America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Toyota has resumed funding of the members of the "sedition caucus" who tried to overthrow our democracy.

I have taken the time to write to Toyota USA expressing my displeasure, and promising not to buy a Toyota when my lease runs out in 8 months, nor for at least several years afterward.

I am taking the more immediate action of boycotting the Toyotas in my GT7 garage. (Well, except for the 1967 2000GT and the 1965 Sports 800. Based on their age, I make these two exceptions.)

I guess “woke schools” is the hot new republican thing. Just saw an anti-Whitmer ad with some older white guy driving a 60s/70s Camaro, who must be anti-woke.

Yay, Democrats managed to do better than the rat ****er that posted this:


Is he bitching about election fraud yet?
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It sounds like they're redistricting and Glanville's seat will disappear at the end of the year.
The state House’s 74th District was left open by state Sen. Mark Huizenga, R-Walker, who vacated the seat after winning the Nov. 3, 2021, special election to fill the vacant 28th state Senate District seat.

Glanville’s term in the state House will be short-lived, as she’ll finish out the remainder of Huizenga’s term, which ends Jan. 1, 2023.

Because of redistricting, new districts are in play for the August primary and November general election.

All three candidates are running in the August primary for the new 84th state House District.
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I'm old enough to remember when Prosperity was far broader as a result of Unions actually having some clout.

The podcast below examines the signs of Union resurgence, which tickles a little optimism in this miserable cloud of Mitch-McConnell-induced-depression. In a good, but brief, history lesson, it harks back to the events of the 1930s.

Those events, in part, led to the 1950s, when cars were far more brightly colored, when people felt optimistic and far more fairly treated than today. Look at the cars around you, most are white, grey or black aren't they?

The Daily: "Are Unions Making a Comeback"? on Apple Podcasts

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I have a few:

DeSantis: I will do something monumentally stupid and probably violate constitutional rights in the state I govern!

Abbott: Hold my beer.
I think difference is Abbott does a real, wonderful job at completely screwing over the state in quick fashion. Yes Trump, we'll spend $4m to audit 4 counties of the election even though you won the state. Yes, we're going to do a truck inspection that backlogs international commercial trade & end up w/ zero drugs, weapons, or contraband, but lost the state $4.2 billion after 9 days. Oh, and for added measure, the PR stunt costs us a rail line worth additional billions from Mexico as they decided to go through New Mexico instead.
Mexican Economy Minister Tatiana Clouthier said a planned rail and ports expansion — known as the T-MEC Corridor — to connect the Pacific port of Mazatlán to the Canadian city of Winnipeg would not use Texas, but instead the rail line would be routed along the far edge of West Texas up through Santa Teresa, N.M., about 20 miles west of downtown El Paso.

“We’re now not going to use Texas,” Clouthier said at a conference April 28 in Mexico City. “We can’t leave all the eggs in one basket and be hostages to someone who wants to use trade as a political tool.”
The fact he's bringing up our education now is just another cherry on this **** sundae as the state is currently seeing a rising issue that many teachers here are considering leaving.

They're both monumental idiots, but by god, does Abbott make DeSantis' shenanigans look actually competent.
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So...rat ****er Mark Esper, Trump administration Secretary of Defense, has a new book out in which he alleges the Flaccid Franco floated the idea of launching missiles into Mexico at supposed cartel drug operations. It's just a pity he joins a long list of opportunistic sacks of **** coming out of that administration who didn't see fit to come forward with these allegations at the time these events are supposed to have occurred.
The law 'n' order party strikes again.
High Quality Im Shocked GIF
Man the Republican Congressmen would be pissed if Trump launched an attack on a cartel and it ended up cutting of their supply of coke. I mean if Cawthrone is to be believed, people in Congress love nose beers.
Anyone pro states rights here? May I know exacatly what it is the "United" States of America is united about if everything is up to the states to determine? Just the military? Am I missing something?
In which Elon Musk's "free speech absolutism" is revealed to be considerably less than absolute.

Who determines what is "wrong and bad," and why does this sound so much like content moderation?

Whatever he deems is "wrong and bad".... which by the way is not anything that Trump did, according to Elon.