Given the fact that I dislike idea of countries like United States handing out foreign aid to other countries, especially since it accomplishes nothing other than functioning as a
form of bribe for foreign entities.
What exactly does foreign aid have to do with sanctions?
Well other than its often one of the first things cut when sanctions kick in, which makes it a bit strange to object to sanctions if you have an issue with foreign aid?
Foreign aid is however a total different discussion to the one here.
In regards to these economic sanctions the united states have be enacting on countries like North Korea and Iran, not only are they technically an act of war, but they push the citizenry of said countries into poverty given the fact its involve cutting off all trade; the end result is the regimes of those countries benefiting. Why do you think individuals like Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad to name a few continue to remain in power?
So all form of sanctions are a form of war now and they always cut off all trade?
No, once again you are talking in terms so general as to be almost totally meaningless. Sanctions can and these days often are targeted.
North Korea is quite frankly a poor example to use in regard to poverty, as so many other (internal) factors come into play. Not to mention that North Korea mainly exports to China and Russia, who do not have sanctions in place. Given that these two countries are (and always have been) the main importers of North Korean goods, would you care to explain how western sanctions have been the cause of the countries poverty?
As for a claim that the only reason why Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad, ect are still in power is simply down to sanctions. That one I have to say almost had me spit coffee over my laptop. Seriously I would love you to put some explanation behind this one.
As for haiti, its a great economic hotbed, but its a shame the place have suffered greatly from the meddling by the united states.
Yep and natural disaster and its own governmental incompetence are not factors at all.