Angelina Jolies new film(white woman playing role of brown woman)

  • Thread starter Poverty
Brunette Julia Roberts played blonde Erin Brockovich.

Oh noes!
Ok, if Jennifer Aniston was to play the role of a "mixed race brown woman", why would you start such a rant about Angelina Jolie playing it now?
Because that information didnt get out till they started filming.

I would like you to give me at least 10 examples as I haven't heard such nonsense before.

One I can give is Mccauley culkin. On the london underground there are currently adverts by the times online "join the debate: films", and they ask questions such as "sweet or salted" "fans of film, or fans of celebrity" and "Why dont most child stars make it as adult stars". Those are a few examples so it will make sense to you.

What makes you think that people are going to be so eager to see the actor's skin colour?
They wont, but throughout the entire film people are gonna be thinking "whats angelina doing playing the role of a brown woman"?
Macauley Kulkin doesn't have trouble because he can't lose his image, he has trouble getting roles because since the mid 90's he starred in a lot of films which were no good. That happens to already grown up actors and actresses as well.

As for this film I'll be enjoying the movie, not wondering why she isn't as brown as she should be. As Ozzy said before, what is this woman known for, is it for being brown, fo helping brown skinned people. No. She's known for her story about going into Pakistan to look for her lost husband. The story has nothing to do with skin colour. Now if Russel Crowe was to be cast as Martin Luther King you'd have a point, but that point has little to no meaning in this case.
I don't see a problem unless her skin color is critical to the story (ie: people are supposed to react to her based on HER skin color)... even then, makeup could fix the issue.
Yeah, Dan pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.

If her appearence or heritage is linked to the story, it would be appropriate for her to look the part. If it is inconsequential, then who cares?

Sometimes the story can work even if a white person plays the role of a black person.

Patrick Stewart played Othello in a 1997 production. Every other character was played by a black actor.
