Ant's Gallery - 6/28 - 2.0 Bokeh

Love the February entry there Ant. Giving my entry a great deal of competition there :lol:

Oh and that MP4 set is marvellous. Fantastic shots. 👍
Wow, this is what I call Master Class ! "RETRO II Entry" oh you managed pretty well with the landscape, the orange car color looks perfect. The "CCCL Entry" and its oldie mood kick ass. Your "Just Married" with the plane, yes this is wisely inspired. "MAN vs. MACHINE" I wonder how it would look if printed, this is very nice. "February Entry" yes this is the roaring thunder in its mighty form. CCCL shows a brilliant toning and camera angle. The Black R8 is my fav, sweet location, bokeh, toning, contrast and everything is perfect, now I really my my ps3. Bravo anthaliscious 👍
Very nice 2.0 entry with a beautiful scenery 👍
Thanks Kodje, I really tried to capture the bokeh side of the theme rather then all the depth entries:tup:

Love the February entry there Ant. Giving my entry a great deal of competition there :lol:

Oh and that MP4 set is marvellous. Fantastic shots. 👍
Glad you like them:)

Loving all the pics since the last time I was one gtp. Looking nice bruh
You've been out for a minute:lol:

Wow, this is what I call Master Class ! "RETRO II Entry" oh you managed pretty well with the landscape, the orange car color looks perfect. The "CCCL Entry" and its oldie mood kick ass. Your "Just Married" with the plane, yes this is wisely inspired. "MAN vs. MACHINE" I wonder how it would look if printed, this is very nice. "February Entry" yes this is the roaring thunder in its mighty form. CCCL shows a brilliant toning and camera angle. The Black R8 is my fav, sweet location, bokeh, toning, contrast and everything is perfect, now I really my my ps3. Bravo anthaliscious 👍
Thanks for the great feedback HaerBev:)
Amazing stuff ant! I have not been here in awhile, but I see a lot of improvement. Also fun cruising yesterday and nice CRZ.
2.0 entry looks like it came straight out of an artist's impression of a car in a christmassy environment. Very nice.