An Excel Sheet for Analyzing Lap & Sector Times


FKA Blue-Shifted-
United States
New York
This is just a really simple way of analyzing your driving using only lap-times and sector times. This will not tell you what exactly you are doing wrong, but will give you a place to begin investigating.

From each Lap# insert into S1, S2, etc. their respective sector times. If you do not wish to do it by sector, put the total time in the Time(s) column. Make sure that the input is converted into seconds.

It's that simple.

Graphs & Columns

PACE DNA -- Shows current driving performance based on previous laps
Average Time(s): A cumulative moving average of lap times entered up until that point. The green bar represents the delta between the actual lap-time and the average lap-time.

Dynamic Session Best: The fastest time set at the given point in the session. This remains static until a faster time is set. The red bar represents the delta between the actual lap-time and the personal session best.

TOTAL SESSION LENGTH -- Compares the total time driven at the end of every lap

Session: Contains the sum of driver's Time(s) driven at the end of every lap.

LAP DELTA & SX DELTAS -- Compares differences between lap-times and sector times. Colored bars state respective drivers are/were faster.
Time(s): The lap-time as a sum of S1 to S12 in seconds.
S1 -> S12: Sector times for the given lap.

EST. TOTAL TIME LOST -- Compares time loss between one or both drivers
PBS1Δ -> PBS12Δ: Difference of dynamic sector best times and current.

Dynamic Session Best (DSB) Delta:
Difference of current lap-time and current session best

: Sum of PBS1Δ -> PBS12Δ

Difference of total lap time and overall fastest lap

Est. Time Lost:
Maximum time lost from DSB-Delta, S-Delta and FL-Delta. Change this as needed.

MISC/NONE -- Things that may be used in an updated version and other things
STDEV.3: The standard deviation of the last 3 lap-times. The smaller the number, the more consistent the laps are.

Session Length:
Takes the maximum of the session times.

# of Laps:
The maximum value in the Lap# column

Burndown Rate:
The actual average lap-time at the end of the session. Higher = Slower.

Table of stint numbers and tires. Insert the number of laps where the tires and order meet.


This template can be used for any game where things are timed. Its usage doesn't have to be limited to Gran Turismo.

Pace DNA and Average Time(s) are sensitive to crashes, pit stops and tire changes.
Crashing and pitstops will increase the size of the green bar temporarily, making the laps afterwards look better than they should.
Switching to a harder compound tire may make the red bar overwhelmingly large. Swapping the order of lap-times may help with this.

Total Session Length is the most direct comparison between driver performance. The lower line is always the fastest.

Sector Deltas (SX) currently have an issue with plots. The shared colors of the plots does not affect the color of the bars, so use those instead.

When pitting, Gran Turismo does not present the final sector of the in-lap and the first sector of the out-lap. Either do the math to get those sector times, or copy the previous lap's sector time to prevent issues.

This template is a work-in-progress. New things may be added to it depending on what people want out of it.

I did not realize that Session Length(s) displayed the wrong information until I looked at it today. Just change the contents of the cell so that the "C"s are "O"s.

3.31.2021 ---



  • LapSheet_Blank_3_31_2021.xlsx
    189 KB · Views: 458
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Tyre Wear of Racing: Mediums & Racing: Softs around Miyabi (SF19, 8x wear)


  • LapSheet_Miyabi_SF19_Tyres.xlsx
    121 KB · Views: 99
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Here's a new version of the sheet, but this time to help you out with making a race strategy

Under the tab "Tyre Data", you can enter your laptimes for each tyre that you'll use during the race. Try to remove as many extra variables as possible so that it's only keeping track of tyre wear. This will only be as good as the data you put in!
(you might have to collect lap data from a clear online lobby)

Once you have it all in, the part that's going to be doing all the heavy lifting is this section above. What you'll need to enter are:

Laps in Stints: the number of laps that you're going to use X tyres.

# of Stints: How many stints you're going to use the given tyre.

Pit Loss (s): The amount of time it takes to complete a pit stop (excluding fuel)


The strategies section is where you'll list off your intended pit strategies.

I personally prefer a format such as XY-XY, where X is the duration of the stint in laps, and Y is the initials of the tyres

ex: 1H-2S-3Im

Time(s) is the total time presented in Est Time (w/Pits). This is just for you to keep track of things.
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For this month's update, there are some minor adjustments to the driver worksheets and the addition of a "Car Data" worksheet where you can list optimal times and fastest laps per car. These can be compared against other fastest laps and other optimal times within the sheet using the ComparisonFL column

I've made the strategy portion of it a bit beefier and added a bit more information for the user to work with. The tyre strategy portion of the workbook looks like this now:


The labels can be selected and explain which each input is for. They also provide a bit of extra information for some output cells. Inputs now have a light tint over them.

A small note: the (Re)Fuel Rate Calculator and Weight Effect Calculator work exactly the same and are interchangeable.

The new spreadsheet is in the OP

Happy racing!
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