I remember reading something about postnuke... What programs does it use? I ended up using NewsBoard for one of the websites I set up for a group at school. I like it because it allows others to post information and stuff(It can be passworded or public for adding info), it's easy to remove entries, once you upload it and incorperate it with your page, you don't have to modify them at all unless it's for adding another link to a page or change the look of the site. Plus, users don't have to know any HTML once you get it running.
Keep in mind, since it is a CGI file, it has to either be in:
A) It's own window
B) Frame
C) iFrame
I decided to have a browser detection script, so if IE loaded the page, it would go to an iFrame setup, but if Netscape loaded the page, then it would have a popup window with the information on it. So I did a combo of both A and C, just because that's how it would look best for my site. For many others, a frame would also look beautiful. I just don't think it's possible to have it inside a table, though, but I could be wrong....