"Stop complaining about egg prices and expecting me to do the job I bought by donating to Trump. Get your own damn eggs."
My next door neighbor has chickens. She has them as pets. They're her girls. They also lay eggs, but that they lay eggs is secondary to them being her girls. She also has a duck that was getting into the coop and eating the eggs that her girls were laying. Yeah, it turns out ducks eat chicken eggs. Actually chickens eat chicken eggs too. Chickens will actually eat the eggs that they laid, especially if they've laid a bunch and none have hatched, and because she has only hens the eggs aren't fertilized and they won't hatch. Anyway it costs a lot of money to have chickens. You can make some money back selling their eggs (and slaughter hens once they stop laying, because they don't lay eggs their whole life, and then sell the meat...but she doesn't do that because they're her girls), especially if you have a large quantity and they're part of a broader farming operation or you have a very large quantity and that is your farming operation. But she just has them as pets. She can afford to have them because she practices family law and doesn't do too bad. A bunch of us give her vegetable scraps to feed them because they eat them, and we get eggs in return, but she still has to buy feed. It's kind of great for us and she's super generous because the eggs actually technically cost a lot to produce, but the eggs are secondary for her. They're her girls. Oh and she's super stressed right now because the reason eggs are in short supply is there's a virus going around killing birds. Other animals can spread that virus. She's stressed because they're her girls.