America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Because the only reason any President ever works with other politicians is if he has a shot at re-election?

You've just described U.S. politics in one sentence. :cheers:

Here is the priority list of a politician;

1: Keeping themselves in office.
2: Keeping their party in office.
3: The citizens of the United States.

rather than just being in it to prove to the world that he does in fact have the largest member in the history of the human race.

He'll be too worried about where other people put theirs to do that.
You've just described U.S. politics in one sentence. :cheers:

Here is the priority list of a politician;

1: Keeping themselves in office.
2: Keeping their party in office.
3: The citizens of the United States.

And so if the first two are off the table thanks to his predecessor poisoning the well, the third automatically goes too because...why?

He'll be too worried about where other people put theirs to do that.

I take it you missed that it was a comparison with Trump's motivation for taking office.
Fox news gets the highest ratings of the other cable news networks because most Americans believe it over the other cable new networks.

You got a source for that?

It doesn't mean that the major three broadcast networks show them any respect. They don't.

Are you aware of any particularly compelling reason that they should?
As it turns out, Trump was spied upon by the intel community. Names were released probably very illegally. Investigation to follow. This was announced by Chairman Nunes of the US House Intelligence Committee.
As it turns out, Trump was spied upon by the intel community. Names were released probably very illegally. Investigation to follow. This was announced by Chairman Nunes of the US House Intelligence Committee.

While true, and good to see some verified proof, it should be well noted that there is still absolutely no proof Obama ordered it or had any idea of it.
Just like every other US citizen?

Shocked, I am.
I don't suppose the investigation the incidental spying upon Trump and his associates was necessarily illegal, but that the release of the names of people in his staff and associates was illegal

I don't suppose Obama necessarily ordered it, but that he was aware of it and failed to take steps to prevent the illegal release of names of people incidentally spied upon.
I don't suppose the investigation the incidental spying upon Trump and his associates was necessarily illegal, but that the release of the names of people in his staff and associates was illegal

I don't suppose Obama necessarily ordered it, but that he was aware of it and failed to take steps to prevent the illegal release of names of people incidentally spied upon.

Once again no proof of such and even top republicans note that.
And so if the first two are off the table thanks to his predecessor poisoning the well, the third automatically goes too because...why?

I wouldn't say #2 is off the table though. Given the timing of this whole thing the Republican's would still have 2.5-3 years to rebuild their reputation. Plus it's not like the party was ever 100% behind Trump in the first place.

I take it you missed that it was a comparison with Trump's motivation for taking office.

And Pence's is to remove the rights of homosexual's and female's. Pick your poison my friend, neither are a good option, but at least with Trump it comes with a warning label.

It's good to see that the President is staying focused on the important stuff.

To be fair to Trump, chances are he has a team of lawyers that keep an eye out for unauthorized uses of his "brand". He very well may have only found out after the lawsuit had already been filed, which isn't unheard of in copyright law (I know it's happened with Metallica on a couple occasions).

That being said, surely one of the lawyers would realize that parody is covered under fair use. :lol:
Just like every other US citizen?

Shocked, I am.

Unless every other citizen was in contact with foreign persons and entities, then no. My understanding from the Nunes comments is that foreign persons were under surveillance and that 'anything Trump' that came up during the surveillance just happened to be recorded too. In other words, they were not intentionally recording Trump's and his associates, they just happened to be recording other people who happened to have contact with Trump's transition team. I'm not sure if I buy that it was accidental but that is the line being given at this time.
You claimed right wing propaganda only comes from marginalised sources, neither the White House or Fox are marginal sources.
The major networks average about 24 million viewers a night. Fox News' top rated show gets about 4 million viewers a night. Hannity the right wing propagandist, only gets about 3.1 million viewers.

I am one of those 24 million viewers. They rarely have anything positive to say about President Trump. I nearly fell over after Trump's speech before the Joint session of the United States Congress. That is the only time I can remember the press speaking positively about the man.

Meanwhile, Scaff, there is other breaking news, so I will hold off on answering the rest of your post. Oh, and sorry to hear about London.

You got a source for that?
Poll: Fox News most trusted network
So Fox news back in 2015 was found to be the most trusted liar, but in that same article it also shows that the American public didn't trust or had a declining trust in cable news anyways. So being the best of the liars doesn't mean you're still not a liar.

Your source has Fox as the most-trusted source for 29% of Americans. That's a far cry from:

Fox news gets the highest ratings of the other cable news networks because most Americans believe it over the other cable new networks.

The logical conclusion from your source is that 71% of Americans don't trust Fox more than the other guys.

Since "most" means "more than half," I'd say your claim had it backwards.
The point is that US people trust Fox news network more than they do any other rival TV news network. Everybody knows they all lie out the arse. Fox is currently the least bad of a bad lot in terms of trustworthiness.
The major networks average about 24 million viewers a night. Fox News' top rated show gets about 4 million viewers a night. Hannity the right wing propagandist, only gets about 3.1 million viewers.

I am one of those 24 million viewers. They rarely have anything positive to say about President Trump. I nearly fell over after Trump's speech before the Joint session of the United States Congress. That is the only time I can remember the press speaking positively about the man.

Meanwhile, Scaff, there is other breaking news, so I will hold off on answering the rest of your post. Oh, and sorry to hear about London.

Poll: Fox News most trusted network
That doesn't make Fox news a marginalised source, and you seem to be forgetting the White House.

You are also comparing the total viewing figures for three networks with the figures for a single one, which is of course going to make it look much smaller than it actually is in comparison to each of it rivals.

Right wing propaganda is no more a product of the margins alone than a claim that the left wing (and in reality it's far from left wing) is.
The point is that US people trust Fox news network more than they do any other rival TV news network. Everybody knows they all lie out the arse. Fox is currently the least bad of a bad lot in terms of trustworthiness.

I'll never forget the Fox article on Mass Effect's pornography, I got a good laugh at that one. Basically they said there was all this provacative nudity, steamy relations and played it up to be more than it was, when in reality all we got from the scene was a little side-boob action. I didn't visit Fox news for years after that. A year or two later is when CNN started to get bad, journalism became very shoddy, of poor quality, then many of the others went downhill after that. Honest, objective reporting is hard to find these days. Walter Cronkite is rolling in his grave....
Walter Cronkite is rolling in his grave....
My Uncle Bud, a carpenter, dubbed him "Walter Concrete", such was the solidity and strength of his word. There was a time when he was probably the most trusted man in the nation.

With respect to selling the Vietnam war to the public, LBJ once quipped, If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.”
The point is that US people trust Fox news network more than they do any other rival TV news network.

That the number behind that is 29% doesn't really make much of a point at all. And if that was his point, then that's what he should have said.

As it stands, what he did say is strongly undermined by his own source.

Everybody knows they all lie out the arse. Fox is currently the least bad of a bad lot in terms of trustworthiness.

That doesn't necessarily follow.

Considering that Fox itself labels the rest of them as the "liberal mainstream media," it stands to reason that the other 71% all agree that Fox is garbage, but their loyalties are split among all the other networks.

In the dichotomous Fox-vs-everybody scenario they imagine, they're losing the trustworthiness battle - badly - to the other side.
My Uncle Bud, a carpenter, dubbed him "Walter Concrete", such was the solidity and strength of his word. There was a time when he was probably the most trusted man in the nation.

With respect to selling the Vietnam war to the public, LBJ once quipped, If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.”

I never knew LBJ said that, wow, he was sure right on the money with that one. That's something I don't think we'll ever see again either. Instead of a couple channels on the tube with news, now we have so many different choices and the internet too. Back in those days you really only had a few news anchors and the newspapers to rely on for news, so you could have what seemed like a 'singular trusted voice' telling you what was happening in the world, now the news world is incredibly diverse.
T it stands to reason that the other 71% all agree that Fox is garbage, but their loyalties are split among all the other networks.
Personally, I think they're all garbage, all of them.

But with Fox, especially FBN, you're a little more likely to see and hear the occasional libertarian.
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The point is that US people trust Fox news network more than they do any other rival TV news network. Everybody knows they all lie out the arse. Fox is currently the least bad of a bad lot in terms of trustworthiness.

They were the only one to allow the bowling green massacre faux to be a simple mistake and then some. While others quickly corrected the non-existent event. Fox isn't the least bad of the bad, that poll doesn't prove that, that poll only proves that 29% believe the trite. Just because those willing to rely on cable news find Fox the most "honest", doesn't make them the most honest or somewhat.
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Point out the issue, I'll address it.

There are so many issues with the way you express yourself, it's hard to know where to begin. Just as an example, these are two sentences that are so convoluted that their meaning is lost:

If riding the hope that some how there were more registered dems voting in key states was all the reason Hillary lost, then that was an awful plan and shows exactly why she lost. Which is still bar Comey, cause as you said his report said they were just investigating further what had already been well investigated prior, and still not fully accepted as showing "innocence".

That aside you seem to be actually saying the same thing as me: Clinton lost the election because a sector of Democratic voters sat out the election because they didn't like Clinton & were disgusted with the way the DNC handled the primaries. For those sitting on the fence, I think Comey's last minute report about additional Emails may have tipped the balance decisively against Clinton in the last few days of the campaign. Given the closeness of the vote, a couple of percentage points one way or the other were decisive in determining the outcome of the election.

As far as Sanders is concerned:

I don't see any virtue in selling out your personal beliefs of bettering a nation, just to help some group who I'll remind everyone stabbed the guy in the back, just to stop some supposed common enemy. There is no common enemy, there is only serving the American populous and making sure their future only gets better.

Unlike Trump, Sanders is not a reflexively vindictive person. In spite of the fact that he was not really treated fairly by the DNC, he chose to throw his support behind Clinton precisely because he believed that "there is only serving the American populous and making sure their future only gets better" & that Clinton would do that better than Trump. What's so hard to understand about that?
There are so many issues with the way you express yourself, it's hard to know where to begin. Just as an example, these are two sentences that are so convoluted that their meaning is lost:

That aside you seem to be actually saying the same thing as me: Clinton lost the election because a sector of Democratic voters sat out the election because they didn't like Clinton & were disgusted with the way the DNC handled the primaries. For those sitting on the fence, I think Comey's last minute report about additional Emails may have tipped the balance decisively against Clinton in the last few days of the campaign. Given the closeness of the vote, a couple of percentage points one way or the other were decisive in determining the outcome of the election.

Not seeing the difficulty in it. I simply said if Hillary and co expected to win the election based on there being enough dems to put her over, that was in itself stupid. Considering it was clear that what would win the election was demographics and non-party voters.

Also from the get go I was saying that certain groups sat out based on their ideals. Be it Sanders voters that were cheated, or Obama voters that didn't like Clinton in 08 and still didn't in 16. What other voters are there other than undecided that would have helped her win? Thus it seems all too obvious that Comey didn't help her lose at all, many other things had it going against her before the second investigation happened. As I said the continuous stream of wikileaks info, and the handling of it by the Obama admin and others linked to Clinton only inflated the issue.

As far as Sanders is concerned:

Unlike Trump, Sanders is not a reflexively vindictive person. In spite of the fact that he was not really treated fairly by the DNC, he chose to throw his support behind Clinton precisely because he believed that "there is only serving the American populous and making sure their future only gets better" & that Clinton would do that better than Trump. What's so hard to understand about that?

Has nothing to do with being vindictive, and everything to do with Principle. The fact you find it hard to say he was actually cheated is telling. As for supporting Clinton you could look at it that way or you could look at it the way I've already pointed out. When one gives up their supposed ideals, in support of something quite different it's not a benefit to the greater good. All it is is playing on a team.

If he actually believed playing on a team was the right call he'd have given up the run much earlier, or perhaps not ran at all. If he actually held to his convictions he'd have ran third party easily to offer his solution to making America better. Nothing is hard to understand, just cause you accept it doesn't make the action any less questionable.
You are also comparing the total viewing figures for three networks with the figures for a single one, which is of course going to make it look much smaller than it actually is in comparison to each of it rivals.
Yes, because they are all the same. It is Fox that is unique. Fox viewership is also much smaller than the smallest of the big three.

Tonight on the ABC Evening News they did a story about the new revelations into the Trump transition team being surveilled. They made a point of showing his tweets and his use of the words "wire tap" to discredit him. Again, this is a 70 year old man using the language he knows.
Not seeing the difficulty in it. I simply said if Hillary and co expected to win the election based on there being enough dems to put her over, that was in itself stupid. Considering it was clear that what would win the election was demographics and non-party voters.

Also from the get go I was saying that certain groups sat out based on their ideals. Be it Sanders voters that were cheated, or Obama voters that didn't like Clinton in 08 and still didn't in 16. What other voters are there other than undecided that would have helped her win? Thus it seems all too obvious that Comey didn't help her lose at all, many other things had it going against her before the second investigation happened. As I said the continuous stream of wikileaks info, and the handling of it by the Obama admin and others linked to Clinton only inflated the issue.

Has nothing to do with being vindictive, and everything to do with Principle. The fact you find it hard to say he was actually cheated is telling. As for supporting Clinton you could look at it that way or you could look at it the way I've already pointed out. When one gives up their supposed ideals, in support of something quite different it's not a benefit to the greater good. All it is is playing on a team.

If he actually believed playing on a team was the right call he'd have given up the run much earlier, or perhaps not ran at all. If he actually held to his convictions he'd have ran third party easily to offer his solution to making America better. Nothing is hard to understand, just cause you accept it doesn't make the action any less questionable.

You are making all sorts of unfounded assumptions. Why do you assume that "Hillary and co" (what is the "and co"?) expected to win "based on there being enough dems to put her over"? What does that even mean? What on earth does "it was clear that what would win the election was demographics & non party voters" mean? What particular demographics are you talking about? Comey was one of many factors that led to Clinton's defeat, but it's possible, though not quantifiable, that the Comey factor could have made the difference in the final outcome.

How can you presume that it's "telling" that I find it "hard to say Sanders was cheated"? I've never commented on it one way or another. Sanders didn't support Clinton because he was "playing on a team" - quite obviously he hasn't been much of a team player for most of his career as he has run as an independent for decades. I would say Sanders demonstrated that he had more concern for the American people than his own ego, because in spite of his treatment by the DNC he chose to support Clinton for the simple reason that he thought Trump would make a terrible President - a supposition that has already been borne out barely two months into Trump's term. I would say that was the "principle" that motivated Sanders.

Tonight on the ABC Evening News they did a story about the new revelations into the Trump transition team being surveilled. They made a point of showing his tweets and his use of the words "wire tap" to discredit him. Again, this is a 70 year old man using the language he knows.

Really? No previous President has chosen to tweet. Trump chooses to release a long stream of stupid & inflammatory tweets some of which are clearly factually wrong ... & you want to defend him based on the fact that he's 70 years old? Give me a break! Perhaps the answer is he shouldn't be tweeting anything - then he could be applying some thoughtful reflection before broadcasting to the world whatever idiotic idea pops into his head.
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Really? No previous President has chosen to tweet. Trump chooses to release a long stream of stupid & inflammatory tweets some of which are clearly factually wrong ... & you want to defend him based on the fact that he's 70 years old? Give me a break! Perhaps the answer is he shouldn't be tweeting anything - then he could be applying some thoughtful reflection before broadcasting to the world whatever idiotic idea pops into his head.
I could not agree more, but it is what it is.

Maybe if the (for lack of a better term)main stream media were a little more fair, he wouldn't feel the need to use Twitter.