult, and $47.50 per child. And the tax can't come to more than a year's "bronze plan premium". Never mind that you'd need a hell of a lot of income, or a hell of a lot of kids, or both, before you approached the minimum premium.

And that's just this year. Next year it's $325 or 2%, in 2016 it's $625 or 2.5%, etc.

Of course, you can ask for an exemption from the tax. You need a reason, but "my puppy ate the bill" would be good enough.
It's the IRS so I think they can garnish your wages.
What would happen if I lie about my race on the application? Yes, seriously. Because hispanics and blacks tend to get better benefits out of stuff like this.
Yes, and I'm eligible for Medicaid (thanks Turbotax). I began signing up, I think I made an account, but I said screw it and went about my business.

If you are eligible for Medicaid, then its my understanding that the March 31st deadline does not apply. You should still be able to apply and get covered this year. I recommend that you log back on and continue with your application and see what happens.

I thought this was America.

Come on guys don't ruin it for me before I get there. Where the hell else is a Canadian Libertarian to go? I guess there's Alberta but it's too cold there even for me.

If only I were better at hockey. I would totally sign in Florida or Dallas.
Where to go is dependent on what you value most. Texas and Florida are good on taxes, but Texas is a state where a lot of frivolous lawsuits occur because they are easier to win there. Most patent troll attorneys have an unused office there just for that reason and I've run across a lot of PC stuff in Florida.

Colorado and Washington are lenient on marijuana but not guns.

Kentucky has moderate taxes and the government likes to get caught up in national politics, usually leading to jumping on board with every federal program. We had the most successful Obamacare implementation in the nation. It can also be a bit religious and bigoted. We amended our state constitution to ban gay marriage and the Democrat governor is challenging a court ruling forcing the state to recognize out-of-state gay marriage. And some of our alcohol laws are insane, but our homegrown stuff is pretty good.

But political correctness doesn't run amok. While other places are suspending or expelling kids for finger guns, even placing a weapons violation on their records, a kid here brought a toy gun to school and when people tried to get upset the principal told them that they were blowing it out of proportion and just told the kid to leave his toy guns at home. Also, how big do you like your guns? We have special shooting events for military-grade weapons. Bourbon. Low crime rates. A local economy that barely felt the housing crash. And Rand Paul.

You have to pick and choose.

@Keef please don't pick Medicaid. Being forced to buy a plan you don't want/need is preferable to forcing others to pay for a plan you don't want/need.