A Toyota Supra MkIII.
Well now, that's a different matter. But I would reiterate that if it's clearly visible on screen, which all of it is, then it's not realistic because much of the interior is not clearly visible in real life.
That probably explains it a little. Like I said, different cars have different driving positions (obviously) and in your Supra, I expect you're sitting lower (because it's a sports car) and closer to the wheel in relation to the rest of the interior (because it's a bigger car than my little hatchback where you give yourself more space to stretch out).
Has anyone noticed how in GT5P you see less of the dash in things like the RX-8 or Alfa Brera than you do in the hot hatches or things like the Suzuki Cervo? They haven't picked an arbitrary interior view, they've picked the view you see from the driving position.
Poor example
Better example
Great example
Thank you for the examples. They do assist the discussion, but bear in mind they're extreme examples. The poor example I'd agree with - but mainly because in that cockpit setup, you're being given the cockpit (and side screens) that you wouldn't have in your living room. In that example, you would want the nosecone (or realistically, not even the nosecone, as you sit low enough in a single-seater not to see any of the nose). Incidentally, what use to the mirrors on the cockpit provide? Absolutely none. You'd see whatever is behind you in that studio. So you'd still need the mirrors visible on the screen.
The second example is
better, you're right - but still not very good. Partly, because in this example you're lacking a full single-seater cockpit in the game-frame - so there isn't the sense of being inside the car you'd get in the first example. Essentially, you're sitting in a rather exposed game frame staring at scenery going by - not very realistic.
The best example - obviously very good, but not exactly living room friendly
In photography a 50mm lens is supposed to represent normal vision on a full frame DSLR (or 35mm film SLR) or about 34mm on your camera.
True. But 50mm only represents normal vision
directly in front of you - a tunnel vision. To represent my true view, I'd have had to take tens of 50mm (or 34mm, as you mention) photos and then stitch them all together, which is more time consuming that simply taking a few 18mm shots to represent roughly the amount of cockpit visible without turning my head.
The picture that you think represents reality is two 18mm pictures stitched together meaning that it represents an even wider angle. So again, it is not realistic. The percentage of your field of vision that a typical TV occupies is much much less than what your picture represents so even by that definition it is unrealistic.
To realistically represent what you're talking about, you'd need three TV screens (or more), as in the examples above. The view in GT is the most realistic you can achieve with only one TV screen. This is not heresay, it's not opinion, it's fact. If you had more TV screens dotted about in all directions then you could afford to have the one directly in front of you only showing the top of the wheel and the rest being track, but that isn't what happens. You have one screen, and that screen represents what you'd see if you were sitting in the car. I've made that more than clear enough.
The only fully correct thing you've said the whole time is that it's a compromise, which it is - but then it
needs to be. Having a moved-forward view would be a compromise too, as you'd be missing what you see to the side of the windscreen and to the side of the A-pillar, and you'd need to take constant looks around if you wanted to look to these extremes - more so than you need to do with the current cockpit view.
Now, homeforsummer. In your honest opinion which view is more realistic?
The aircraft simulator. The two car ones are close to each other, but for different reasons. I've explained my thoughts on these further up this post.
Im going to go as far as to say the interior view is not realistic at all. Yes I know your argument, "you only see the steering wheel in your peripherals". Yes I know that, but you see, I see my G25 in my peripherals, as I would in a real car. The steering wheel on screen however is pretty much where the bottom of the windscreen would be and in my way I might add.
Two things - does your game cockpit, or even just your G25, look like the interior of an actual car? When you look to the side, do you see a doorframe or do you see a fireplace/sofa/parents/cat?
I fully accept that some people use wheels and that seeing the one in front of them and the one on screen moving at different rates may seem a bit odd, but then
at no point in this discussion have I said that having a moveable cockpit view is a bad idea. However, this doesn't change the fact that the current interior view
is realistic.
I'm not discussing you "fave" view, so opinions don't matter.
I haven't been discussing my favourite view either. I've been discussing realism. If you've missed the mentions of the word "realism" from my previous posts you might want to go back and have another read.
The most realistic view is a fact and you can see that fact represented in the bottom photo above. Which photo looks more like a real car on a race track? Does the top photo honestly look realistic to you, because that pretty much the same way I play(steering wheel, TV up close), and I can tell you, it really isn't.
If you have a whole car dashboard in your living room, like this:
this thread)
...then I fully take back my arguement. But I'm
guessing, you don't. And you probably don't have the three screens either, giving you back the peripheral vision you'd miss from having a moved-forward POV.
Can I just take the time to sum up my thoughts, so everyone is absolutely clear on what I'm talking about?
1) The current view is the most realistic considering what you'd actually see when sitting in any of the cars in real life.
2) Yes, it's a compromise, based on the fact that most people only have one television to play though. More TVs = less need for an all-encompassing view.
Incidentally, I've just noticed this post:
however I really think they did a good job for the fact they got a pretty good interior view on a single screen. I think everyone should do this!👍
He's bang on - it's the best you can do with a single screen.
3) Yes, I do think having a moveable view is a
good idea - because different people have different needs. In the case of the guy who built a VW Golf cockpit above, I'm sure he'd
love a view where only the very top of the dash was visible.
4) To reiterate point #1 - the current view is realistic. I've proved this by taking photographs and explaining every reason why it's realistic. If any of you can take a better photograph of your car interior and argue to me that you only see that, then maybe I'll reconsider. But I doubt it, because I'd be worried by anyone who can only see out of half their windscreen without having to turn their head.