suggestion nothing. i know it's legit. i'm only stating an observation that it seems faster than what my car can do. of course that is almost certainly my fault. i know that. also, 1km is not equivalent to 1 mile, so it may only seem faster to me.
and i should correct something. i did not mean that your accel was faster into the tunnel, only that your speed is, i meant that the acceleration when you are barely turning, such as when you are out of the tunnel looks to be quicker. i'm sorry if i annoy you, though i doubt the emotion you feel compares to mine when i spend much of the time asking the game to please stop understeering, or just figuring out why i'm understeering. even if all my fault, mr p, don't you think it would be rather aggravating to watch replays and drive conservatively compared to it and still have difficulty turning, never mind getting a good time.