America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
The Trump situation is getting really bad. He has attacked some previously completely solid foundations of the country dramatically, and with real success. He has taken a sledgehammer to the first amendment, and to the democratic process, and is openly talking about suspending the election in response to an issue he has personally greatly exacerbated. We didn't suspend the re-election of Abraham Lincoln during the civil war.

Think about that for a second. Texas, Florida, and other southern states didn't participate in one presidential election because we were at war with them. That's how seriously we take our democratic process. And Trump is just... floating the idea that we should just keep him in office because... why again?

Almost nothing I talk about when it comes to politics is more important that issues like the First Amendment, and the democratic process. I'm very quickly becoming a single-issue voter. Where the only issue I care about is getting rid of Trump. Biden is certainly not someone I'd have picked, but compared to Trump (and that's a key caveat), I think he may represent me sufficiently. I know he stands accused of some awful things, and we have photo documentation of some of it, but I'm not sure I can in good conscience let those undermine what has become the single over-riding issue of the day. Which is that we have to get rid of Trump.
Do you want Nancy Pelosi as president? Because this is how you get Nancy Pelosi as president.
TMU, her term ends right around the beginning of January, so she's not eligible. I've read it would go to Chuck Grassley since he's the next highest official not up for election.
He's now openly floating seizing control of the country. I'm putting him down for worst president ever.

Or, you know...cut out the unnecessary Convention Crap, and get the election ball rolling earlier. Everyone's already on ballots in 50 states by now, right?

This way there's enough time to socially distance, hand-count mail-in ballots, and still have time for the lawsuits/counter-suits and still have time for a January Inauguration Day.
Or, you know...cut out the unnecessary Convention Crap, and get the election ball rolling earlier. Everyone's already on ballots in 50 states by now, right?

This way there's enough time to socially distance, hand-count mail-in ballots, and still have time for the lawsuits/counter-suits and still have time for a January Inauguration Day.

Election day is pretty stuck, not impossible to move, but very difficult:
I wonder if there's any ulterior motive to his kite-flying. It's not like there's any news today which he'd want to distract from, right?
I wonder if there's any ulterior motive to his kite-flying. It's not like there's any news today which he'd want to distract from, right?
Nope! Apparently today has been the best ever!
Of course it would be the GameFAQs message boards. I forgot how much of a cesspit that was. I just want to read some game guides!
You have to dig into the social boards but it's there. They also don't hesitate to invade threads on other boards but at keast they have their own home lol
Do you want Nancy Pelosi as president?

Because this is how you get Nancy Pelosi as president.


I wonder if there's any ulterior motive to his kite-flying. It's not like there's any news today which he'd want to distract from, right?
I'm just gonna put this here...

This certainly isn't nothing, but all the attention it's getting makes me wonder what Trump's up to behind the curtain while everyone is so focused on the sequined assistant with big tits at the front of the stage.
Something like a "" could be a valuable resource; ignoring the showy stuff that's likely meant to be a distraction and instead covering the stuff that's supposed to go unnoticed.
Except this time it's probably not so much what he's actually doing as it is what he doesn't want people talking about.

Edit: Aaaaand it split that post into two quotes for some reason.
He's now openly floating seizing control of the country. I'm putting him down for worst president ever.

It seems evident that this is, at the very least, preparatory work in case he loses the (rigged, hoax, unfair, fake news) election in November. All those who believe in Trump's message and the things he stands for will be on his side and will share his belief that he and they were cheated by... by... Democrats, antifa, BLM, MSM, BGLT, IQ, ROFL, whoever.

Will he go further than that? If he lost the election then would he be delusional enough to try to hold on to the office, perhaps start some arcane judicial process that is both Constitutionally undocumented and takes a veeery long time?

And here's a question that our 17-year-old asked me last night: if it's believed that Trump is no longer the President but he physically refuses to leave the White House would the Secret Service draw their weapons and instruct him to leave under threat of force? I know how unlikely that is but what great TV.
And here's a question that our 17-year-old asked me last night: if it's believed that Trump is no longer the President but he physically refuses to leave the White House would the Secret Service draw their weapons and instruct him to leave under threat of force? I know how unlikely that is but what great TV.
So I was curious about since you brought it up.

According to The Atlantic, because Trump automatically loses all his Presidential power once his term ends, he no longer holds any command. The President who has been elected instead, could actually order the Secret Service to remove him & since he becomes a private citizen the moment his Presidency (& its powers) are removed, he can be charged with trespassing in the White House.

The same article jogged my own high school memory by sharing that we've already had a President stay beyond his welcome resulting in 22nd Amendment. There is a short story included about a Texas Governor who barricaded himself in the state capital & even had 3 fellow supreme court justices who agreed the election was invalid, but the Democrats ignored it & their candidate was sworn into office anyway. Said former Gov. tried to request troops from President Grant & was refused resulting in a surrender after.
The President who has been elected instead, could actually order the Secret Service to remove him & since he becomes a private citizen the moment his Presidency (& its powers) are removed, he can be charged with trespassing in the White House.
In my head it's the FBI that could/would remove him.

The Secret Service has both a mandate to provide WH security AND to protect the President/VP and their families... and former Presidents. That would mean that if a former President is in the WH and stamping their foot, they'd both have to protect them and remove them - which would become tricky if they resisted enough. That would be solved by the FBI arresting them for trespass on Federal property...

... though hopefully an Aaron Pierce would accidentally discharge a tazer into his spine.
Britain's Got Less Talent? Bacon, gherkins, lettuce, tomato?

*looks it up on Google*


I guess if the FBI or USSS were to assist in his post-election ejection Trump's rump of diehard supporters would quickly end up adding their acronyms to your list of alphabet soup conspirators. TTFN.
I still envision him attempting to barricade himself in the Oval Office by pushing the the Resolute desk in front of a door that opens out.

It'd probably look like this:

Another government official seems to be violating 1st Amendment rights. Or is the threat to re-examine their tax benefits rather than punish any physical person a loophole?
“By kneeling during the playing of the national anthem, the NBA and its players are showing disrespect to the American flag and all it stands for. This anti-patriotic act makes clear the NBA’s support of the Black Lives Matter group and its goal of defunding our nation’s police, its ties to Marxism and its efforts to destroy nuclear families.

If the Oklahoma City Thunder leadership and players follow the current trend of the NBA by kneeling during the national anthem prior to Saturday’s game, perhaps we need to reexamine the significant tax benefits the State of Oklahoma granted the Oklahoma City Thunder organization when they came to Oklahoma. Through the Quality Jobs Act, the Thunder is still under contract to receive these tax breaks from our state until 2024.

Perhaps these funds would be better served in support of our police departments rather than giving tax breaks to an organization that supports defunding police and the dissolution of the American nuclear family.”
I'm assuming the Thunder would just move, which would be a shame because I seem to recall them having the more loyal fans in the NBA or something like that. I hear Seattle is looking for a team though, maybe they could move there and be called something like the SuperSonics.
Standing at attention during the anthem because it's compulsory absolutely is not patriotic. Exercising the right to free expression by kneeling quietly during the anthem absolutely is patriotic, as well as rather respectful because the act doesn't call attention to itself, because that right is one of the things upon which this country was founded. As a caricature of a patriotic American, Seany boy couldn't possibly grasp this.

Also, in opposing those who oppose the extrajudicial executions of civilians, including innocents, at the hands of an unchecked police force, Seany boy supports the extrajudicial executions of civilians, including civilians, at the hands of an unchecked police force. This is obviously ridiculous, but so is Seany boy's assertion that the NBA permitting this exercise of free expression is itself indicative of support for defunding the police, Marxism and destruction of the nuclear family.

Seany boy is an idiot.
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What a title

"the official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy reporting to the Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Dr. James Anderson"

So he's a, presumably, permanent stand in serving under a permanent temp. Are we certain that Trump hires the best people? I'm starting to have doubts.