Supposedly jenniffer aniston was meant to play this role originally. The guy directing it is brad pitt. No wonder they cant even cast properly.
The woman angelina is meant to be playing.
Angelina Jolie
And since when did skin colour matter in the 21st century?
lol its a film, I get what your saying but comeon, its like me making a movie about a dog, but then casting a cat to play the role. Why get angelina to play it? Are they short of mixed race actors?
What movie are we talking about here?
A mighty heart, due to come out in 2007.
Is this any different from Sean Connery playing a Russian?
To play the role, all he would have to do is change his accent, and perhaps his hair style and dress. For angelina to be a good choice she would need to get some plastic surgery like M.J, but the exact opposite!
I, on the other hand, have met plenty of white people who are actually mixed with black race. You just have no idea how meiosis can turn out. The odds of having a darker child out of a black guy and a white woman are indeed high, but there's always a chance of that kid being pure white.
If a black man has a child with a white woman or vice versa it will come out anything but pure white. As I said before, living in london, which is probably the bi-racial relationship capital of the world I see loads on a day to day basis. One side of my family is mixed black and white. Alot of the time if a mixed race person is in a cold country, where they are unlikely to catch too many rays they can get pale, but you can always tell wheter they are white or mixed race. One of my mixed race cousins came out dark like my uncle, but her younger brother came out rather lighter.
I can always tell wheter if someone is mixed with something or not, I do not have those problems at all. Im just pissed as to why you would get a white woman to play the role of a mixed race woman. If it was a black woman I would feel excatly how I do now.
I mean of all the films out there about white people, Ive yet to see a mixed black and white or black person play the role of a white person.
Yet this one on a blue moon film about a mixed race person, gets played by a white woman?? Lets make a movie about hilary clinton and get beyonce to play her role, or how about we get 50 cent to play the role of Bill clinton or G.W.Bush