An Upcoming Interview with Jordan!

  • Thread starter Tom
when is the interview GMT time (don't ask him that :lol: )

How much does GTplanet consume in your life? will you one day pass on the torch of this site to some one else when you are older?

What if GT ends will you remain running the site ?
3. With the abundance of non-GT playing members, despite the initial draw that brought them here, do you have any thoughts on expanding the site, or perhaps opening up new territory, to members of the Rumble Strip/ Infield who log in for the social side of the site rather than any GT related browsing?

5. I've always thought the domain name would make an apt replacement for should the need arise. How likely is it that we'll see this happen within the next few weeks?
We can merge these somehow.

All in favour of renaming the Rumble Strip to ShemPlanet say "Aye!"

Q: Do you have any favorite members?
Q2. Will there be more products in the store? (granted if the GTP thong gets sold out due to popularity)
Q3: Do you drift?
We can merge these somehow.

All in favour of renaming the Rumble Strip to ShemPlanet say "Aye!"


Was there ever a point at the start where you thought GTP was not really working and you should close the site?
I can also confirm that the interview will take place 20.20 BST, so set your reminders! I'll be choosing the questions next Friday so make sure they're in by then. 👍
Don't forget that the interview is this Friday at 20.20 BST. I will pick the questions on Wednesday evening, so you've got until then to get them in! 👍
New question.

How do you like free adverts? :lol: (This interview advertises GTP.)

Where in the world would you most like to live? Some other country or are you happy where you are?
How much clout do you think GTPlanet actually has with PD?

As a resident of Kentucky, will you push PD to include Churchill Downs as an oval racetrack for dirt/rally?
Will there be any other updates coming up for GTP? Will you try to get some Turn10 support? Are you going to stream it for the viewers?
Less than four hours to go! Links to tune in are on the OP. 👍