America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I can already tell you that I can't name all the state capitols. Why? Because some of them don't really matter.

I can only name a few Presidents, mostly the worst ones to ever hold office. Yeah, they're the same ones you know. Why are they the worst? Because they all made terrible decisions. But everybody knows them because those awful decisions were popular with the masses.

Generally, a president who didn't do anything worth talking about was a good president.
Rather disappointed in myself that I only got 42 of the presidents. Forgot Arthur and Taft.

@ledhed14, why the link to that article? Are there really that many ignoramuses who think it's "amature"?
Rather disappointed in myself that I only got 42 of the presidents. Forgot Arthur and Taft.

@ledhed14, why the link to that article? Are there really that many ignoramuses who think it's "amature"?

If they've seen the word "armature" with a similar root then maybe... I think @ledhed14 got confused :D

It's a pretty amateur misteak.
Actually I was drinking beer and used spell check and somehow that link came up and I thought it was funny .
Yeungling pints can have that effect .
Mass shooters exist because no one was able to place a few shots at center mass and end the activity .
Its the insanity of banning legal carry of a firearm when you are hopelessly unable to prevent illegal use .
A high security military base being a prime example .
What chance do people have in a " gun free zone " ?
Its idiocy and just another liberal idea that doesn't work , like Chicago and Detroit etc.
So now add right wing gun nut to my label , because I fail to see how gun restrictions work in the USA in any place they are in existence.
The only way you stop bad guy with a firearm is by having another person with a firearm make him unable to perform .
I may be a social liberal by USA standards and an insane right wing loon by European standards .
.But the simple fact is you can't stop suicidal people but can limit the carnage , without infringing on a Right granted and affirmed by the SCOTUS called the 2cnd amendment. The right to not be infringed being the courts basis for the majority opinion.
We can become more of an intrusive government police state , but its not working out so well .
And my liberal friends forget the pendulum swings and the nutty right will just take the gift the left is giving and use it on them .
True liberals would not allow the current government to get away with its abuses .
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So Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Che, and Pol Pot were not big government liberals? Oh wait we're talking about mass shootings not mass genocides. Elliot Rodger wasn't a Hollywood Liberal Democrat, that lived in California at state that has draconian gun control laws, and posted his manifesto on Youtube? Yeah ok prove me otherwise.

Then there's Richard Martinez what fine piece of work blaming the NRA for the shooting when he lives in the state of California. Which I pointed out earlier that California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the United States.

Oh purlease. Kiehne couldn't back that claim up and nor can you, it's patently silly. Check out the Daily Mail website in the UK, you'll love it :D
So Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Che, and Pol Pot were not big government liberals? Oh wait we're talking about mass shootings not mass genocides. Elliot Rodger wasn't a Hollywood Liberal Democrat, that lived in California at state that has draconian gun control laws, and posted his manifesto on Youtube? Yeah ok prove me otherwise.

Then there's Richard Martinez what fine piece of work blaming the NRA for the shooting when he lives in the state of California. Which I pointed out earlier that California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the United States.

No, I don't prove you otherwise, you back up the statement... show that Elliot Rodger was, seeing as you named him first. I'm not sure that everyone who lives in California is a Liberal Democrat (maybe someone who is from the States could help us out on that one?). Richard Martinez is a Liberal Democrat if that's true, but I haven't seen anything in your sentence to say so.

You're at 0 so far and still have to attain "most".
Hitler...a liberal?! I want some of what you're smoking.

A) Hands off,

B) Beeker originally said that the killer;

...was a liberal democrat like most of mass shooters for past 15 years....

Challenged on that he added;

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Che, and Pol Pot were not big government liberals?

But we were talking about mass shootings rather than genocide...

Oh wait we're talking about mass shootings not mass genocides.


Personally I think we should be looking at Beeker's stash first... :D
You can have my stash it's in my lotion room I mean my shed out back :dunce:

Seung-Hui Cho hated the rich students, hated GW Bush, and made a video manifesto stating it.

Elliot Rodger - Born in the UK, lived in the Peoples Republic of California, Son of a liberal Hollywood director, blamed others on his life problems, made a 144 page manifesto, and made a video posted it on the Internet.

Jared Lee Loughner was a former radical liberal before going crazy hated both Republicans and Democrats.

Then there's Jonestown.....
Yeah, somehow I don't see a raging misogynist like Rodger as "liberal".

As for Jonestown? That seems more like religious fundamentalism gone seriously, seriously wrong.
So Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Che, and Pol Pot were not big government liberals? Oh wait we're talking about mass shootings not mass genocides. Elliot Rodger wasn't a Hollywood Liberal Democrat, that lived in California at state that has draconian gun control laws, and posted his manifesto on Youtube? Yeah ok prove me otherwise.

Then there's Richard Martinez what fine piece of work blaming the NRA for the shooting when he lives in the state of California. Which I pointed out earlier that California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the United States.

I'm not sure that everyone who lives in California is a Liberal Democrat (maybe someone who is from the States could help us out on that one?).
Anywhere in the country, you'll often find liberals/democrats clustered in urban areas. California happens to have some very populous urban areas. The reason Illinois always votes liberal is because Chicago is a primate city in Illinois - the same goes for New York City in New York state. However, California has at least three metro areas along the coast nearly as big as Chicago and that are historically where more carefree people reside.
Mass shooters exist because no one was able to place a few shots at center mass and end the activity .
Its the insanity of banning legal carry of a firearm when you are hopelessly unable to prevent illegal use .
A high security military base being a prime example .
What chance do people have in a " gun free zone " ?
Its idiocy and just another liberal idea that doesn't work , like Chicago and Detroit etc.
So now add right wing gun nut to my label , because I fail to see how gun restrictions work in the USA in any place they are in existence.
The only way you stop bad guy with a firearm is by having another person with a firearm make him unable to perform .
I may be a social liberal by USA standards and an insane right wing loon by European standards .
.But the simple fact is you can't stop suicidal people but can limit the carnage , without infringing on a Right granted and affirmed by the SCOTUS called the 2cnd amendment. The right to not be infringed being the courts basis for the majority opinion.
We can become more of an intrusive government police state , but its not working out so well .
And my liberal friends forget the pendulum swings and the nutty right will just take the gift the left is giving and use it on them .
True liberals would not allow the current government to get away with its abuses .
Liberals are what wrong with society.
Last time I checked, liberals weren't the ones who started the Civil War just to defend their states' "right" to allow slavery. They weren't the ones who fought tooth and nail to stop women or black people from voting.
The clownfeet Administration outed Afghan CIA station chief ..the beat plays on.

GTP_GTDOJO by many standards in the US I am a liberal . BUT because i oppose mediocre to abysmal record of actual performance of the current " executive order " in chief they pulled my club card.

when I grew up protesting the war in SE Asia , Liberals had NO trust in government .
Now they are the government and have become what they feared the most .
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How many of you are familiar with competitive eating?

How many of you are familiar with The Big Texan restaurant in Amarillo, TX?

How many of you are familiar with The 72oz Steak Challenge that the restaurant offers?

Do you know what, as of yesterday, the current record of completing said challenge was?

The answer to the last question was held by professional eater Joey Chestnut, who ate the steak in a shade under 9 minutes. Then came Molly Schuyler. She smashed the record set by Chestnut, completing the challenge in a staggering 4 minutes and 48 seconds. To put this accomplishment in perspective, the only thing that has beaten that record is a 500 pound Siberian Tiger, who tore into the steak in 90 seconds.

Then she did something daring...

...She asked for seconds!

By the end of the day, she successfully eaten 144 ounces of steak, 2 rolls with butter, 2 baked potatoes, Ranch Beans, 2 shrimp cocktails, and 2 salads in 14 minutes and 53 seconds.

And they say that a way to a man's heart is through is stomach...
And they say that a way to a man's heart is through is stomach...

That would be medical malpractice, and there's little chance of boring through any American's stomach from the sound of things :D

I once saw someone eat a burger with 3lb of beef, 3lb of cheese and an amusing side-salad. That in itself was something to see. They won a green t-shirt which seemed rather apt when they were helped into it by friends.

By my reckoning Miss Schuyler ate 9lbs of steak?

Her lavatorial arrangements must be quite a feat of engineering.
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How many of you are familiar with competitive eating?

How many of you are familiar with The Big Texan restaurant in Amarillo, TX?

How many of you are familiar with The 72oz Steak Challenge that the restaurant offers?

Do you know what, as of yesterday, the current record of completing said challenge was?

The answer to the last question was held by professional eater Joey Chestnut, who ate the steak in a shade under 9 minutes. Then came Molly Schuyler. She smashed the record set by Chestnut, completing the challenge in a staggering 4 minutes and 48 seconds. To put this accomplishment in perspective, the only thing that has beaten that record is a 500 pound Siberian Tiger, who tore into the steak in 90 seconds.

Then she did something daring...

...She asked for seconds!

By the end of the day, she successfully eaten 144 ounces of steak, 2 rolls with butter, 2 baked potatoes, Ranch Beans, 2 shrimp cocktails, and 2 salads in 14 minutes and 53 seconds.

And they say that a way to a man's heart is through is stomach...
As to the first three questions, no idea. I hadn't known the answer to the fourth until I read your post.