Thank you. Why hide it?
The birther movement as far as Republicans are concerned is a dead issue. Ted Cruz was not born in this country and only his mother was a US citizen. That is exactly what the birthers believed about Obama. You can call that racist all you want, it does not make it true.
As far as Obama being a Muslim, That is what my 79 year old pentecostal mother thinks. I personally think he is an atheist (nothing wrong with that). I think he started attending the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago to get closer to the black community. Rabble rousers need a rabble to rouse.
The Democrats are always trying to call the Republicans out as racists. The facts, however do not back that claim up.
Lincoln was a Republican. He ended slavery in this country
The first black congressmen,
Hiram Revels and
Joseph Rainey were both
The first black senator, Hiram Rhodes Revels was a
In the
Coushatta massacre in 1870, 6 Republicans and many freed slaves were killed by Democrats.
In the vote for the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for it than Democrats.
The Senate vote:
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)
Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Ben Carson, Herman Cain...
I could go on and on.
Those who try and paint the Republicans as racist are liars.
How is that racist? You will have to explain that to me.
In the early 1990s Mexico truly was a 3rd world nation. I knew NAFTA would help bring them up, and it has.
I think now, it is time for the Mexican government to get control of it's own corruption and stand on it's own. I was in Mexico a few years ago, in Cabo San Lucas. On the way back to the airport we got pulled over for speeding, and we were. I was shocked that the cops took a bribe, (I was not driving) and let us go. That would never happen here.
In the end. I think "free trade" works on paper, but when foreign workers are paid pennies on the dollar as American workers something has got to give. Like I said before, I was all for Clinton and NAFTA in the beginning, but now it has hurt the US too much. Maybe in 20 years or so we can try it again, when Mexico has risen to near the level as Canada and the US.
Edit: I edited this post to add an "s", I guess I will edit it again to add this. Johnny Rotten, on Trump.