America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Trump is putting a lot of faith into the Mossad intelligence that (allegedly) shows that Iran is not playing by the agreed rules. Meanwhile, Iranian analysts are saying that the collapse of the JCPOA deal will virtually guarantee that Iran will now proceed with their efforts to build nuclear weapons - which is a strange thing to say in the same breath as insisting that Iran's nuclear programme is entirely 'peaceful'. I don't like the fact that the deal has been scrapped, but it is entirely possible (plausible even) that Iran is not being entirely honest about its nuclear ambitions - if that is true (and I admit that there is no way for us mere mortals to know either way), then the deal was already broken.

Trump certainly has a unique (and some might say naive/simplistic) approach - his tone at the press conference yesterday was clear, decisive and unequivocal (as he should be when dealing with a US-hating regime that wishes to arm itself with nuclear weapons), yet at the same time leaving the door open for future talks. Iran's response was to say that they will continue to abide by the agreement regardless of the US withdrawal, while at the same time saying that they will now restart uranium enrichment programs 'without any limitations'. Of course, they are aiming to portray the US as untrustworthy for pulling out of a legal agreement, but on the other hand, the legitimacy (and legality) of the US withdrawal entirely depends on whether or not Iran has been sticking to its side of the deal, which in unclear.

Another interesting aspect of Trump's speech was his direct appeal to the 'people of Iran' - lavishing praise on the country while denouncing the regime - it was clear to me that this was a codified way of urging the people of Iran towards overthrowing the regime, and delivered at a time when the country (and the current leadership) can ill-afford a return to full-on sanctions...
nobody said winning the Nobel Peace Prize was going to be easy...
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Iran said they will restart uranium enrichment if the sanction Trump puts on effects the deal with other eu countries. So now our dealnis in the hand of one mad man.

Iran has good reason to despise the US certainly since the slowly build up relation have now been nuked by trump.

This is/was the first step and Trump stopped it. So I'm sorry I fully understand Iran not liking the US. That said I despise the current theocratie that is Iran.
Iran said they will restart uranium enrichment if the sanction Trump puts on effects the deal with other eu countries. So now our dealnis in the hand of one mad man.

Iran has good reason to despise the US certainly since the slowly build up relation have now been nuked by trump.

This is/was the first step and Trump stopped it. So I'm sorry I fully understand Iran not liking the US. That said I despise the current theocratie that is Iran.
I wouldn't call Rouhani a madman. Then again, they are the largest state sponsor of terror in the world going on 30 years.

seriously I'm furious right now. Trump is threatening to slap sanctions on other countries and companies that still deal with Iran. Wel tell your ****ing president to ****ing run the USA and ****ing leave us alone so the small part of the world that hasn't turned to **** doesn't have to follow the USA a country that thinks the eu is a vasal state.

I very rarely get involved with politics or world affairs.

I'm a realist, we'll all be dead in 40 years and none of this or any other headline news from here until then will matter.

So long as there's resources to fight over or mans ego directs the course of Earth nothing will ever change until the resources are gone, or we find some divine intervention that allows us all to co-exist peacefully.

The USA will fall one day just like Rome, Egypt or the 100 other powers history has seen, time is no ones friend.

Love your family, enjoy your life.
I wouldn't call Rouhani a madman. Then again, they are the largest state sponsor of terror in the world going on 30 years.

I was reffering to Trump as the sanctions he deceides on will determine if we can still hold up to the agreement.

And yes the Iranians are not good guys at all. But that's what this dimplomatic solution also tried to solve with a baby step.

And since trump really hates statesponsored terrorism I take it he'll stop the allience with the saudi's? I geussing no so that doesn't seem to be a good reason to blow a deal.up for Trump. (Unless it fits his narrative off coarse)
Then again, they are the largest state sponsor of terror in the world going on 30 years.

So the US likes to claim. But Iran has never overthrown a democratically elected US government, while the US, along with its British allies were instrumental in removing Mossadegh from power in 1953 & setting in motion the chain of events that have led to the present situation. That Iran seeks to influence events in the area immediately surrounding its own country (& protecting the interests of Shias in a predominantly hostile Sunni Middle East) is much easier to justify than the US constantly meddling in an area thousands of miles from its own borders.
So the US likes to claim. But Iran has never overthrown a democratically elected US government, while the US, along with its British allies were instrumental in removing Mossadegh from power in 1953 & setting in motion the chain of events that have led to the present situation. That Iran seeks to influence events in the area immediately surrounding its own country (& protecting the interests of Shias in a predominantly hostile Sunni Middle East) is much easier to justify than the US constantly meddling in an area thousands of miles from its own borders.
On the other hand, Iran can definitely be faulted for resisting the thug Saddam Hussein whom we supported in the Iran/Iraq war, as well as for exploiting the power vacuum in Iraq after our poor neocons miscalculated. :rolleyes:

Also, the US may must justify its role of world policeman, since we took Imperial status when we transitioned from a continental republic to a global empire during the McKinley administration. Once you've grabbed a tiger by the ears, you dare not let go! :grumpy:
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Meanwhile, in the Iranian parliament, MPs set a US flag on fire...


...don't they have smoke alarms in there?
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Definitely a trustworthy bunch
Is there something inherently untrustworthy about the act of desecrating a symbol that represents a governing body whose decisions one opposes? It seems a pretty vivid and forthright expression to me. It's also likely to piss off Trump's base (though not Trump himself, because he just doesn't give a flying 🤬), and that's just dandy.
On the other hand, Iran can definitely be faulted for resisting the thug Saddam Hussein whom we supported in the Iran/Iraq war, as well as for exploiting the power vacuum in Iraq after our poor neocons miscalculated. :rolleyes:

Also, the US may must justify its role of world policeman, since we took Imperial status when we transitioned from a continental republic to a global empire during the McKinley administration. Once you've grabbed a tiger by the ears, you dare not let go! :grumpy:

I think you're fighting a lost cause here. The US IS the de facto global superpower. This remains the same under a Democratic or Republican administration. It's the same under Bush, Obama & Trump ... & it would be the same if a libertarian candidate - by some strange set of circumstances - won the Presidency. The attacks against "Killary" were way over-blown, IMO. As SOS she did the same kind of international meddling as all US administrations have done - less certainly than George W. Bush or Reagan. To be fair to Trump he hasn't actually DONE much in the way of direct military involvement yet, but I would trust HRC to at least act rationally, based on perceived American interests, where I fear Trump may act simply out of ego or bluster, or his own inflated sense of self-importance.
No she'd just do like Obama and give countries billions on pallets

Oh for god's sake, this again? It was Iran's own money. We didn't "give" them anything; we returned their money to them. We likely saved a bunch of money in the process, too, as without that settlement, the US-Iran Tribunal in the Hague likely would have awarded even more to Iran than we ended up agreeing to pay.

Whenever Fox tells you to be angry about something, take a moment and look into the actual facts of the situation. You'll often find the outrage isn't merited.
Trump might be jeopardizing his path to the Nobel Peace Prize but he has bigger goals in mind:
That would be the Saudis.
Debateable of course. They don't keep official statistics like they do for baseball. They are both high on the list.

Moments earlier, a barrage of 20 rockets was fired from Syria towards Israeli military outposts in the Golan Heights. No injuries were reported. Several rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system. The Israeli army is attributing the attack to members of the Quds force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
Oh for god's sake, this again? It was Iran's own money. We didn't "give" them anything; we returned their money to them. We likely saved a bunch of money in the process, too, as without that settlement, the US-Iran Tribunal in the Hague likely would have awarded even more to Iran than we ended up agreeing to pay.

Whenever Fox tells you to be angry about something, take a moment and look into the actual facts of the situation. You'll often find the outrage isn't merited.
I didn't get that from Fox... TBH I'm tired of that crap, I post something from CNN y'all ignore it, I post something y'all can twist into"right wing BS" y'all jump on it. Y'all forget this IS my first time EVER voting Republican. Don't make it out like I'm with one party. They all do stupid crap...
They shouldn't have gotten it back.
They MIGHT be doing like NK and working on their nuclear program regardless.
Just like NK they didn't use it to help their people.
I don't rely on the news for everything.
Some things are common sense when you see the same stupidity being repeated...

PS I live a "trust no one" life.
Better safe than dead...
PS#2 Google "The Von Haessler Doctrine" to see how open I am to news.
I literally drive all day...
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However, you've neglected to indicate from where you did get it...unless you mean the common sense to which you refer deeper in that post.
*My common sense
I was editing when I got a notification you quoted me.
I take in whatever I can listen to, I don't do music much, residents on my routes like to complain... I get my opinion from what I average out from what all the sources say.
Debateable of course. They don't keep official statistics like they do for baseball. They are both high on the list.


- The last I remember the 911 hijackers Saudi

- The last I remember it was wealthy Saudi and Qataris bankrolling, ISIS, Al Qeada, Taliban to name a few of the sunni terrorist running amok across the globe

We don't need stats to know who's doing what cause we see it in the news and everyday and ones doing it are always connected to SA, Qatar or the UAE in someway

Anyhow Trump not only foolishy undermine Americas credibility, he just ensured that Democrats retake the Congress and his one-term presidency.
Debateable of course. They don't keep official statistics like they do for baseball. They are both high on the list.

So what your saying is they support terror becuase they attacked an Israeli military base that was on Syrian territory, the same Syria they are allied with?

I'm amazed at how the media has fooled everyone into taking sides with the US/Saudi/Israeli Proxy war with Iran.

Iran has more reason then any country on earth to be pissed at America, from forced regime change to backing every foe Iran has in any war since 1979 including a non successful invasion from Iraq(which the US backed) and the latest snubbing from Trump for literally no reason other then to keep backwards war hungry republicans like McCain happy, you really wonder who is the good guy here.
Trump is putting a lot of faith into the Mossad intelligence that (allegedly) shows that Iran is not playing by the agreed rules. Meanwhile, Iranian analysts are saying that the collapse of the JCPOA deal will virtually guarantee that Iran will now proceed with their efforts to build nuclear weapons - which is a strange thing to say in the same breath as insisting that Iran's nuclear programme is entirely 'peaceful'.

To be fair, if I was Iran I'd want a few nukes right now as well. They have to be feeling fairly unsafe, and I think rightly so. Even if their original intention was not to pursue nuclear weapons, I think Trump has forced them into a position where they would be fools not to.

Iran's response was to say that they will continue to abide by the agreement regardless of the US withdrawal, while at the same time saying that they will now restart uranium enrichment programs 'without any limitations'.

I think they're waiting to see how the rest of the world responds. If they have broad support from the EU, Russia and China they can perhaps rely on them for defence, both in terms of allies and imported technologies. If Iran ends up with broad sanctions again, either explicit or implicit through foreign countries simply not wanting to be involved, then they probably need to arm themselves.

I see their response as leaving themselves open to any action, while Trump has already made a strong statement with his action.

I wouldn't call Rouhani a madman. Then again, they are the largest state sponsor of terror in the world going on 30 years.

I heard that on the news. Is that really true? Even if we ignore the US and Russian actions (which while appearing identical to terrorism they would claim are not), I would have thought that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia would be vying for the lead at least. Frankly, Iran's biggest crime seems to be not recognising Israel as a state, which is not really that unreasonable considering how it came to be.

Definitely a trustworthy bunch

More so than most politicians, I would say. They're making a pretty clear statement of patriotism, something that even Americans should be able to recognise and appreciate.