My favorite quote from a news article comes from the
"But essential services that protect "life or human property" will continue, including national security, postal services, air traffic control, inpatient medical services, emergency outpatient medicine, disaster assistance, prisons, taxation and electricity generation"
I didn't realize theft was considered essential.
If taxation is essential to life or human property we've lost our way.
Let's take that just a small logical step further and assume these essential services include not only paid employees and staff but also buildings, power lines, computers, server farms, data, etc. In other words, infrastructure; IRS facilities now become critical infrastructure.
"A Pentagon report outlining an updated U.S. nuclear strategy suggests using nuclear weapons to respond to non-nuclear attacks on the U.S., according to The New York Times
The newspaper reported Wednesday that the draft document, the Nuclear Posture Review, provides for possible nuclear responses to devastating cyberattacks on U.S critical infrastructure.
The suggestion marks a dramatic expansion of what the U.S. believes warrants a first use of nuclear weapons, the Times noted. Only in narrow cases, such as in the event of a biological attack on the U.S., has Washington suggested that it could respond with nuclear force.
The U.S. typically views the use of nuclear weapons as appropriate in extreme circumstances. But the review expands the definition of what constitutes an extreme circumstance to "include significant non-nuclear strategic attacks," according to the Times.
That could include massive cyberattacks, it said.
To make such a nuclear first-strike against a massive cyber attack on the IRS more likely and more "useable", a new generation of smaller nuclear weapons is under development. These include sea-launched hyper glide cruise missiles and new, smaller nuclear warheads for submarine launched ICBMs.
We may agree that "we've lost our way", as you say.
Coincidentally, in the last week or so there have been 3 false alarms of incoming missile attacks on Hawaii, Japan and Israel. In Hawaii, the alarm was not rescinded for quite some time. Long enough for people to start acting crazy, like stuffing kids down into storm drains and a professional golfer hiding under a mattress in his hotel bathroom.
Another curious coincidence in the last week or so are the 3 unexpected meteor/fireballs over 3 states resulting in blinding lights and booms loud enough to cause minor earthquakes.
One of these days there will be one too many coincidences and someone is going to get trigger-happy. Or some 300 lb hacker sitting on his bed in Waziristan is going to launch a successful cyber attack on the IRS office in San Francisco and get served a nuclear cruise missile for lunch.