Angelina Jolies new film(white woman playing role of brown woman)

  • Thread starter Poverty


What is your opinion of the film where angelina jolie, a white woman plays the role of a mixed raced one?

I think that this is pure stupidity, I mean why would you get a white woman to play a mixed race lady? In the modern times you wouldnt get a black woman playing a white woman or vice versa.

This is like getting a mule to play the role of a donkey or horse. It doesnt work and they should have got a mixed race woman to play the role. 👎
What is your opinion of the film where angelina jolie, a white woman plays the role of a mixed raced one?

I think that this is pure stupidity, I mean why would you get a white woman to play a mixed race lady? In the modern times you wouldnt get a black woman playing a white woman or vice versa.

This is like getting a mule to play the role of a donkey or horse. It doesnt work and they should have got a mixed race woman to play the role. 👎

She looks like a mixed race woman ?

If she is Sicilian she is a mixed race woman .

Chances are if she is from Europe she is a mixed race woman and if from the US even more of a chance...not many pure breeds left on the planet Grasshopper.

Halley Berry Is Mixed Racee ...but would she be accepted as being mixed race if she got the part ?
Angelina is really pale, and shes playing the role of a woman who has one white parent and the other bein black. She also doesnt have mixed race traits.

Living in London I see loads of mixed black and white people, and angelina looks nothing like one, even with the makeup. She looks more like quarter black, 3 quarters white, after makeup has done its best.

Chances are if she is from Europe she is a mixed race woman and if from the US even more of a chance...not many pure breeds left on the planet Grasshopper.
This is true but for the film the criteria of the story requires a mixed white and black female, IE, someone that is brown.
Would it not be considered racist to hire someone on the basis of the colour of their skin?

And you'd be surprised at what makeup can do:

She looks more like quarter black, 3 quarters white, after makeup has done its best.

So isn't that a mixed race woman? :)

And perhaps because of your early experience, you haven't met enough people to judge who is mixed and who's not.

I, on the other hand, have met plenty of white people who are actually mixed with black race. You just have no idea how meiosis can turn out. The odds of having a darker child out of a black guy and a white woman are indeed high, but there's always a chance of that kid being pure white.

Plus, Angelina Jolie looks nothing like caucasian type of white, like Ledhed said, she might be sicilan.

Supposedly jenniffer aniston was meant to play this role originally. The guy directing it is brad pitt. No wonder they cant even cast properly.

The woman angelina is meant to be playing.

Angelina Jolie

And since when did skin colour matter in the 21st century?

lol its a film, I get what your saying but comeon, its like me making a movie about a dog, but then casting a cat to play the role. Why get angelina to play it? Are they short of mixed race actors?

What movie are we talking about here?

A mighty heart, due to come out in 2007.

Is this any different from Sean Connery playing a Russian?
To play the role, all he would have to do is change his accent, and perhaps his hair style and dress. For angelina to be a good choice she would need to get some plastic surgery like M.J, but the exact opposite!

I, on the other hand, have met plenty of white people who are actually mixed with black race. You just have no idea how meiosis can turn out. The odds of having a darker child out of a black guy and a white woman are indeed high, but there's always a chance of that kid being pure white.

If a black man has a child with a white woman or vice versa it will come out anything but pure white. As I said before, living in london, which is probably the bi-racial relationship capital of the world I see loads on a day to day basis. One side of my family is mixed black and white. Alot of the time if a mixed race person is in a cold country, where they are unlikely to catch too many rays they can get pale, but you can always tell wheter they are white or mixed race. One of my mixed race cousins came out dark like my uncle, but her younger brother came out rather lighter.

I can always tell wheter if someone is mixed with something or not, I do not have those problems at all. Im just pissed as to why you would get a white woman to play the role of a mixed race woman. If it was a black woman I would feel excatly how I do now.

I mean of all the films out there about white people, Ive yet to see a mixed black and white or black person play the role of a white person.

Yet this one on a blue moon film about a mixed race person, gets played by a white woman?? Lets make a movie about hilary clinton and get beyonce to play her role, or how about we get 50 cent to play the role of Bill clinton or G.W.Bush
Angelina is really pale, and shes playing the role of a woman who has one white parent and the other bein black. She also doesnt have mixed race traits.

Living in London I see loads of mixed black and white people, and angelina looks nothing like one, even with the makeup. She looks more like quarter black, 3 quarters white, after makeup has done its best.

This is true but for the film the criteria of the story requires a mixed white and black female, IE, someone that is brown.

Sorry buddy but not only have I dated mixed race BLACK women as light skinned as I am ..I didnt know until they told me .More than a few fact i swore I was dating a puerto rican till she took me home to meet mom and dad .

Dont let a limited world view get in your way .
If a black man has a child with a white woman or vice versa it will come out anything but pure white.

There's no way you can prove that. Being generic is being as ignorant as Paris Hilton taking the SATs.

As I said before, living in london, which is probably the bi-racial relationship capital of the world I see loads on a day to day basis.

I live in NYC. What do you think I see everyday? Only white or black people?

One side of my family is mixed black and white. Alot of the time if a mixed race person is in a cold country, where they are unlikely to catch too many rays they can get pale, but you can always tell wheter they are white or mixed race. One of my mixed race cousins came out dark like my uncle, but her younger brother came out rather lighter.

How is your family speaking for everybody else?

I can always tell wheter if someone is mixed with something or not, I do not have those problems at all. Im just pissed as to why you would get a white woman to play the role of a mixed race woman. If it was a black woman I would feel excatly how I do now.

You gotta get out of there and come to NYC. You'd be surprised.

London is the most multi-cultural city in the world, were also the most tolerant to others beliefs etc etc etc (maybe a bit too tolerant)

According to what I read online from people in bi-racial relationships in america is that there are stigmas too it. In London we dont have those stigmas. We have schools which have pupils which talk up to 73 different languages. I dont think I have to come to NYC to experience anything new. We also have alot of latinos over here, not as many as you guys but a fair share.

There's no way you can prove that. Being generic is being as ignorant as Paris Hilton taking the SATs.
So your saying it will come out blonde haired and blue eyed?

How is your family speaking for everybody else?

Did I say they were?

Sorry buddy but not only have I dated mixed race BLACK women

How can she be a mixed race woman if shes black?

Sorry buddy but not only have I dated mixed race BLACK women as light skinned as I am

Its not just skin tone wheter someone is mixed white and black, its hair, nose eyes, body shape.

I didnt know until they told me .More than a few fact i swore I was dating a puerto rican till she took me home to meet mom and dad .

Dont let a limited world view get in your way .

lol yes I can see why you might have thought she was puerto rican, but I dont think I would have made the same mistake.

P.S, just to backup some of my claims:

According to some documentary about bi-racial relationships in London, 50% of afro-carribean men are getting married to white woman, and they say eventually in britain brown skinned mixed race people willno longer be a minority but the majority. (I wouldnt say that mixed race white and black people are a minority, but cant think of a better word)
London is the most multi-cultural city in the world, were also the most tolerant to others beliefs etc etc etc (maybe a bit too tolerant)

According to what I read online from people in bi-racial relationships in america is that there are stigmas too it. In London we dont have those stigmas. We have schools which have pupils which talk up to 73 different languages. I dont think I have to come to NYC to experience anything new. We also have alot of latinos over here, not as many as you guys but a fair share.

So your saying it will come out blonde haired and blue eyed?

**** At times thats what happens ****

Back in school when you learned biology and they showed how if you cross pollenated you had a scertain percentage of different colors...I believe your Chromosomes work the same could bbe the ivory snow baby and your brother could be a George Foreman look alike .

Did I say they were?

How can she be a mixed race woman if shes black?

***** She chooses to identify herself as a BLACK women .*****

Its not just skin tone wheter someone is mixed white and black, its hair, nose eyes, body shape.

lol yes I can see why you might have thought she was puerto rican, but I dont think I would have made the same mistake.

P.S, just to backup some of my claims:

According to some documentary about bi-racial relationships in London, 50% of afro-carribean men are getting married to white woman, and they say eventually in britain brown skinned mixed race people willno longer be a minority but the majority. (I wouldnt say that mixed race white and black people are a minority, but cant think of a better word)

Hey I actully think IMO she resembles the lady in the photo .

I just dont think its a big deal at all ..
So your saying it will come out blonde haired and blue eyed?

Now that's just silly. Do you know what the meaning of meiosis is? Do you know how our genes from our parents and grandparents are inherited to us?

NO. I think the question is...what grade are you in? You probably haven't got to study meiosis and the role of our parents genes and how we are formed.

THERE'S ALWAYS A PROBABILITY. You absolutely cannot predict with full accuracy what theoutcome of two different races will be. Your above posts are completely void if you haven't studied this yet.

Did I say they were?

Exactly, so why are you putting them as an example?

According to some documentary about bi-racial relationships in London, 50% of afro-carribean men are getting married to white woman, and they say eventually in britain brown skinned mixed race people willno longer be a minority but the majority. (I wouldnt say that mixed race white and black people are a minority, but cant think of a better word)

That's fine. But that doesn't back up your predictions of who will be white or black.

Poverty, mixed race means mixed race, it doesn't mean you have to be half cast, you can get black and white mixed race people. I used to be close friends with a mixed race girl, the unfortunate lass was half Welsh and half German, by all definitions she was mixed race, she was pale and blonde and blue eyed. Cute too, but that's another matter. Skin colour has nothing to do with being mixed race or not, ancestry does.
Angelina Jolie's farther John Voight was born into a Czechoslovakian-American family, and her mother Marcheline Bertrand's farther was Québécois. Anglina Jolie IS mixed race, it's no strange deal for her to play a mixed race person.

As for the Sean Connery playing a Russian comment daan made earlier, I'm not sure you got it, Connery has played a Russian, did he put on a Russian accent, did he heck.
not many pure breeds left on the planet Grasshopper.
Words of wisdom, Lloyd, words of wisdom 👍

Is this any different from Sean Connery playing a Russian?
Shurely shome mishtake, Mish Moneypenny... I'm not from the She She She Pee...

(it might be different if Connery was to do a Brazilian, however... :ill: )
I don't know what the glitch is, here... Every time I look at Angelina Jolie, she doesn't look pure white.

I'm exactly one-half Japanese, and it's only after I tell people that they start saying... ohhh... no wonder your skin is light... bull! I'm the same color as most of the brown people around me. And my slitty eyes? I got that from my father's side (we've got some Chinese there, too).

My Aunts are all exactly one-half Japanese, and they look 100% Caucasian... all of them. Some of them don't even have small eyes. And the ones that do still fall within the normal variance amongst Caucasians. My Mom is the only one among them who actually looks Japanese (because she's pure Oriental).

My uncle is 100% Asian (Filipino) and his kids are 100% white. Pure, snow white. They don't have any Asian features at all. I know a lot of half-Filipinos that either look 100% Caucasian or 100% Asian.

It's easy to think that mixed race people should look like mixed race people, unless you actually know a lot of them.
My experiance exactly . I dont ever bother trying to figure it out...i figure we are all mutts of some type.
Poverty, mixed race means mixed race, it doesn't mean you have to be half cast, you can get black and white mixed race people. I used to be close friends with a mixed race girl, the unfortunate lass was half Welsh and half German, by all definitions she was mixed race, she was pale and blonde and blue eyed. Cute too, but that's another matter. Skin colour has nothing to do with being mixed race or not, ancestry does.
Angelina Jolie's farther John Voight was born into a Czechoslovakian-American family, and her mother Marcheline Bertrand's farther was Québécois. Anglina Jolie IS mixed race, it's no strange deal for her to play a mixed race person.

As for the Sean Connery playing a Russian comment daan made earlier, I'm not sure you got it, Connery has played a Russian, did he put on a Russian accent, did he heck.

I accept that you can be mixed white, but this is strictlya bout black and white mixed race. When people talk about a mixed race person they generally mean a half caste person ( a terminology which is deemed to be derogatory yo some people btw)

Everyone in england who thinks their a traditional english man is mixed race. England is a mongrel state, the same goes for most americans. Hence in popular form a mixed race person to me, and most people I know is a person with a black parent or a white parent, or in general terms a person who has two parents that have some very different defining features. Like it has been said before in this thread nobody is 100% puire race, and if we go really back in time everyone is african.

My point is, you do not get a white woman to play the role of a brown woman. Thats my whole argument, we can even get rid of the mixed race issue. The ladie is brown, angelina jolie is rather palish white. It doesnt match, and the days that white people blackened themselves up with soot etc from the days they belived black people were too stupid to play the roles are over.

Anyway I have now read that supposedly in Halle berrys next film she will play the role of a white woman, which again I think is bloody stupid but atleast were even now eh?

Anotehr quick example as to where im coming from. Take the singer neyo, hes mixed with some sort of asian race, and black race, but everyone would still call him a black man, just how if you cross a german and a russian they would still be regarded as to white. I was going by skin colour, and ethnic features.
The woman Angelina is playing is only a light brown, the wonders of makeup can easilly make Angelina as brown as she is. I honestly don't see the issue here.
My point is, you do not get a white woman to play the role of a brown woman.

Anyway I have now read that supposedly in Halle berrys next film she will play the role of a white woman, which again I think is bloody stupid but atleast were even now eh?

Would it not be considered racist to hire someone on the basis of the colour of their skin?


You hire someone thats best for the job, and if the job requires someone to resemble anotehr person than thats how its gonna be. That argument is pretty weak in this context as you could say stuff along those lines for loads of jobs out there.
Thats my whole argument, we can even get rid of the mixed race issue. The ladie is brown, angelina jolie is rather palish white. It doesnt match, and the days that white people blackened themselves up with soot etc from the days they belived black people were too stupid to play the roles are over.

But that is not the point that you were addressing before. The woman is mixed race...and so is Angelina.

Anyway I have now read that supposedly in Halle berrys next film she will play the role of a white woman, which again I think is bloody stupid but atleast were even now eh?

Let me ask you a question. That "white" woman...was she well known for being white?? How is her color relevant to what people are going to percieve from her?

Its relevant because the film is based ona true story and to draw in the viewers I would think that the best person to play the role would be a woman that looks similiar to her.

Its obvious that the company thats making this film didnt even bother to hold a casting session for the lead role as it was originally meant to have been played by Jenniffer aniston who was brad pitts wifey at the time.

Anotehr argument I would like to bring up. This is to show the hypocrisy of certain people here.

I have read about some of the mebers here complain about there being too many foreigners playing in the premiership. How is it that they think thats wrong, but then think that this is ok.

Anyone of any race creed or colour can play football, but not anyone can look like a mixed-raced (white and black) person.
That argument is pretty weak in this context as you could say stuff along those lines for loads of jobs out there.

Yes you could, but that doesn't make the point "weak".

I want to hire an assistant. My prerequisite is that they resemble the previous one - young, female, white and blonde. That okay?

Part of acting is making people believe that you're someone you're not. Skin colour doesn't enter into it.

Incidentally, you'd be amazed at what genetics can come up with:


(fraternal twins, both parents have a white mother and a black father - they're mixed race kids of mixed race kids. And look, blonde hair and blue eyes...)
Its relevant because the film is based ona true story and to draw in the viewers I would think that the best person to play the role would be a woman that looks similiar to her.

I understand, but It doesn't matter if it's a real life based film or not, anyone can concentrate on what the point is whithout paying more attention at the skin color of the actor/actress. I personally pay more attention at the acting part. I do not let the skin color of the performer be a factor when I decide whther it was a good film or not

Its obvious that the company thats making this film didnt even bother to hold a casting session for the lead role as it was originally meant to have been played by Jenniffer aniston who was brad pitts wifey at the time.

Yeah sure, the company didn't want to hire a white woman becuase they didn't want to get better profit out of the film. :rolleyes:


I have read about some of the mebers here complain about there being too many foreigners playing in the premiership. How is it that they think thats wrong, but then think that this is ok.

That is out of context. People are not happy with foreign players because of skin's about being proud of your own people. For instance, take the spanish league: It lacks of good spaniard talent, but it has some of the best football teams in the world, though this creates good impression on the country's football level, it makes people angry that most of the good players are foreigners. It's not about skin color son.

That is out of context. People are not happy with foreign players because of skin's about being proud of your own people.

What about the mixed black and white people getting pride from watching this new film?

Yeah sure, the company didn't want to hire a white woman becuase they didn't want to get better profit out of the film.


Sorry I dont understand.

The production company making this film is owned and started up by mister brad pitt. At the beggining planning stages of the film he was still married to jennifer aniston. She was going to play the role. They broke up and he gave it to his new wifey. I think its im being reasonable in deducting that they didnt hold casting sessions for the lead character.

I understand, but It doesn't matter if it's a real life based film or not, anyone can concentrate on what the point is whithout paying more attention at the skin color of the actor/actress. I personally pay more attention at the acting part. I do not let the skin color of the performer be a factor when I decide whther it was a good film or not

Alot of very famous child actors have trouble making it has very succesful adult actors, due to the image of people always seeing them as the character they played in the film/tv show that got them famous.

Now for angelina this would work the opposite way, shes a mega superstar, and her playing the role of a brown woman would obviously stand out to everyone like a sore thumb, as everyone wont be used to seeing her like that.
So, it's his film being made by his company, he has the right to choose who HE want's if it was someone else who was paying to make the movie then they'd have some say.
So, it's his film being made by his company, he has the right to choose who HE want's if it was someone else who was paying to make the movie then they'd have some say.

lol im not questioning his right to who he can or cannot choose. Im just questioning their common sense and intelligence. I dont think he actually put much thought into choosing who he wanted, anyone could have got the role, as long as they were dating mr.pitt at the time.
What about the mixed black and white people getting pride from watching this new film?

Sorry I dont understand.

The production company making this film is owned and started up by mister brad pitt. At the beggining planning stages of the film he was still married to jennifer aniston. She was going to play the role. They broke up and he gave it to his new wifey. I think its im being reasonable in deducting that they didnt hold casting sessions for the lead character.

Ok, if Jennifer Aniston was to play the role of a "mixed race brown woman", why would you start such a rant about Angelina Jolie playing it now?

Alot of very famous child actors have trouble making it has very succesful adult actors, due to the image of people always seeing them as the character they played in the film/tv show that got them famous.

I would like you to give me at least 10 examples as I haven't heard such nonsense before.

Now for angelina this would work the opposite way, shes a mega superstar, and her playing the role of a brown woman would obviously stand out to everyone like a sore thumb, as everyone wont be used to seeing her like that.

What makes you think that people are going to be so eager to see the actor's skin colour?
