You see, I've spent plenty of time operating guns, bows, and knives. I used a knife just yesterday to cut a sandwich in half. I'll probably use one today. Occasionally I even use knives to slice meat. I rather enjoy putting an arrow on a target, and I like the satisfaction of hitting the little animated metal duck that goes around in circles. "Ting" goes the duck, and it folds backward indicating that I scored a hit. Then it comes back around to let me try again.
You see, with all of this time around guns, bows, and knives, I've never once developed the interest in using those weapons to go kill an animal. Not even a little. Not even a duck! Even when I'm using a knife to carve a piece of an animal on thanksgiving day, I still don't suddenly want to go stab a live turkey. Some people do want to hunt. They have their reasons, of course, because I'm sure hunting can be fun. But an interest in hunting is an entirely separate interest in an entirely separate activity. Sure maybe their interest in hunting causes them to train more with guns, but it's not a remotely similar interest when it comes to the nuts and bolts.
I like bowling. I throw the ball at the pins. Never once has that made me interested in trying to kill anything with a bowling ball.