White Privilege

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No. Maine's property crime rate is at around 13.6 per 1,000 people, you've grossly misunderstood which way around numbers go. Your own link also shows that the USA has an average murder rate 29 times higher than Morocco, 6 times more violent rape crime, a 3 times higher murder rate, I'm just not sure where you're trying to go with that.

I figured to respond to this by pointing out that what is considered a crime in North Africa may be different than what constitutes a crime in USA. For example murdering someone for being a homosexual or transgender in totally legal in the many Islam dominated regions in Africa. Then there are also so called 'honor killings' to consider in many African area by Muslims that are legal according to the systems in many countries there. Since these types of killings are not a crime there they will not go on the database.


Keeping slaves is still legal in many places in Africa as well.

One nitpick is the practice of forced male a especially female(stage 3 and 4 negating any sexual pleasure) among citizens based on religion.


Is it right to deny one the simple basic pleasure of intercourse that is the sensation? No but it's perfectly fine to even take the clitoris of girls in Islam dominated Africa territories.

Here is a link explaining how a man that was raped by men was charged himself after a forced anal examination...


Point being things that should be illegal are legal and vice versa ie right to enjoy sex, right to chose spouse, abolishing child marriage, sexuality, and gender identity in many countries in North Africa and occur at high rates. Oh such a wonderful paradise. What's even worse than overall recorded crime rates is what vile acts are actually legal or go unpunished and Middle Eastern and Muslim North African territories allow some heinous acts against women and lgbt people and even rape victims.

North Africa is not a safe haven get over it. Granted knowing you you'll somehow manage some mental acrobatics to justify it and claim 'aw well it's just another culture' which is a sad argument to say the least.
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I figured to respond to this by pointing out that what is considered a crime in North Africa may be different than what constitutes a crime in USA. For example murdering someone for being a homosexual or transgender in totally legal in the many Islam dominated regions in Africa. Then there are also so called 'honor killings' to consider in many African area by Muslims that are legal according to the systems in many countries there. Since these types of killings are not a crime there they will not go on the database.


Keeping slaves is still legal in many places in Africa as well.

One nitpick is the practice of forced male a especially female(stage 3 and 4 negating any sexual pleasure) among citizens based on religion.


Is it right to deny one the simple basic pleasure of intercourse that is the sensation? No but it's perfectly fine to even take the clitoris of girls in Islam dominated Africa territories.

Here is a link explaining how a man that was raped by men was charged himself after a forced anal examination...


Point being things that should be illegal are legal and vice versa ie right to enjoy sex, right to chose spouse, abolishing child marriage, sexuality, and gender identity in many countries in North Africa and occur at high rates. Oh such a wonderful paradise. What's even worse than overall recorded crime rates is what vile acts are actually legal or go unpunished and Middle Eastern and Muslim North African territories allow some heinous acts against women and lgbt people and even rape victims
You are aware that acid marriages are legal in a number of US states?

Are you aware that the country with the largest number of slaves is not in Africa (it's actually India)? Or that provisions allow for legal slavery still in the US?

Oh and no-one has said its some kind of paradise, so cut the strawman arguments, it's your clear fallback the moment you know your wrong, and to keep doing it is rather weak.

North Africa is not a safe haven get over it. Granted knowing you you'll somehow manage some mental acrobatics to justify it and claim 'aw well it's just another culture' which is a sad argument to say the least.
Now aside from the utterly clear strawman argument and forgetting that the GPI source I cited accounts for these factors I have to ask, have you been to Africa? As you seem now to have morphed this
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You are aware that acid marriages are legal in a number of US states?

Are you aware that the country with the largest number of slaves is not in Africa (it's actually India)? Or that provisions allow for legal slavery still in the US?

Oh and no-one has said its some kind of paradise, so cut the strawman arguments, it's your clear fallback the moment you know your wrong, and to keep doing it is rather weak.

Now aside from the utterly clear strawman argument and forgetting that the GPI source I cited accounts for these factors I have to ask, have you been to Africa? As you seem now to have morphed this

So you do not address the negatives and instead continue to defend the continent as a whole. No response to stage 3 and 4 forced female genital mutilation or honor killing nor persecution and killing of lgbt people. There is a lot more work that needs to be done in North Africa and Middle East than America.

While arranged marriages are legal in some states it's illegal to force someone to engage in it. There are not as much legal protections to prevent unwanted forced marriage in Africa or the ME.

https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/forced-marriage#:~:text=In some U.S. states, forced,violence, stalking, or coercion.

You bringing up the arranged marriage in USA is the strawman as there is protections to allow one to leave that culture or state. Imagine if a Muslim little girl in Africa or the Middle East tried to escape her arranged marriage.. that could lead to a potentially legal or unpunished honor killing. Could an honor killing legally happen in America UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE at a federal or state level NO. You lose again.
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Not sure what any of the above has to do with different races in the United States earning differently for the same job. But if you're a minor in the US and you enter into a marriage then you've been coerced.

Nobody is defending honour killing in some North African countries because nobody brought it up until you did as an excuse for black people in the US being economically disadvantaged.
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Not sure what any of the above has to do with different races in the United States earning differently for the same job. But if you're a minor in the US and you enter into a marriage then you've been coerced.

Yep but at the same time you have legal right to end it with less threat of violence than in territories with Muslim law.

Also nope the wage gap isn't based on race just work ethic. An intelligent black man with a degree experience and a strong work ethic and dedication to his job will not go unappreciated nor make less than a white man in the same company.
So you do not address the negatives and instead continue to defend the continent as a whole. No response to stage 3 and 4 forced female genital mutilation or honor killing nor persecution and killing of lgbt people. There is a lot more work that needs to be done in North Africa and Middle East than America.
Why would I address a strawman that doesn't support the original claim you were attempting to make?

While arranged marriages are legal in some states it's illegal to force someone to engage in it. There are not as much legal protections to prevent unwanted forced marriage in Africa or the ME.

https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/forced-marriage#:~:text=In some U.S. states, forced,violence, stalking, or coercion.
Incorrect, a judge can actually order a minor to marry against their will in some states, and the minor then finds the spouse to be their legal guardian that they are not legally able to leave or divorce.


You bringing up the arranged marriage in USA is the strawman as there is protections to allow one to leave that culture or state. Imagine if a Muslim little girl in Africa or the Middle East tried to escape her arranged marriage.. that could lead to a potentially legal or unpunished honor killing. Could an honor killing legally happen in America UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE at a federal or state level NO. You lose again.
It's not a contest and once again you are attempting to label an entire continent under one umbrella.

Oh and you also seem to have an issue with Muslims and missed my point about slavery and the US.

You and UKMikey and them all probably get turned on my female genital mutilation and honor killings though.. you sickos. You also enjoy lgbt slaughter as well. I mean you are defending a place where all this is practiced by the way.
And for that little line of ******** you get reported, you are both incorrect in your assumptions and quite frankly its a vulgar and inaccurate insult. I strongly suggest you re-read the AUP.

Yep but at the same time you have legal right to end it with less threat of violence than in territories with Muslim law.
What exactly do you mean by 'Muslim' law and why do you think it applies to the entire continent of Africa?

Also nope the wage gap isn't based on race just work ethic. An intelligent black man with a degree experience and a strong work ethic and dedication to his job will not go unappreciated nor make less than a white man in the same company.
Except it does and the data has already been provided for you and you have ignored it.
How do you know that it is Islamic Law? Just because many North African countries are majority Islamic doesn’t mean Islam is the reason for child marriages, killing of certain groups, etc. There are plenty of nations which allow similar barbaric practices which aren’t Islamic? Unless you could prove that Islam itself directly influences these practices, I’m going to take it as just another conservative who pretends to care about atrocities across the world just in the name of putting Islam down.
Yep but at the same time you have legal right to end it with less threat of violence than in territories with Muslim law.
The Islam thread is thataway -->.

This has literally nothing to do with the subject of this thread and makes you look kind of desperate as you cast about for reasons why black people are worse.
How do you know that it is Islamic Law? Just because many North African countries are majority Islamic doesn’t mean Islam is the reason for child marriages, killing of certain groups, etc. There are plenty of nations which allow similar barbaric practices which aren’t Islamic? Unless you could prove that Islam itself directly influences these practices, I’m going to take it as just another conservative who pretends to care about atrocities across the world just in the name of putting Islam down.

Oh you want some peaceful verses from the Quran?? Ok buddy here's one condoning wife beating...


Here are some other beautiful scriptures for you enjoyment...

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:lol: You couldn't make this up. Another atheist here, and one becoming increasingly unconvinced about the supposed benefits of a PragerU "education".

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You are aware that acid marriages are legal in a number of US states?

I cound find no reference to "acid marriage". What on earth is an "acid marriage"?

Are you aware that the country with the largest number of slaves is not in Africa (it's actually India)? Or that provisions allow for legal slavery still in the US?


Incorrect, a judge can actually order a minor to marry against their will in some states, and the minor then finds the spouse to be their legal guardian that they are not legally able to leave or divorce.


I read that article through carefully and although it mentions cases requiring judicial consent, I could find no reference to US judges ordering any marriages. Would you point out the specific passage in the article?
Would you like me to do the same with the bible?

What about throwing your daughter to rapists? That would be Judges 19.1

I'm an atheist, and equally critical of all religions.

I'm not a Christian granted I used to be for 5 years and have read the Bible 4 times and studied it. I'm also critical of all religions.

One point I must make to clear up a misconception about me, I'm not a far right conservative I'm a moderate. Also, sorry for saying some of things I said and for the nasty accusations I made out of anger.
I cound find no reference to "acid marriage". What on earth is an "acid marriage"?

Not really given that the focus was about slavery being a key issue in Africa, however of you want 'whataboutism' then look at how that came about in this thread in the first place.

I read that article through carefully and although it mentions cases requiring judicial consent, I could find no reference to US judges ordering any marriages. Would you point out the specific passage in the article?
Here you go.

No protection due to minimum age and the person being forced into marriage gets no say in it, the parents request it, the judge approves it, about as clear a case of forced marriage as you can get, all quite legal in a number of US states, even if the child is below the age of consent.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/unicef...here is no federal law,18 are harmed for life.
Here you go.

No protection due to minimum age and the person being forced into marriage gets no say in it, the parents request it, the judge approves it, about as clear a case of forced marriage as you can get, all quite legal in a number of US states, even if the child is below the age of consent.

This is sad man. How could this even occur in America to this day. Well there's got to be a way to get a divorce I did uncover lawyers specializing in this. Niger and Bangladesh etc have the highest rates of forced marriage. Humans can be pretty twisted and domineering.

Not really given that the focus was about slavery being a key issue in Africa, however of you want 'whataboutism' then look at how that came about in this thread in the first place.

Here you go.

No protection due to minimum age and the person being forced into marriage gets no say in it, the parents request it, the judge approves it, about as clear a case of forced marriage as you can get, all quite legal in a number of US states, even if the child is below the age of consent.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/unicefusa/2018/10/29/what-you-need-to-know-about-child-marriage-in-the-us-1/#:~:text=There is no federal law,18 are harmed for life.

Colorado just got on that last year. Can't get married under age 16 (as best I can tell) as of 2019. Up until then there was no minimum.
This is sad man. How could this even occur in America to this day. Well there's got to be a way to get a divorce I did uncover lawyers specializing in this. Niger and Bangladesh etc have the highest rates of forced marriage. Humans can be pretty twisted and domineering.
You're talking to an ex-moderator. Just thought I'd point that out.

It's clear you don't actually care about the aforementioned atrocities which occur in Muslim-majority countries and only use them as a talking point, so why not just stop already.
You're talking to an ex-moderator. Just thought I'd point that out.

It's clear you don't actually care about the aforementioned atrocities which occur in Muslim-majority countries and only use them as a talking point, so why not just stop already.

I care don't assume i don't I'm a supporter of exmuslim women that got freedom from oppression. The stories I've heard from exmuslim women on their treatment and their dangerous risky escape from the country has made me cry and feel deep anger. I care so much which is why I hate it so bad. I also can't stand Christianity and Hinduism even Taosim has it's issues. Atrocities against humanity and humans rights has been done by nearly all religions none is innocent. On the other hand many good has been done in that name of that same religions.
I care don't assume i don't I'm a supporter of exmuslim women that got freedom from oppression. The stories I've heard from exmuslim women on their treatment and their dangerous risky escape from the country has made me cry and feel deep anger. I care so much which is why I hate it so bad. I also can't stand Christianity and Hinduism even Taosim has it's issues.
As I've said I'm an atheist, but I'm also perfectly aware that good exists in all religions as well as bad.

I'm friends with and work with people from all faiths and none, and to try and single out religion as a sole or ultimate cause of ill in the world is both inaccurate and dangerous, it simply leads to another form of extremism.

Keep in mind that the people who are fighting the hardest against the horrendous treatment of Muslim women are Muslims, as such to paint all people of a faith with the same brush just simply isn't accurate at all.
As I've said I'm an atheist, but I'm also perfectly aware that good exists in all religions as well as bad.

I'm friends with and work with people from all faiths and none, and to try and single out religion as a sole or ultimate cause of ill in the world is both inaccurate and dangerous, it simply leads to another form of extremism.

Keep in mind that the people who are fighting the hardest against the horrendous treatment of Muslim women are Muslims, as such to paint all people of a faith with the same brush just simply isn't accurate at all.

The Quran however has scripture that supports the beating of disobedient wives and the slaying of the unbelievers. The Muslims that don't follow those scriptures are indeed peaceful and I appreciate them but at the same time they are not following scripture to a t. Which is why I find that the best example of people fighting Muslim oppression or religious oppression in general are ones that left the faith as you's encounter in the Freedom from Religion Foundation(FFRF) ... like this woman..


She explains what being a female Muslim is like and why she left and the dangers associated with it. She's one of many.

Well at least it's calmed down here.
The Quran however has scripture that supports the beating of disobedient wives and the slaying of the unbelievers. The Muslims that don't follow those scriptures are indeed peaceful and I appreciate them but at the same time they are not following scripture to a t. Which is why I find that the best example of people fighting Muslim oppression or religious oppression in general are ones that left the faith as you's encounter in the Freedom from Religion Foundation(FFRF) ... like this woman..


She explains what being a female Muslim is like and why she left and the dangers associated with it. She's one of many.

Well at least it's calmed down here.
Once again, so does the Bible, and the Torah.

Not a surprise because all three are Abrahamic faiths and share the same root.

The bible, as an example, allows a parent to kill a child for being rude, and calls for death for having tattoos or wearing mixed fibre clothes.

You can find that kind of thing in every faith, it’s how people chose to use it that’s the issue.
Once again, so does the Bible, and the Torah.

Not a surprise because all three are Abrahamic faiths and share the same root.

The bible, as an example, allows a parent to kill a child for being rude, and calls for death for having tattoos or wearing mixed fibre clothes.

You can find that kind of thing in every faith, it’s how people chose to use it that’s the issue.

The harsh laws of these religions when followed strictly and misused can result in severe cases of abuse. As a matter of fact there are two mental health issues cause by faith based abuse or whatever the cause called religious trauma syndrome and theophobia.
Well at least it's calmed down here.
That tends to happen when you stop labelling everyone who disagrees with you as perverts and apologists.

I'm still not sure what the current thread direction has to do with white privilege though as all of your points have already been answered on the Islam thread I pointed you towards earlier.
That tends to happen when you stop labelling everyone who disagrees with you as perverts and apologists.

I'm still not sure what the current thread direction has to do with white privilege though as all of your points have already been answered on the Islam thread I pointed you towards earlier.
And/Or the general God thread.
Lets get this back on track...

Also nope the wage gap isn't based on race just work ethic. An intelligent black man with a degree experience and a strong work ethic and dedication to his job will not go unappreciated nor make less than a white man in the same company.
The evidence says you are wrong, and your comment here would state that you are saying that all people of colour (with the odd exception of American-Asians) are actually inherently lazy. That's both a rather broad and lazy statement to make, as well are inaccurately insulting.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racia...spite,African Americans, and Native Americans.

Would you also say that poor people are inherently lazy to explain the wage gap in that case, or that women are inherently lazy to explain that one?
Lets get this back on track...

The evidence says you are wrong, and your comment here would state that you are saying that all people of colour (with the odd exception of American-Asians) are actually inherently lazy. That's both a rather broad and lazy statement to make, as well are inaccurately insulting.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_wage_gap_in_the_United_States#:~:text=In the United States, despite,African Americans, and Native Americans.

Would you also say that poor people are inherently lazy to explain the wage gap in that case, or that women are inherently lazy to explain that one?
Everyone just needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

And if they didn't have any bootstraps in the first place due to institutionally racist policies such as redlining or gerrymandering then... they should get their own bootstraps! /s
Everyone just needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

And if they didn't have any bootstraps in the first place due to institutionally racist policies such as redlining or gerrymandering then... they should get their own bootstraps! /s
More practically: organize, acquire allies, use protest, boycott, force and violence if necessary.

If "acid marriage" means "forced marriage" Google is unaware of it as is DuckDuckGo. Perhaps they haven't caught up with the latest slang yet?

Here you go.

No protection due to minimum age and the person being forced into marriage gets no say in it, the parents request it, the judge approves it, about as clear a case of forced marriage as you can get, all quite legal in a number of US states, even if the child is below the age of consent.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/unicef...here is no federal law,18 are harmed for life.

I could not find that in either the Wikipedia article you cited earlier or the Forbes article. The only mentions of forced marriage in the Forbes article are "Say "child marriage" and the average American thinks of a developing country, where economic hardship forces parents to marry off their young daughter to a much older man." I don't believe the US is a developing country. The other reference is a quote from a Fraidy Reiss who claims to be a forced marriage survivor. Near as I can figure from the Wikipedia article about her, she was arranged to be married to someone she'd only known for three months but it doesn't say by whom, and although there was considerable pressure from her community to go through with it, I couldn't find a hint of it being legally enforceable.
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