Any tips for someone who just got the game?

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
How long does it normally take to get into the better teams? I started with Super Aguri and had around nine or ten races, only finishing half though, but I am fairly new to this and it was a real challenge to even finish ninth at Magny-Cours. I get adverts and I apply but they never accept. Will I get a chance in the second season perhaps?

I think you're going to have to get consistently better finishes. What level are you playing it on?
Medium :(. I don't like racing for Super Aguri that much because it says T.Sato on the side of my car, the same with the Hondas but on the wings instead, I guess I just have to practice more.
The Auguri is pretty slow. The alternative is to work harder at the initial tests & get a ride with Midland or Toro Rosso.
Racer21, take full advantage of the practice sessions to get used to the car and the track. You will soon find out that Medium is pretty easy. Take your time to learn. Also, your grid position and finishing position will affect how soon you can get a better drive and the quality of that team. I used to start from the back of the grid just to get through that first season quickly. I found out that qualifying on pole as often as I could got me a good drive sooner, usually around Monaco with Toyota.
There is a gold and silver and bronze time you can try and beat, but in the dry with a half decent setup the time isnt much of a challenge so it is more of just a practice session.
Well, I say Melbourne is a serious challenge to beat gold. It's racing in almost complete darkness there alot of the time. Anyway, I found it very difficult to learn how to make turns in the dark by faintly seing a distance sign flash by :).
What else... on the vast majority of corners if you are off the well worn racing line you are losing time. It won't seem that way at first, but it really is true.
Hmm, is that so? That would maybe explain why a similarly good team still catches up with me on the Shanghai back straight although I go off racing-line to prevent them from slipstreaming me...
So I have a G25, feedback is full supportive? How is it? Does the 900 degree works? or 200-300?
How is this game if you compare it to real life? Is it arcadey? or if you turn all the settings off its pure sim?
I might get this as soon I visit any close store and buy it :)
Apart from what has been said, I have two things that would be good to have in mind.

1) Learn how to effectively drive defensively at last chicane at Montreal so that you won't be pushed off track (and be penalised) or pushed to spin and ram the wall because the AI is really aggressive there.

2) Doing outlaps is good stuff if you have the time. If you do rolling start you will have improperly heated tires once you begin your hotlap since the computer drives slowly on outlap for you. It also makes you know what leaving the pit will be like before the race. Where to break, where the line stops. Since you will be doing this in the race, it is good to have done this before. Same goes for going into pit rather than just pressing start button and return to garage that way. This is important since it is not all that easy to find the pitlane at all tracks in a stressed situation when every second counts. So many times I have smashed my car when trying to go into pit because I had no clue what the pitlane was like. So many times I have crossed the line out of the pit and had rev penalties because I did not know what it looked like (Monaco anyone?).

ps. I know it's an old thread ;)
2) Doing outlaps is good stuff if you have the time. If you do rolling start you will have improperly heated tires once you begin your hotlap since the computer drives slowly on outlap for you. It also makes you know what leaving the pit will be like before the race. Where to break, where the line stops. Since you will be doing this in the race, it is good to have done this before. Same goes for going into pit rather than just pressing start button and return to garage that way. This is important since it is not all that easy to find the pitlane at all tracks in a stressed situation when every second counts. So many times I have smashed my car when trying to go into pit because I had no clue what the pitlane was like. So many times I have crossed the line out of the pit and had rev penalties because I did not know what it looked like (Monaco anyone?).

That's a good suggestion. I'd only add that if one wishes to practice pit entry and exits it is very easy to do online. You can even setup an online practice race just for yourself. Heck even add password protection to keep others from butting in ;)
Be very quick out on the track in qualifying. Not sure why the good teams in real life sit around in the pits for a while but they do that in this game as well. Regardless which team you are on you should hit the track a soon as possible because the risk of being hindered by others that are outlapping and therefore driving slowly or caught by someone faster that likely will hit you if you miss the racingline is too great. It will ruin your lap and you might end up not getting a good lap because of this and the fact that time has been wasted sitting in the pit.
Hey guys, I've only had the game for a couple of months,initially jumped staight into career.(I always make the game as hard as possible)Well big mistake ,this is lot harder than the ps2 05 version,I didn't get a drive. Luckily I had just joined GTP and found "Weekly HOT LAP SERIES" on the 2nd week of the comp. THis had helped me to improve out of site
Seems many newcomers have problems with understanding pitstops, so regarding pitstops: They will tell you when to come in. However, people tend to misinterpret what your engineer tells you but I've also heard people say that the pitcrew did in fact miscommunicate on instances (although it has never happened to me during hundreds of hours). No need to worry though, what you need to keep track of is the pit-in icon. Your pitstops are predeterminded (by you) and when they are coming up the icon will first be orange, meaning that the pitstop will be next lap. After crossing start-finish line the orange icon will switch to green. That is the indication that the pitcrew are ready to receive you. If however, you decide to - for sudden strategic reason or maybe the racingsituation is not good for heading into the pit - go on for another lap past predetermined stop you will have to signal coming in to the crew yourself! And this makes sense because the pitcrew isn't just going to stand around in their gear waiting for you to maybe come in for an unscheduled stop (although they should anticipate this or else you will run out of fuel). So you request/indicate stop by pushing select and you need to give the crew some time to respond. Some 5 seconds at least. You can only be received in the pit if you entered with a green pit-icon. It goes for other situations as well. Say that you lose the front wing, then the pitcrew will indicate that they are ready for you immediately. But again, if you don't take this option to go in as offered by pitcrew, you must request the stop yourself once you do decide to enter the pit. And not in the final bend please :)
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