Americans should stop complaining about how impoverished certain countries are

  • Thread starter A2K78
United States
Of course, because its not the totally mismanaged structure of governance in North Korea that is built on fundamentally unsound principals, nor its continued threats to it neighbors, its history of kidnap from its neighbors, its countless violations of international treaties, its attempts at nuclear proliferation that are in any way part of the problem.

Nope, none of that, its simply down to how we react to these threats that is the single cause of it.

Sanctions may not be effective, that is certainly open to debate and sanctions may exaggerate the issues of poverty, but to state that they are the cause of poverty in these countries (as you have done) is ill-informed, crass and downright inaccurate.

Its also interesting to note that the two sources you provide, that you seem to claim show this as 'fact', both concern Iraq and none of the countries you have listed. Now given the very targeted nature of sanctions (particularly if used as a weapon) that kind of invalidates them as any form of proof for the countries you have mentioned.

This when you consider the fact its our stupid sanctions which is creating poverty in the first place.

With that mine whenever you of hear of countries such Haiti, Iran, North Korea and certain african countries being in extreme poverty, americans should remember that it wasn't the leaders of those countries who created the poverty, but rather it was us:

People should stop complaining about other people complaining about things they aren't actually complaining about that are that way for reasons which said people don't actually understand.

Haiti? Sanctions? Wow. Iran? Poor? Double wow. Next you're going to tell me genocide in Darfur was caused directly by UN sanctions...
So it's the job of the United States to financially help out every country, regardless of their actions to their neighbors...or are you just angry that Haitians have been coming to America to escape violence and squalor and government corruption?

Most Americans don't really care what is happening to the rest of the world, so as long they can sleep at night. That's why we buy lots of Ambien.
So it's the job of the United States to financially help out every country, regardless of their actions to their neighbors...or are you just angry that Haitians have been coming to America to escape violence and squalor and government corruption?

Most Americans don't really care what is happening to the rest of the world, so as long they can sleep at night. That's why we buy lots of Ambien.

Given the fact that I dislike idea of countries like United States handing out foreign aid to other countries, especially since it accomplishes nothing other than functioning as a form of bribe for foreign entities.

In regards to these economic sanctions the united states have be enacting on countries like North Korea and Iran, not only are they technically an act of war, but they push the citizenry of said countries into poverty given the fact its involve cutting off all trade; the end result is the regimes of those countries benefiting. Why do you think individuals like Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad to name a few continue to remain in power?

As for haiti, its a great economic hotbed, but its a shame the place have suffered greatly from the meddling by the united states.
Given the fact that I dislike idea of countries like United States handing out foreign aid to other countries, especially since it accomplishes nothing other than functioning as a form of bribe for foreign entities.

So do you or don't you support sanctions? Because normally sanctions cut off government aid.

In regards to these economic sanctions the united states have be enacting on countries like North Korea and Iran, not only are they technically an act of war, but they push the citizenry of said countries into poverty given the fact its involve cutting off all trade; the end result is the regimes of those countries benefiting. Why do you think individuals like Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad to name a few continue to remain in power?

Last I checked the US sanctioning someone doesn't mean the rest of the world can't do business with them.

As for haiti, its a great economic hotbed, but its a shame the place have suffered greatly from the meddling by the united states.

Could have swore that is was their corrupt government and that earthquake thingy.

Side-Note: It would really help your causes if your "sources" weren't from obviously biased sites.
Alot of countries are poor because they are prisoners of geography, or there is political unrest, or a number of things. And they were poor long before we had anything to do with them. So I don't think it was anything that we did.
Given the fact that I dislike idea of countries like United States handing out foreign aid to other countries, especially since it accomplishes nothing other than functioning as a form of bribe for foreign entities.
What exactly does foreign aid have to do with sanctions?

Well other than its often one of the first things cut when sanctions kick in, which makes it a bit strange to object to sanctions if you have an issue with foreign aid?

Foreign aid is however a total different discussion to the one here.

In regards to these economic sanctions the united states have be enacting on countries like North Korea and Iran, not only are they technically an act of war, but they push the citizenry of said countries into poverty given the fact its involve cutting off all trade; the end result is the regimes of those countries benefiting. Why do you think individuals like Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad to name a few continue to remain in power?
So all form of sanctions are a form of war now and they always cut off all trade?

No, once again you are talking in terms so general as to be almost totally meaningless. Sanctions can and these days often are targeted.

North Korea is quite frankly a poor example to use in regard to poverty, as so many other (internal) factors come into play. Not to mention that North Korea mainly exports to China and Russia, who do not have sanctions in place. Given that these two countries are (and always have been) the main importers of North Korean goods, would you care to explain how western sanctions have been the cause of the countries poverty?

As for a claim that the only reason why Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad, ect are still in power is simply down to sanctions. That one I have to say almost had me spit coffee over my laptop. Seriously I would love you to put some explanation behind this one.

As for haiti, its a great economic hotbed, but its a shame the place have suffered greatly from the meddling by the united states.
Yep and natural disaster and its own governmental incompetence are not factors at all.

When has anybody ever stopped complaining about how rich Americans are?
This when you consider the fact its our stupid sanctions which is creating poverty in the first place.

With that mine whenever you of hear of countries such Haiti, Iran, North Korea and certain african countries being in extreme poverty, americans should remember that it wasn't the leaders of those countries who created the poverty, but rather it was us:

Liberalism is a mental disorder
Liberalism is a mental disorder

So is Conservatism. Liberalism at least doesn't usually depend on imaginary friends, either.

For the record: I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.