Analogy: Idiot Members to Bees

I havn't been here that long and I have already had a scuffle with some moron. The bee anology is an accurate representation. His friends came to back him up now I get bombarded with messages. I've also been fond of the Idiot metophor, it's the most self explanitory.
oh, yeah. see my signature (wich is a tribute to milefile, in some sort.)
I agree with the drift forum stuff. it is absolutely true, but you can see how they invade every corner of gtp.
oh, and rumple, that "I've come to annoy you with tupid tales of GTRs..." is pure gold! :lol:

Originally posted by danoff
bees make honey.

Completely off topic, and I apologise...

"God make bees, bees make 'oney, God make man, man make money, but satan make uman fi come rob man money. Men smart but di uman smarter!"

Great line from King Yellowman :lol:
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Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin

Probably the funniest thing to come around in awhile, Rumple. :lol: Good job. 👍

[EDIT] Heh, I also found this quote from a Inital D player. It was so stereotypical, I had to quote him and post it in my sig!
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
While argueing with an oaf here I was trying to think of the best way to describe the local tools of GTP.

After trying to compare them to piles of manure, rotten eggs, and a vanerial disease I came up with the perfect analogy.


I wrote this analogy in another thread. I loved it so much I thought I should throw it in the "Opinions" forum. Maybe you guys will have something to add, maybe not.

Anywho, here it is. I thought it was short and simple, but got to the point.


Idiots likeness to bees.

There is no sense in really argueng with fools. The smart members here are outnumbered atleast 367:1 by fools.

I think of all the dumb members here like bees.

They can sometimes be allright, just kinda floating around, not doing much but minding their own business. But then you get the occasional one who will go out of its way just to annoy the **** outta you.

And what do you do when a bee/idiot annoy you?

You give it a whack.

Problem is though that once you whack one of them then you got to deal with a whole cloud of them.

So really it's best to leave them alone, but sometimes you can't help but just try to swat a couple down.


Yep, bees.



I now read this everyday when I am dealing with Dumasses with computer problems and laugh letting stress out now - Thanks Rumple
OMG, That picture is farking hillarious - everyone I show at work and have them read the post are tearing they are laughing so hard. Pure Genious :D
Thanx go out to pimpin_t for that rockin' pic of the bee man though. 👍

It wasn't even really supposed tobe funny, i was just pissed off and thought i would say it how i saw it.

Originally posted by xAkirax2004

Hahaha. I took a hard look at the bee and see if I couldnt laugh, and I would up falling out my chair!
Akira, did you ever check your pm's? I sent you all that photoshop info. Sorry for going off topic but I havent seen you posting since I sent it to you a couple days ago and was just wondering.
Thanx go out to pimpin_t for that rockin' pic of the bee man though.

I feel the Beeman serves his purpose well. I'm sure he will be posted everytime a newbee makes another stupid comment.

Long live the Beeman

Originally posted by 69Dodge_Charger
Akira, did you ever check your pm's? I sent you all that photoshop info. Sorry for going off topic but I havent seen you posting since I sent it to you a couple days ago and was just wondering.

Yes, I did. Thanks 69DC.
just saw this thread...
rumple is 110% right about the skylines
@ just about any car forum, there are skyline fanboys
r34 this r34 that... blah blah blah
FU[size=large]*[/size]K your r34, or any skyline
Originally posted by Zrow
It isn't new members that get me, it's people who can't type a clear sentence if their life depended on it. Capitalization! Punctuation! Think of these things. Don't act like a jackass! Its really inevitable, though. As forums grow and become more popular, the idiot member level raises quite a bit. It's only to be expected.
I try to be coherent in my speech, but often I write how I think. So its often quite mis-shapen and blocky. I mean, you should see one of my msn conversations. Its just: "The other day [enter] I went to the park [enter]" even thought this could quite easily have been put into 1 sentance. Ahwell, I'll do my best to use proper english, even if I SliP every now-and-then.
Originally posted by Zrow
It isn't new members that get me, it's people who can't type a clear sentence if their life depended on it. Capitalization! Punctuation! Think of these things. Don't act like a jackass! Its really inevitable, though. As forums grow and become more popular, the idiot member level raises quite a bit. It's only to be expected.
liek wtf dood you gt a prob wif us idiot memmber who dont use capital or punctuateion

i kill you


*Thinks to self... Okay, I'm new. Do I fit this bill? Hell I do!*

*Swat again*