Hello Hotlaps users, a moderately big change, there is now a mobile friendly web-ui at
https://hotlaps.rm-rf.ca. It's in very preliminary stages, really just add and view global laps right now, but I usually get a little work done on it every weekend. It might even become the primary interface as it's a lot quicker and easier to add features than in Android. (and only slightly more clunky to use)
You will get prompted about a certificate problem the first time you load the app for now, I hope to address this later but for now you just have to tell the browser to accept it and move on.
I suggest Google Chrome on Android, Firefox works but you have to scroll down a little when using the fancy typeaheads to search for car/track before they show up. I've done minimal testing in iOS but it looked good there too.
Let me know if you hit any issues, I hope to add edit and delete lap support soon and then start getting into cooler stuff. (like a class filter system for laptimes, following other users, and showing lots more stats and info)
Also it now supports Project Cars and Forza 6. Cheers!