A corporation is paid for by the people who can opt not to pay for it, a government takes payment by force from its subjects.
No they don't - except for private schools and private hospitals, which would be pretty piss-poor if they didn't. And people can choose not to pay the companies that provide a piss-poor service.
And they can afford to charge, and be selective about who they take, because there is a public baseline that everyone has to pay for and cannot opt out of even if they choose the private option instead.
And they're forced to work there, right? While we're forcing them, why pay at all, why not make it slave labour?
Oh wait, no, they aren't forced to work there. They can work anywhere they have the skills to work. All a company has to do is pay $1.01 an hour and they're better competing for the talent. And then all another has to do is pay $1.02 an hour. And so on. Gosh, it's almost like your skills and your labour are things you can choose to sell for profit or something, and the employer/employee relationship is a contract.
This is exploitation... how?
Rights aren't laws. Laws are laws. Some laws recognise rights, some deny them.
You can't improve rights, you can only improve laws to recognise them. This is a meaningless sentence. You may as well have said hedgehogs have no obligation to observe Planck's constant.
Except by not giving them money. There's no surer way for a company to fail than to be terrible at its job, because it loses income. That's what profit-driven looks like - if you don't do things that make you better than others, you don't get the money and you fail.
On the other hand a government will get your cash whether you like it or not. Refuse and you get a prison cell. You're telling me that the latter is what you personally have a say in, rather than the former?
You can opt out of paying government taxes, by not paying for taxed products and not working.
Private schools and hospitals are for profit. Anyone who cant afford them, will have no acces to them. Bam, we are back to the middle ages.
Nobody would be forced to work for 1 dollar. Do you think the workers in China are forced by the government to work for small wages for long hours? If you dont work to earn money, you cant pay for things. Without laws to improve rights, there would still be underpaid jobs, childlabor etc. Why would corporations pay 1 dollar an hour, when in China they will do the same job for 50 cents.
Rights evolve, like humans do. We definately have more rights, then we did in the middle ages and before. Or am I wrong?
When a corporation is a monopoly you have little choice to opt out. When your mortgage, energy, food, transport etc. are all bought/ received by your employer how could you? Lets say they choose to automate, what will happen to the workers? Without government to pass antitrust laws, how do you protect the people from this kind of "legal" exploitation.
You're not using force against someone when they're not allowed to enter your property. Here's what I said:
your property. Their use of your property is at your discretion, not theirs. I can explain why property ownership confers this distinction, but we're getting a little further into the human rights thread and away from the America thread... and it has been covered there already anyway.
By the way I also think other people should be able to prosecute against people who infected them with a preventable disease through blatant negligence.
@Famine's post above. Legal is not the same thing as a right. Slavery was legal, and the US government was
violating human rights by allowing it (and enforcing it).
I will try to steer the conversation back to the thread topic.
Rights evolve. Human rights were not defined in the same way they did a 1000 years ago. It is almost like its assumed rights were there from the beginning of mankind.
To put it back in context of the thread a purely libertarian country could only work if people and corporations were not selfish and evil. Basically a utopia, but like the story of Atlantis, people are selfish and vain.
Speaking about selfish and vain:
Isnt it Ironic how the supporters of Trump was accusing Biden's son of profiting of his fathers postition?
All in one month?!?!?! So Trump.. Which one is it?