Anyone watch 'Hero'?

  • Thread starter s0nny80y

in a world of men

one must engage in fighting

to stop the fighting


fight to end a fight

what is the purpose of war

if it never ends?

In 'Hero', the price for peace for the country of China was to bring together the warring states under one rule: through war.

Anyways, do you guys agree with the above poems?

Personally, I've changed my view on wars. Not how they're fought, but why.
I disagree with how war is waged, but there is no such thing as a peaceful war bent on radically changing things for the 'supposedly' better.
Without trying to interpret those thingies, here's my view of when war's necessary: You fight a war if your nation is threatened beyond reason by another. Period.

If your neighbor called you a jackass, would you shoot him? No. If your neighbor waved a (possibly loaded) gun at you, would you shoot him? Possibly (you could run away). If your neighbor came onto your property and pointed a (possibly loaded) gun at you and your family, would you shoot him? Definitely.

That's how war is in my mind. There's a certain point where you have to resort to physical violence. Do I like war? No. Would I like shooting my neighbor, even if he was a dire threat? No. But I'd still do it if I had to.
If you want to stay alive be prepared to protect yourself from those who would see you dead for what ever reason . It may be your land , your children , your women . or the god you believe in . Because you think its not right will not stop a blade between your ribs from tearing your guts out . you live at the mercy of those who would think otherwise . except that fact and you will live longer than those who would ignore it .
When I saw that movie, it reminded me of Taiwan. I thought it could possibly be a propaganda. China is a communist country.

Today, I read on the CNN site that Chinese General said that if United States attack China, when China invades Taiwan, China will have no choice but to Nuke the U.S. Chinese government says it's not the government's official stance(yeah, right), and it was an opinion of the General. Even if it was an opinion of one General, it was released by the communist government on purpose.

China has already passed a bill earlier this year, that allows them to invade Taiwan. Now they are making threats at the United States. I think the China's war to unite the country is coming up really soon.
I hope I won't live to see the day of the USA attacking China. If China decides to take over Taiwan it's probably better for the USA to just sit and watch instead of putting the entire world in danger by challenging another nuclear superpower.
I hope I won't live to see the day of the USA attacking China. If China decides to take over Taiwan it's probably better for the USA to just sit and watch instead of putting the entire world in danger by challenging another nuclear superpower.
I agree and disagree. I don't want to see Bush risking the safety of his own country over the safety of Taiwan. But it's really China, who should refrain from using violence to force Taiwan into joining communism in the first place.
Oh, you haven't seen my sig yet?

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. - Some dude named John Stuart Mill
I agree and disagree. I don't want to see Bush risking the safety of his own country over the safety of Taiwan. But it's really China, who should refrain from using violence to force Taiwan into joining communism in the first place.

Yeah, but China launching nukes to the USA would mean apocalypse. Those bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were childsplay when compared to the more modern nukes with longer range and many more times powerful. USA economy nuked means American economy goes down, which means world economy goes down. We'll practically be in medieval times again but this time with nuclear fallout in our atmosphere. I dunno whether you ever played any of the Fallout games? Anyway this is what the world will look like then:

I hope I won't live to see the day of the USA attacking China. If China decides to take over Taiwan it's probably better for the USA to just sit and watch instead of putting the entire world in danger by challenging another nuclear superpower.

Using your logic, we should have let Iraq invade Kuwait. We should have let North Vietnam invade South Vietnam. We should have let Nazi Germany invade Great Britain.

I dunno whether you ever played any of the Fallout games? Anyway this is what the world will look like then:

Yes, let's base our political opinions on a PC game...
Smelly: I'm not retarded.... well sometimes, but not at the moment.

If China nukes the U.S. I know that most major cities will burn. What U.S. economy? They'll be scrambling to survive!

Having said that, what China did was threaten U.S. and that's all it was. If the U.S. decides to aid the defense of Taiwan, I highly doubt that U.S. will threaten mainland China. They might destroy everything approaching Taiwan, but I don't see them going on offensive.

Also, I hope this will be a reminder. Many countries are starting to think, "Hey, maybe China's alright!". This country just threatened an nuclear attack on another country. Is China really that much better than North Korea? I thought N. Korea was the only "insane" country in East Asia.
Using your logic, we should have let Iraq invade Kuwait. We should have let North Vietnam invade South Vietnam. We should have let Nazi Germany invade Great Britain.

Unfortunately, that was not his logic. His logic was to let the largest and second most powerful country in the world take over the smaller one with less chance of a nuke fight. Iraq was supposedly harbouring WMD's, but were not as hostile as China was, nor were they as powertfull. They weren't as big of a threat. In fact, BA knew they didn't have any significant weapons and knew they could get away with invading them for little reason. So they just told everyone WMD's were there and we had to remove them. Except this time 'round, China is the real deal.
Who said anything about Iraq and WMDs? I was talking about when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 for their oil reserves.

Was Iraq not more powerful that Kuwait? Was North Vietnam not more powerful than South Vietnam? Was Nazi Germany not more powerful than Great Britain?
Viper Zero
Who said anything about Iraq and WMDs? I was talking about when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 for their oil reserves.

Was Iraq not more powerful that Kuwait? Was North Vietnam not more powerful than South Vietnam? Was Nazi Germany not more powerful than Great Britain?

Except what we're trying to AVOID is another world war. And Britain was being attacked by Germany, they were getting their asses blitzkrieged— obviously they're going to retaliate. This isn't even on the same field, what a horrible analogy.


- +1 billion manpower to be potential for conscription
-large manufacturing industry, world leading



The attack on China would be disastrous and would lead to another world war. Smelly socks suggest that we let them take Taiwan and avoid the deaths of millions of innocent people, instead of sparking armegeddon. NOT copping out and letting a bunch of little nations get all pissy and make/trade cheap weapons.
I normally tend to stay away from conversations like this on forums, but I read this quote just the other week and thought it was somewhat appropriate for this topic...

Some people say fighting for peace is like ****ing for virgins...but how else do you make virgins?

I realise it doesn't add anything to the topic, but it might make some others chuckle, as it did me.
Except what we're trying to AVOID is another world war. And Britain was being attacked by Germany, they were getting their asses blitzkrieged— obviously they're going to retaliate. This isn't even on the same field, what a horrible analogy.


- +1 billion manpower to be potential for conscription
-large manufacturing industry, world leading



The attack on China would be disastrous and would lead to another world war. Smelly socks suggest that we let them take Taiwan and avoid the deaths of millions of innocent people, instead of sparking armegeddon. NOT copping out and letting a bunch of little nations get all pissy and make/trade cheap weapons.

I agree with everything you said there, except that Chinas 1 billion soldiers won't do them any good(dang it, I had to use dictionary for "conscription"). U.S. will not attempt to land on China, and Chinese has no way of transporting "billion men" to any of the U.S. bases............. I did forget about the bases in South Korea, but we can always pull out from there. :D
You can't let a country invade another because you don't like the consequences. That's where my analogy comes in.
Viper Zero
You can't let a country invade another because you don't like the consequences. That's where my analogy comes in.
I agree with that to a certain degree, but you do realize that you, me and most other people in the States would die in case of a full scale nuclear attack on U.S.? I'd like to see China go down, but war isn't the way IMO. I really believe that Soviet Union were taken down by the U.S. That U.S. won the war against Soviet without firing a shot. I'm hopeful that U.S. can pull the same kind of magic on China.
I don't think it's so much that USA won, as it is that USSR just...killed itself. They kinda self-imploded.
I don't think it's so much that USA won, as it is that USSR just...killed itself. They kinda self-imploded.
That's were I beg to differ. Most(like 99%) will agree with you, and that's OK. It is just my guess. But I believe the U.S.S.R. was led on by the U.S. to keep up in the competition it couldn't afford to. They raced in space exploration, arms(weapons), etc. Simple math(figure of speech) would've shown that one of those two super powers couldn't afford it. In the end, U.S.S.R. exploded from within.
Maybe. During feirce economic competition, one country is bound to lead the other into a brick wall. Germany was the exact opposite in 1939 though, but eventually they lost their grip *ahem*.

All superpowers are bound to topple at one point. And what was the purpose of this thread again?
Maybe. During feirce economic competition, one country is bound to lead the other into a brick wall. Germany was the exact opposite in 1939 though, but eventually they lost their grip *ahem*.

All superpowers are bound to topple at one point. And what was the purpose of this thread again?
Iunno, and even tho you know that the strongest nation will topple sooner or later, it's still hard to imagine it happening.
Very true, and I'll be afraid when it does. Other countries are going to just leap at all the opportunities that may open because of it.
Hero had some great directing... I can see why Tarantino likes it. I'll say those poems are too vaugue and wishy washy to get anything that insightful out of them, or to be used as some kind of guide of whats right or wrong morally... I think they are meant to be theatrical and sound cool and deep, without being very deep at all.

The only thing I really want to do with that movie is make humourous subtitles for it, which would change the story completely into something really satirical and absurd... that would be the perfect movie for such a thing!:D
If China launched a nuke at the US China would then be just a big smoking hole in the earth . the people in china that are in charge know this . China has not the ability to stop the US from destroying it utterly and totally . The minute after a nuke was launched at the US and even before it landed China would cease to exist as a country . The general that made the comment knows this .
Viper Zero
That is why we need one of these.
Japan is also very active in the missile defense system. I believe the system is still being developed, but expected to be operational in few years. Ballistic missiles would most likely harm many civilians, so I'm hopeful for an effective missile defense system in the near future.
It is just my guess. But I believe the U.S.S.R. was led on by the U.S. to keep up in the competition it couldn't afford to. They raced in space exploration, arms(weapons), etc. Simple math(figure of speech) would've shown that one of those two super powers couldn't afford it. In the end, U.S.S.R. exploded from within.

There's a lot of truth in what you say there A6. The essential problem that the U.S.S.R had in trying to compete with the premier capitalist country in the world was that it was still essentially a peasant/aggrarian economy. It was only it's huge size and natural resources that allowed it to last as long as it did.

PS has a point too in that the internal rifts within the Union could not be suppressed forever and it did indeed begin to fall apart from within (as countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia began kicking and screaming against their occupiers).

Any notions I might have made implying that the reason for declaring war on Iraq was just, was false.

I'm beginning to read up on the Karl Rove thing. Took me a while because I thought it was all just about leaking a CIA agent's name. But this whole thing revolves around the article from which the name was leaked which is supposed to be credible in order to justify the leaked name as a CIA agent's.
Viper Zero
Oh, so you have flip flopped?

Did you vote for the war before you voted against it?

No, but he did talk about the controversy before he properly researched the story.