Appeal to the FIA to force PD to correct track limits and kerbs in GT7

  • Thread starter mattikake
If you want the track limits sorted at Grand Valley, you might as well ask the Californian Highway patrol.
Speaking of, the track is clearly not up to date, as there is damage to the roads in question!
The screenshot I have at then end of the video explicitly says that the FIA have approved the tracks.
No, it doesn't.

It explicitly says:

The FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile) and Gran Turismo announced a long-term partnership. It meant that FIA representatives would approve in-game tracks, FIA online championships would be held, and that new features would be developed.
And the FIA did precisely that in 2014. Four of them - all real-world tracks - which were recognised for their accuracy in not only the circuit surface but kerbing, run-offs, safety fencing, marshalling posts, buildings and environs:

In Gran Turismo 6.

You've taken that to implicitly mean all of them, and in all subsequent Gran Turismo games, and there's no basis for that.

Again, the FIA isn't involved in determining track limits, isn't involved in determining penalties (GT was recognised by the FIA on the basis of an interpretative penalty matrix which assigns penalties based on advantage gained rather than in a prescriptive fashion), has zero involvement in fictional tracks, and has no role at all in Gran Turismo 7.

It's baffling to go from "I got a track limits penalty at Grand Valley I don't like" to "The FIA must force PD to do something about it". And take the time to make and edit an eight-minute video showing evidence that you're wrong about pretty much everything.

I guess you missed the fun of it.
Oh not at all. I'm laughing, just not with.
It’s a console game . For fun.

The track limits are consistently enforced in that every time you enter a daily race or World Series event, all participants in that race are following the same rules at that time
(Not you) but suggesting avoiding the kerbs to avoid a bouce lottery is not a solution when everyone else can use them and you want to compete.
Guessing that's directed at me.

If, as you say, everyone else can use them then the issue must be with you rather than the track.

Trying to be serious about this specific point but it's a risk vs reward scenario. Do you risk the faster line that may bounce you into a wall or do you take a slower safer line that gets you to the finish line in one piece. It's also not actually a lottery. If you nail the line then the car won't bounce. That's why the fastest players are the fastest, as they can replicate the fastest lines lap after lap.

Your job in a race is to get to the finish line in the fastest possible time. If your risk of crashing because of a curb bounce is too high you need to take a safer slower line.

So I stand by what I said.
Guessing that's directed at me.

If, as you say, everyone else can use them then the issue must be with you rather than the track.

Trying to be serious about this specific point but it's a risk vs reward scenario. Do you risk the faster line that may bounce you into a wall or do you take a slower safer line that gets you to the finish line in one piece. It's also not actually a lottery. If you nail the line then the car won't bounce. That's why the fastest players are the fastest, as they can replicate the fastest lines lap after lap.

Your job in a race is to get to the finish line in the fastest possible time. If your risk of crashing because of a curb bounce is too high you need to take a safer slower line.

So I stand by what I said.
Fair enough. I can handle it actually, my point is about fairness and sportsmanship because many others can't handle it.

Evidenced by the race that footage was taken from is here @20:40
(normally I'd lap in the 43s when I'm not boycotting this track, but I didn't get a clear lap, don't use this car and all the usual driver excuses etc. etc. :P )

I can drive. My issue is not born out of inability or overinflated ego. It's that I simply hate cowboys.

I prefer good races and would rather everyone up to speed but deliberately duff designs like this make it more difficult than it would be irl or if some officiating body forced PD to be... competent. So it's not "everyone else", it's just the aliens. point is about fairness and sportsmanship because many others can't handle it.
My mum can't drive at all. NO DRIVING FOR ANYONE! IT'S NOT FAIR TO HER! Just get gud or find another hobby dude. I've sucked at Gran Turismo for many many years, yet I still have fun. Also the fact that everyone, literally everyone has to follow the exact same rules, is the definition of fair. Following those rules, even up to the limit, is the definition of sportsmanship. Sounds like you want to be better but don't want to put in the time...
I'm already good thanks, but fair point. My point is about GT7 not being up to FIA racing standards, when it could easily be, yet seems happy to boast about partnering with the FIA. A bit disingenuous. That GT games are a running joke with professionals (even joking about it live on tv commentary) is rather sad.
Except they are NOT partnered up for GT7 AT ALL, which is the biggest point being missed here and literally has been pointed out not once but twice. Are you choosing to ignore the person who is closer to this (or at least as close as can be) then ANYONE of us here is?
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My point is about GT7 not being up to FIA racing standards, when it could easily be, yet seems happy to boast about partnering with the FIA.
GT7 doesn't boast about partnering with the FIA, because it isn't. However both GT Sport and the FIA "boast about" (publicise) being partnered with each other, because that's how advertising works.

Weird you're still plugging the FIA's "racing standards", given that you're objectively wrong about track limits and track certification and - as already explained by literally the person responsible at the FIA - all the FIA cared about was that the penalty system made advantage judgments rather than applying a slavish matrix.

The FIA can and will do nothing about a track limits penalty at Grand Valley. It doesn't globally police track limits anywhere, it doesn't deal with GT's penalty system, it has nothing to do with GT's fictional circuits, and it has no role whatsoever in Gran Turismo 7.

That GT games are a running joke with professionals (even joking about it live on tv commentary) is rather sad.
I don't know what "professionals" are doing what (or in what profession these people are), but every racing game and sim has been blasted by some pro driver somewhere. Even rFactor 2 - on which many racing-grade simulators are based - which was excoriated, live on a stream mid-marquee-race, by Max Verstappen. Who, incidentally, also hates the official F1 games, but is happy to appear on the cover and get EA on his lid.

In fact racing games and sims in general are widely derided by pro drivers. Don't suppose you saw the NASCAR drivers ripping into the whole thing during COVID?

Although I don't know what any of this has to do with the whole thing about the FIA forcing a "fix" that makes no sense to anyone with more than a rudimentary knowledge of how racing actually works on a game it has nothing to do with.

The only thing GT really does wrong with track limits is not communicating them. Give us some AR overlays (like the GT6 Moon missions; member them?) that show us where they are and let people toggle it off. Solved.

And nobody had to tell racing daddy about the mean game.
I'm not really expecting one nor anytime soon
Maybe I should, but I’m not going to take the time to include the quotes from each of your posts/replies, however you keep changing your objective (or point) each time you post and now it’s not even remotely clear from any perspective (right or wrong, well informed or misinformed) what the point or expectation was by complaining to the FIA, much less telling us you did so.

At first it was that after seeing your complaint it would force the FIA to make PD change the game to your idea of what is fixed and fair. Then it was for fun, which immediately became a fruitless exercise (your words). Then it went back to you were pressuring them to fix the game which then became you voluntarily taking on the onus to help others who can’t handle it, which within the same post turned into this is all because you hate cowboys and aliens. Your most recent post states the point was that GT7 isn’t up to FIA racing standards and is a running joke with professionals, but yet doesn’t take into account that it doesn’t need to be up to FIA standards, you just assume it could easily be.

There were a bunch of articles (or one that got rehashed by various outlets) about a year ago at this time that provided a good bit of information in regard to the current standing of FIA and GT partnership.

GT7 isn’t intended to be a hardcore racing simulator. That is not it’s primary focus or purpose. Kaz even stated multiple times during development and leading up to GT7 release that it wasn’t. It’s a video game first and foremost that was developed with single player first in mind, based on all the articles I read and interviews with Kaz about GT7 leading up to launch.

You’re not expecting anything? What was the point of this then? It makes no sense.
To recap all this: You want the FIA (The same ones who can't even consistently police F1 correctly with its so called "Standards") to force PD (a Developer who as I mentioned in another thread, operate in their own bubble and not on anyone else's whim) to "Do something" about this? All while ignoring the same point about the two NOT AT ALL being partnered up for GT7 (which has now been highlighted three times)

Might I invite you to come on in, sit down and roll up your sleeve:


Whichever arm you prefer.

I will just leave this here for OP to count the number of deleted laps for ignoring track limits.

So much this.

Psvr 2 has not only compelled me to get a wheel, but also seek out any sort of race where the cars resemble what we drive here. Imsa, wec, those euro fanatec sponsored ones. Doesn’t really matter to me.

Anyway! After watching a few you realize just how much of a clownshow the concept of track limits are. Can’t even begin to count how many times i’ve looked up and been like…. Well, allllrighty..guess thats ok for you to…wow.. yeah, track limits. Fun stuff.