American cars vs. Japanese cars

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
I edited my last post because I wanted to avoid an argument with the kind of person Mr2dude was alluding to.

EDIT: I didnt have names of other "consumer" cars, so whilst you will probably come back and argue that the Impala is also a muscle car of sorts, I would be happy to find other examples if you so desire.
Yeah, I SEE a difference. But what is so TECHNOLOGICALLY different between those two cars. I'm not arguing that a Camaro looks different than an Impala but rather what is so technologically different about them.
Originally posted by DSchwenn
Yeah, I SEE a difference. But what is so TECHNOLOGICALLY different between those two cars. I'm not arguing that a Camaro looks different than an Impala but rather what is so technologically different about them.

You still seem to be missing the point :rolleyes: Muscle cars and "consumer" cars where aimed at different people. Muscle cars made no excuse for what they were. It was simply a big engine in a tricked up car.

Consumer cars were supposedly the best of the best at the time.

What is with all these n00bs coming in to CiG and arguing? To make matters worse (or better??), they then usually bugger off afterwards too.
This whole argument was really stupid. You said "Those that have, stay away from old technology 70's American cars." and I took this to include muscle cars becasue they were American cars made in the 70s. Apparently, you did not mean to include muscle cars in that statement. Okay, it's over.