Apex Drag Team (ADT) Officials Thread.

  • Thread starter Gucci alam
I have a good tree if someone was e-cheating how much of a tree would they get over me?

It would be similar to running SRF so my guess is about two cars starting instantly and then they would start to pull about halfway to the first shadow and keep pulling all the way down.
You'll instantly know when you see it, in my case I can hear it before I see it which is better, thank you Turtle Beach for your amazing speaker quality but your plastic is terrible lol.

I got turtle beach, I'll know when I get treed by 2 cars lol, try that with a legit launch lol. If anyone trees me by 2 cars the legit way with no lag I'll sell my game and give all me tunes away lol.
I got turtle beach, I'll know when I get treed by 2 cars lol, try that with a legit launch lol. If anyone trees me by 2 cars the legit way with no lag I'll sell my game and give all me tunes away lol.

The only time anyone really gets treed by more than about half of a car is when any type of lag is involved such as ghost lag, auto launch lag, and that weird lag where someone gets a tree and the opponent skips like ten cars ahead lol that one is really sill to watch.
The only time anyone really gets treed by more than about half of a car is when any type of lag is involved such as ghost lag, auto launch lag, and that weird lag where someone gets a tree and the opponent skips like ten cars ahead lol that one is really sill to watch.

I get treed maybe half a car at most without lag
I get treed maybe half a car at most without lag

Rarely happens to me unless on a Euro ghost, on an American ghost at most it's maybe a quarter of a car and on a Euro ghost it's about a half a car but thanks to god blessing me with a group of fast Euro guys (waits for the "oh shucks" lol) I get the chance to test and improve my tree on a Euro ghost on a daily basis so that's always good.
Rarely happens to me unless on a Euro ghost, on an American ghost at most it's maybe a quarter of a car and on a Euro ghost it's about a half a car but thanks to god blessing me with a group of fast Euro guys (waits for the "oh shucks" lol) I get the chance to test and improve my tree on a Euro ghost on a daily basis so that's always good.

I've got pretty good on US tree, that's why I keep joining us lobbies to try get better. 1/4 makes your tree a lot better than 3k
Only thing I don't like is that some people have crappy internet and try to host rooms with 16 people. Room becomes so laggy no matter what they do. When euro guys join the room it becomes a cluster 🤬 of people glitching up and down the track. I have notice in the pass several weeks people not seeing others on the track is becoming more frequent. When I make a room I keep it at 10 or less people to try and reduce lag a little. Also I kick people who I don't know or people I know who will cause massive lag in the room. I like the fact that more guys are appearing from all over with fast cars and trees. At the end of gt5 there was like 20 of us left lol but it became more of a tuning battle then us running on the track.
Only thing I don't like is that some people have crappy internet and try to host rooms with 16 people. Room becomes so laggy no matter what they do. When euro guys join the room it becomes a cluster 🤬 of people glitching up and down the track. I have notice in the pass several weeks people not seeing others on the track is becoming more frequent. When I make a room I keep it at 10 or less people to try and reduce lag a little. Also I kick people who I don't know or people I know who will cause massive lag in the room. I like the fact that more guys are appearing from all over with fast cars and trees. At the end of gt5 there was like 20 of us left lol but it became more of a tuning battle then us running on the track.

I gave up well before end of gt5 lol. I've been getting loads of lag last 2 days, servers are shocking
Only thing I don't like is that some people have crappy internet and try to host rooms with 16 people. Room becomes so laggy no matter what they do. When euro guys join the room it becomes a cluster 🤬 of people glitching up and down the track. I have notice in the pass several weeks people not seeing others on the track is becoming more frequent. When I make a room I keep it at 10 or less people to try and reduce lag a little. Also I kick people who I don't know or people I know who will cause massive lag in the room. I like the fact that more guys are appearing from all over with fast cars and trees. At the end of gt5 there was like 20 of us left lol but it became more of a tuning battle then us running on the track.

While this is true and I agree with it I would just like to say that us American's don't have invincible internet connections we lag rooms just as bad as other countries. Lag is caused by a communication delay between the clients and the server as well as incompatibilities such as running NAT Type 3 and trying to join a lobby running NAT Type 2, on GT6 this will most likely prompt you with an error message stating incompatibility with the room host. Also, if you run a room with 10 people, when it's full it will have the same lag problems as a full 16 person room it will just happen much sooner due to the lower capacity, I've seen this time and time again, running lobbies with less people and resetting the lobby does nothing, I'm not sure who came up with that theory. After a room reset there is still lag and people that couldn't be seen before still wont be seen and after about 20 minutes the lag gets excessively worse, myself and @a3picGamer47 have experienced this as well as many others.
While this is true and I agree with it I would just like to say that us American's don't have invincible internet connections we lag rooms just as bad as other countries. Lag is caused by a communication delay between the clients and the server as well as incompatibilities such as running NAT Type 3 and trying to join a lobby running NAT Type 2, on GT6 this will most likely prompt you with an error message stating incompatibility with the room host. Also, if you run a room with 10 people, when it's full it will have the same lag problems as a full 16 person room it will just happen much sooner due to the lower capacity, I've seen this time and time again, running lobbies with less people and resetting the lobby does nothing, I'm not sure who came up with that theory. After a room reset there is still lag and people that couldn't be seen before still wont be seen and after about 20 minutes the lag gets excessively worse, myself and @a3picGamer47 have experienced this as well as many others.
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I might sound noobs but what's difference between NAT type 1, 2 and 3? I have type 2

Nat Type 1 means there is no firewall or blocked your PS3 and PSN servers.

Nat Type 2 means you are behind a firewall, some ports are blocked, but the important ones are open to allow you to access and use PSN features.

Nat Type 3 means you are behind a firewall, enough ports are blocked that you might not be able to use some features of the PSN.
LOL, that's the guy that accused me of E-Cheating.

To go back to QuarterMilerEric accusing you of E-Cheating, this really surprises me, I run with him almost on a daily basis. He doesn´t seem like a guy who cheats or would call others cheaters. He´s fast & legit so I don´t know why he started such an argument...
To go back to QuarterMilerEric accusing you of E-Cheating, this really surprises me, I run with him almost on a daily basis. He doesn´t seem like a guy who cheats or would call others cheaters. He´s fast & legit so I don´t know why he started such an argument...
The 1st time I ever run him, he accused me of it. But that soon blew over.
To go back to QuarterMilerEric accusing you of E-Cheating, this really surprises me, I run with him almost on a daily basis. He doesn´t seem like a guy who cheats or would call others cheaters. He´s fast & legit so I don´t know why he started such an argument...
surprises me too as I'm also someone who has run him alot. But because of my poor tree he mostly wins lol but when we have a fair tree we always have a great race. He has never accused me of E-cheating.
surprises me too as I'm also someone who has run him alot. But because of my poor tree he mostly wins lol but when we have a fair tree we always have a great race. He has never accused me of E-cheating.

It has something to do with the fact that my Enzo (the car I raced him in) is a 2-3 quick shift and when I shift to 3rd it drops RPM on it's own just a bit and everyone I've raced in it knows this. I will never forget the message he sent me lol (quote) "It's a shame that people still do it" (unquote), I instantly knew what he meant by this.
It has something to do with the fact that my Enzo (the car I raced him in) is a 2-3 quick shift and when I shift to 3rd it drops RPM on it's own just a bit and everyone I've raced in it knows this. I will never forget the message he sent me lol (quote) "It's a shame that people still do it" (unquote), I instantly knew what he meant by this.

When you shift from second to third your RPMs drop!?!?
That's totes amazeballs.
When did this peculiar phenomenon start occurring?
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Its when the wheels stop spining. Who would have thought it :embarrassed:

This would be correct, the Enzo is a weird car, the RPM drops about 500 as it catches grip. Strangely this actually isn't a bad way to go, I haven't noticed much difference though between the 1-2 quick shift, the 2nd ride out, or the 2-3 quick shift, they all seem about the same to me in the end but I prefer the 2-3 quick shift it just works better for me.
This would be correct, the Enzo is a weird car, the RPM drops about 500 as it catches grip. Strangely this actually isn't a bad way to go, I haven't noticed much difference though between the 1-2 quick shift, the 2nd ride out, or the 2-3 quick shift, they all seem about the same to me in the end but I prefer the 2-3 quick shift it just works better for me.
I've not tested that yet, I just let my 2nd ride out.
I've not tested that yet, I just let my 2nd ride out.

I used to do a 1-2 quick shift but it never felt right and a 2nd ride out just seemed to far in redline during the wheel spin phase it just felt slower, so I worked at it for some time and finally figured out the 2-3 quick shift setup and it feels faster but I'm not sure if it really is, I'm really happy how it turned out.
I used to do a 1-2 quick shift but it never felt right and a 2nd ride out just seemed to far in redline during the wheel spin phase it just felt slower, so I worked at it for some time and finally figured out the 2-3 quick shift setup and it feels faster but I'm not sure if it really is, I'm really happy how it turned out.
Usually my rwd are all qs but for some reason I wanted Enzo to ride out, I can't remember the logic behind but then again it was the 1st car I tuned for 1/4 and I've not touched it since. Might have a look at it later.