- 115
- California
No. Maine's property crime rate is at around 13.6 per 1,000 people, you've grossly misunderstood which way around numbers go. Your own link also shows that the USA has an average murder rate 29 times higher than Morocco, 6 times more violent rape crime, a 3 times higher murder rate, I'm just not sure where you're trying to go with that.
I figured to respond to this by pointing out that what is considered a crime in North Africa may be different than what constitutes a crime in USA. For example murdering someone for being a homosexual or transgender in totally legal in the many Islam dominated regions in Africa. Then there are also so called 'honor killings' to consider in many African area by Muslims that are legal according to the systems in many countries there. Since these types of killings are not a crime there they will not go on the database.
Keeping slaves is still legal in many places in Africa as well.
One nitpick is the practice of forced male a especially female(stage 3 and 4 negating any sexual pleasure) among citizens based on religion.
Is it right to deny one the simple basic pleasure of intercourse that is the sensation? No but it's perfectly fine to even take the clitoris of girls in Islam dominated Africa territories.
Here is a link explaining how a man that was raped by men was charged himself after a forced anal examination...
Point being things that should be illegal are legal and vice versa ie right to enjoy sex, right to chose spouse, abolishing child marriage, sexuality, and gender identity in many countries in North Africa and occur at high rates. Oh such a wonderful paradise. What's even worse than overall recorded crime rates is what vile acts are actually legal or go unpunished and Middle Eastern and Muslim North African territories allow some heinous acts against women and lgbt people and even rape victims.
North Africa is not a safe haven get over it. Granted knowing you you'll somehow manage some mental acrobatics to justify it and claim 'aw well it's just another culture' which is a sad argument to say the least.
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