anybody still on the 1st gen 60gb ps3 fat?

  • Thread starter Brainhulk
I still have the original 60gb fat ps3 with 4 usb ports and ect. Except mine is upgraded and has a 320GB hardrive in it. But it works perfectly fine.
I bought the 80Gbs fat model and it's still going strong. I've not had any problems with my PS3. The only issue I've had was the limited HDD storage space of 80Gbs, so I upgraded the HDD to 500Gbs about a year ago. Game On!
My 60 GB died in June 2010. It lived for 3 1/3 years. The fat appears to have more processing power than the slim.
Had my fat PS3 for a few years before it got the YLOD. Luckily I had a 180GB slim at another location that I brought to my house. Been running great (and I think better than the fat) ever since.
I've still got a 20gb. Been dropped, positioned every way imaginable...still works just fine.
Bought my 60 Gb fatty on launch day and it's still going strong, although it now has a 640 Gb hard drive in it (nothing wrong with the old one, just wanted more space).
I use a slim for everything other than GT5 ( which is mostly media-related stuff ) because it's quieter. A guy at my work asked me if I could fix his old PS3, and I told him I'd give it a shot. Later he told me that he picked up another one, so if I fixed it, I could keep it. Turned out to be a $25. power supply, so I keep it in the back room with my obutto for playing GT5 and 3D Blu-ray movies.

I kind of wish I had just left it at the old firmware and sold it for a few hundred bucks, looking back on it. It's backwards compatible and was still on FW 2.2 ( or whatever it used to be where you could use the alternate OS. )
I have an original fat 60gb in the living room which gets used a lot. I also have a slim upstairs in my cave. I use the slim for racing games and when the family want to watch TV in the living room.
My Japanese first batch launch 60gig fatty died last month, got a hair drier into on max heat for 15mins and came back to life for another week with reaaally loud fan, then died for good after leaving on for 12-14hrs strait playing music for party. my 50" samsung plasma died that same night lmao. was NOT happy. got a 500gig slim bit seams really slow compared to the fatty. even frame rate in games etc is notably worse
My 40GB fatty got the YLOD sometime ago, I managed to fix it & transfer my data over to my new Slim PS3. Gave my refurbished fatty to a mate, but it died again shortly thereafter. However, I have another friend that still has his original fat PS3, & the annoying thing is he leaves it on for days at a time & it still won't die, GRRRRR!
My launch fatty ps3 is still going super strong. However, the fan is soooo loud that i have to increase the volume sometimes to hear my car in gt5. I'm worried it wont last much longer
Although it still works, my Launch 60Gb PS3 overheats and shuts down if PS3 games are played on it, PS2 and PS1 games are still working fine. Hopefully getting a 500Gb Super Slim soon.
I've got a 60GB fat, my favorite version because it was the last with true backwards compatibility. Still runs like a champ for the most part, although it can take forever to run certain tasks in GT5.
Slim with 120GB from 7/2010. In the store for repair the HDMI port. Never gave me any problems except this one (I've been using the CART cable).

I want to be prepared for GT6 with HDMI. :)
I'm on my second 60GB model. The first one lasted to 2011 without any issues before the GPU fried. The current one blew up a hard drive (so it has a 128 SSD in it at the moment that I had sitting around), but otherwise works flawlessly.
My launch fatty ps3 is still going super strong. However, the fan is soooo loud that i have to increase the volume sometimes to hear my car in gt5. I'm worried it wont last much longer

A friend of a friend has a Ps3 that does the same. His Ps is on its side and mine is standing up and I don't have this problem. And I have the old 60gb too.