- 4,480
- Gardner, KS
With the addition of @FireEmblem10 we are at 12 full time drivers.GTP ID: FireEmblem10
PSN ID: WeatherSystems
Car: Subaru WRX Gr.3
#: 77
Sponsor: Cusco
Team: Carrosser Speed Factory
Full Time Entry
Got nothing better to do except get drunk on Friday nights.
With @Nick Cannella not able to join tomorrow night we have 9 confirmed yes’.
@FREEREVN @Camaro DR will you two be racing? You have until 9am EASTERN TIME tomorrow to confirm. @Camaro DR i still have not heard from you on if you are a full time or a reserve driver.
We are implementing a race day 9am confirmation for full time drivers. From 9am est to 5pm est the reserves who have not made it known that they are available throughout the week will have the option to confirm. From 5pm est to race time it will be first come first serve basis.
Currently all reserves are above the odd man waiting list. If @Camaro DR and @FREEREVN confirm before 9am est tomorrow morning then the 2 that would fall below the line would be @Jacob Falcon and @Rob Pardun and will basically be waiting.
Anyone on the odd man waiting list. After 5pm est you will be “on call” so to speak I will reach out to both at the same time and itll be a first one first to fill the room. Thank you.