One Queston for the Brits, what the 🤬 is a crumpet?
A pretty girl. Or the most delicious breakfast going.....
What really gets me about the whole US English and English thing is it's export.
Working as an English teacher to foreigners can be problematic. The programme I use to teach my students is an American based English. The problem I have is with the audio CD that will say 'wa'er' or 'spagh''i' and completely drop the t out of the word. I do that naturally being a Cockney but these people aren't paying to learn to speak lazy English. They should be taught Standard English, which I try to do but is made difficult by the materials available.
Other pronunciations that confuse my students; 'aunt' which is pronounced by most American audio's as 'ant' and 'can' and 'can't' which, without pronouncing the t, sound exactly the same. (Have only 1 Merican pal who says 'carn't' like I do)
I'll be the first to admit that my English isn't perfect, although I'm constantly improving it, I still have the heavy 'a' sound (short) because of my regional dialect. This is why I can argue about dialects too much. What I've explained to my company who buy the teaching materials is; would they go to the states or the UK and teach Chongqing hui (hui - dialect)? They answer no and say they'd teach Mandarin. I ask why then it is that they use materials which are not Standard English.
The fact is that there are 300m Mericans or more and only a handful of Standard English speakers left in the world, 80m perhaps. The chances of my students ending up in the UK are slim. The chances of ending up somewhere that uses US English as it's main language are high. That is why sooner or later, Standard (BBC) English will die out and US English will become the standard.
It is rather amusing to my students when an audio requires us to follow and do the action and it then says "Take off your pants!" and I then proceed (pretending) to strip off completely.
I'm sure there's a lot I could say on this topic, both positive and negative but I really can't do anything like that until I've had a beer and it's only 1.30pm so that won't be for a while.