Aqua Teen Creates Hysteria In Boston, Mass

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Super-Cool Since 2013
United States
These events were very strange today, full story:

Fox News
BOSTON — Officials in Boston announced the arrest of a man they said placed several harmless, blinking electronic devices at bridges and other spots that panicked the city on Wednesday, and also vowed to pursue any possible legal sanctions Turner Broadcasting, which apologized for what it said was a publicity campaign for a late-night cable cartoon.

State Attorney General Martha Coakley said Peter Berdovsky, 29, of Arlington, was arrested on one felony charge of placing a hoax device, and one charge of disorderly conduct.

"We're not going to let this go without looking at the further roots of how this happened to cause the panic in this city," she said.

"This investigation is ongoing as to whether other individuals and certainly other entities including the Turner Broadcasting Company and any public relations companies that were involved with the determination of this scheme and the execution of it should be charged," she said.

Coakley said those conducting the publicity campaign should have known the devices had the potential to cause panic because of their placement in sensitive areas. She and other officials said Turner did not notifiy them until around 5 p.m. about the publicity campaign.

Highways, bridges and a section of the Charles River were shut down and bomb squads were sent in before authorities declared the devices were harmless.

Coakley said at least 14 devices were found.

Suffolk District Attorney Daniel Conley called on the public to hold Turner accountable.

"Everyone can play a part by holding Turner Broadcasting to account for today's events. Viewers, advertisers, license holders, can and should make clear to them this sort of behavior is reckless, irresponsible and illegal," Conley said.

Turner Broadcasting, a division of Time Warner Inc. and parent of Cartoon Network, said the devices were part of a promotion for the TV show "Aqua Teen Hunger Force," a surreal series about a talking milkshake, a box of fries and a meatball.

"The packages in question are magnetic lights that pose no danger," Turner said in a statement, issued a few hours after reports of the first devices came in.

It said the devices have been in place for two to three weeks in 10 cities: Boston; New York; Los Angeles; Chicago; Atlanta; Seattle; Portland, Ore.; Austin, Texas; San Francisco; and Philadelphia.

"We regret that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger," the company said. As soon as the company realized the problem, it said, law enforcement officials were told of their locations in all 10 cities.

The marketing firm that put them up has been ordered to remove them immediately, said Phil Kent, Turner chairman.

"We apologize to the citizens of Boston that part of a marketing campaign was mistaken for a public danger," Kent said. "We appreciate the gravity of this situation and, like any responsible company would, are putting all necessary resources toward understanding the facts surrounding it as quickly as possible."

Interference Inc. had no immediate comment. A woman who answered the phone at the New York-based firm's offices Wednesday afternoon said the firm's CEO was out of town and would not be able to comment until Thursday.

There were no reports from police Wednesday of residents in the other nine cities spotting similar devices.

After Turner made its announcement, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino had said he was "prepared to take any and all legal action" against the company and its affiliates "for any and all expenses incurred during the response to today's incidents."

Homeland Security Department spokesman Russ Knocke praised Boston authorities for sharing their knowledge quickly with Washington officials and the public.

"Hoaxes are a tremendous burden on local law enforcement and counter-terrorism resources and there's absolutely no place for them in a post-9/11 world," Knocke said.

Authorities said some of the objects looked like circuit boards or had wires hanging from them.

The first device was found at a subway and bus station underneath Interstate 93, forcing the shutdown of the station and the highway.

Later, police said four calls, all around 1 p.m., reported devices at the Boston University Bridge and the Longfellow Bridge, both of which span the Charles River, at a Boston street corner and at the Tufts-New England Medical Center.

The package near the Boston University bridge was found attached to a structure beneath the span, authorities said.

Subway service across the Longfellow Bridge between Boston and Cambridge was briefly suspended, and Storrow Drive was closed as well. A similar device was found Wednesday evening just north of Fenway Park, police spokesman Eddy Chrispin said.

Davis said two of the devices were not believed to be related to the publicity campaign.

Wanda Higgins, a 47-year-old Weymouth resident and a nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital, heard about the threat as she watched television news coverage while preparing to leave work at 4 p.m.

"I saw the bomb squad guys carrying a paper bag with their bare hands," Higgins said. "I knew it couldn't be too serious."

Messages seeking additional comment from the Atlanta-based Cartoon Network were left with several publicists.

"Aqua Teen Hunger Force" is a cartoon with a cultish following that airs as part of the Adult Swim late-night block of programs for adults on the Cartoon Network. A feature length film based on the show is slated for release March 23.

The cartoon also includes two trouble-making, 1980s-graphic-like characters called "mooninites," named Ignignokt and Err — who were pictured on the suspicious devices. They are known for making the obscene hand gesture depicted on the devices.

What the "bombs" looked like...


What the folks at Adult Swim had to say...


So, is this not a case were we have over-reacted just a bit? I'm not completely sure what to make of it in most circumstances, as it was obviously some kind of viral campaign that got taken out of context. Oh well... I thought the whole thing was funny at first, but then, I started to get mad when I realized how upset everyone was. It wasn't that big of a deal, and yet, people are making it even bigger. I guess that is good for the folks at Williams Street, as the ATHF movie is due out not too long from now...
What the "bombs" looked like...



I read this earlier but had no idea they all made up Err and stuff. Way to go Adult Swim. This will bring people to see Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters.
What's going to happen? The news will link ATHF to terrorists. The result? Mass protests targetting Adult Swim. The result of that? Kyle goes on a rampage, and may be forced to vacate the country.
I love this show. I think people might have overreacted to this. I mean, a plain box with pictures of Ignignokt and Err would be a clue as to how dangerous the box could be, but what do I know I don't even know what actual boxes looked liked, or if people even opened the boxes before being destroyed by authorities. I hope this doesn't harm the show in any way, hell I think this just made the show even more famous. Would have been funnier if the boxes had pictures of Carl and little meatballs to look like Meatwad!

I heard that the character on these signs had its' middle finger pointed up? That's cute. Personally, I hope the people responsible receive a steep penalty.

Heck, maybe they were going for controversy. Going for the shock value. If that was the case, thanks for wasting everybody's time.
Positively stupid.

I don't know who first thought these were bombs, but I have a feeling that I can describe their personality -- paranoid, schizophrenic, constantly tweaked on caffiene because they're afraid that if they fall asleep, they'll be attacked by terrorists, etc... You could probably drop a book on the floor and they'd take off screaming bloody mary with a brown mess in their pants.

I can't believe they arrested the student who put up the devices. I bet I could get the owner of an Afghani restaurant thrown into jail by telling the police that the "OPEN" neon light at the front of his store looks like a bomb. :rolleyes:

American paranoia at its best. 👎
I heard that the character on these signs had its' middle finger pointed up? That's cute. Personally, I hope the people responsible receive a steep penalty.

Heck, maybe they were going for controversy. Going for the shock value. If that was the case, thanks for wasting everybody's time.

The finger is cut out of the picture above. If you knew the show, you'd understand it. Why should they recieve any more penalty than any other graffiti artist? That's all this is... graffiti with LEDs. Harmless. Are people fined when they put up flyers?
How can anyone think it was possibly a bomb though? Are they going to randomly blow up lit motorway/highway signs now?
Yes, the Boston government's press releases all read exactly like they were some Star Wars Kid who accidentally broadcast their idiocy over Teh Intarweb and now are mad at everybody else because they look like fools. I'm not impressed or sympathetic.

One of the little LED boxes is on Ebay. Bids are over $5000 as of this morning.
Wow, incredible overreaction. I mean, come on. Oh well, I guess turner is going to have to come up with about a million to "pay back" Boston for the investigation.
On one hand, everyone is too fearful, they need to stop thinking anything irregular is a terrorist attack.

On another hand, I wouldn't want a bunch of those signs flipping me the bird everywhere I go.

And here's the full image with the middle finger.

The character is obviously a terrorist. Just look at him, sporting a thick burry eyebrow, a mighty sword, and quite possibly a turban.
Here is the problem: everyone in the media and legal offcials are calling this a hoax. Turner is accused of committing a hoax.
1. something intended to deceive or defraud: The Piltdown man was a scientific hoax.
An ad campaign gone awry is not a hoax. The intent was not to freak everyone out.

What we have is a bunch of public officials trying to villify a large corporation to mask their own idiocy, and the media is helping to cover their own reactions. They could easily say that this was a case of mistaken whatever and be done with it. Turner apologized and even offered to take responsibility. You ask them to cover the expenses and be done with it. This does not require a huge trial and media frenzy, but it is an election year.

Besides, this does not look like any type of bomb to me.

Maybe if it were in/on a box or large package, not what is essentially a modernized Lite Brite.

Here is how to make one on your refrigerator. Be careful though, they might come blow it up, just in case.

Here is the Massachusetts Hoax law
Hoax Law
Section 102A1/2. (a) Whoever possesses, transports, uses or places or causes another to knowingly or unknowingly possess, transport, use or place any hoax device or hoax substance with the intent to cause anxiety, unrest, fear or personal discomfort to any person or group of persons shall be punished by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-half years or by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years or by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Who wants to guess how this will turn out in court?
The finger is cut out of the picture above. If you knew the show, you'd understand it. Why should they recieve any more penalty than any other graffiti artist? That's all this is... graffiti with LEDs. Harmless. Are people fined when they put up flyers?
I think you are playing this down though. Harmless, yes, turns out they were.

It's easy to call the authorities fools, after the fact. Bunch of electronic devices were found on highway structures and bridges, what looked like LEDs on a boards. I've never seen this cartoon show, I would have never guessed it's a cartoon character either.

On the flyers and graffitis, you couldn't disguise a bomb to look like flyers and graffitis. Also, some kids painting stuff on walls and corporation sponsored electronic signs being put up illegally on bridges aren't the same thing IMO.
Well I'm going to bet on the ATHF movie not coming out for another 2 months or so... Atleast enough time for this to fall out of memory.

That said, this is gross over-reaction. 👎

Of course, with that said, I believe this will most likely bring up issues regarding advertising. Specifically, where you can do it, who you have to notify first, and what can be used for an ad.

At this point, if the advertising firm responsible for this stunt didn't have permission to use these lights where they were used, and didn't notify the proper city authorities (if that's required), then I'm going to have to say AS and everyone involved is totally at fault.

Take away the words Adult Swim and Cartoon Network (ATHF) etc. and replace it with "Jim Back Yard BBQ" or "John Junk Yard"... I garuntee those guys would have a hell of a time trying to keep their ads posted in the places these things were posted.

There are some areas where you just can't post an ad without permission. One such place in my eyes would be a public bridge or subway system. :ouch:
Well I'm going to bet on the ATHF movie not coming out for another 2 months or so... Atleast enough time for this to fall out of memory.

That said, this is gross over-reaction. 👎

Of course, with that said, I believe this will most likely bring up issues regarding advertising. Specifically, where you can do it, who you have to notify first, and what can be used for an ad.

At this point, if the advertising firm responsible for this stunt didn't have permission to use these lights where they were used, and didn't notify the proper city authorities (if that's required), then I'm going to have to say AS and everyone involved is totally at fault.

Take away the words Adult Swim and Cartoon Network (ATHF) etc. and replace it with "Jim Back Yard BBQ" or "John Junk Yard"... I garuntee those guys would have a hell of a time trying to keep their ads posted in the places these things were posted.

There are some areas where you just can't post an ad without permission. One such place in my eyes would be a public bridge or subway system. :ouch:
Mmm, you made me think of Backyard Burgers. I know where I'm going for lunch.

I think the electronic flyer description is pretty accurate. Walk through a downtown city area, at least around here, and you will see flyers advertising plays, independent movies, and all kinds of restaraunts. I get some kind of ads or coupons stuck under my windshield at work at least once every couple of months, including Backyard Burgers and Joe's OK Bayou.

I do have to wonder though how it is that these things were suppposedly up for weeks before any were reported and then multiples were on the same day. That just seems fishy.

And then how did so many police officials and bomb squad guys see these without one single person recognizing it from the show or even the technology. I mean, it is an easy high school science fair project. They'll probably start selling them on Think Geek after this.

Maybe I am just a huge geek, but the instant I saw the whole device I knew what it was. Of course, this could be why no one reported them until now. Yesterday must have been some sort of city wide old-bitties day out or something.
Technically, Err and Ignignokt are terrorists because they're from the moon and try to conquer earth by stealing hi-fi stereos and other consumer electronics. I would love to see these little blips around my city, though. They represent great creativity and remind us that Earth is the greatest and they are flipping us off as hard as they can.

Here's the ebay auction:

I'm probably going to make my own.
Putting up a picture of a character that 2% of the population knows is not advertising. I'm not a fan of anything I've ever seen on Cartoon Network as I thumb past it through the channels.

The other 98% of the populace sees it, asks "WTF is that?" and moves on. Suddenly somebody realizes it's got lights, it's electronic. What's it connected to? How is it powered? What is its purpose? There's nothing written on them to say it's a stupid promo for a stupid movie. . . .

The "official" community got nervous about these things not because they ended up looking stupid, but because they had no idea of their purpose, combined with the high-traffic areas where they were located. It's no different than finding 15 or 20 abandoned carry-ons in an airport on the same day. You can't say "OK, somebody's having lots of fun," and lose your diligence. One of those bags, flashy light boxes, whatever, might be something sinister. For all that was known about it, the items could have been a decoy campaign specifically for that purpose.

That's why they went overboard, even though they looked silly doing it. BTW, they KNOW they looked silly doing it, but they'd rather protect your ignorant butts by doing their jobs correctly than let this cover up something really nasty.
Putting up a picture of a character that 2% of the population knows is not advertising. I'm not a fan of anything I've ever seen on Cartoon Network as I thumb past it through the channels.

The other 98% of the populace sees it, asks "WTF is that?" and moves on. Suddenly somebody realizes it's got lights, it's electronic. What's it connected to? How is it powered? What is its purpose? There's nothing written on them to say it's a stupid promo for a stupid movie. . . .
No one said it was good advertising. And I believe the term for this is guerilla marketing.

The "official" community got nervous about these things not because they ended up looking stupid, but because they had no idea of their purpose, combined with the high-traffic areas where they were located. It's no different than finding 15 or 20 abandoned carry-ons in an airport on the same day. You can't say "OK, somebody's having lots of fun," and lose your diligence. One of those bags, flashy light boxes, whatever, might be something sinister. For all that was known about it, the items could have been a decoy campaign specifically for that purpose.
Except these weren't boxes. As you can see in the picture I posted it was smaller than a clipboard or notebook. Where could the bombs be hiding?

Another point is the fact that Turner called the authorities shortly after the first one was found, which the authorities also say happened, but at 4:00 PM yesterday I was sitting in a bar with a co-worker watching them blow up "suspicious package number 5." To use your carry on example, it would be like you walking up and saying, "Hi, those are mine. I was just going to go get a luggage cart. You can check them out if you want to." And then the authorities say thank you, arrest you, shut down and evacuate everything, and then blow them up, creating hours of panic for some and a huge hassle for many, and not explaining what they do know to the media.

Too many things seem odd here when you considered they were not noticed for weeks and then all reported within a couple of hours of one another and the fact that the authorities knew early on what was supposedly happening but never told the media until later in the evening. The best thing is that the only official pictures that have been released are the up close shots of the image, and only video captures of the devices being held show they are thinner than cardboard and an obvious sign of some sort.

I think they overreacted, realized it, and are now throwing the word hoax around to imply that they meant to scare everyone, which is not the case. Orson Welles would be laughing right now.

That's why they went overboard, even though they looked silly doing it. BTW, they KNOW they looked silly doing it, but they'd rather protect your ignorant butts by doing their jobs correctly than let this cover up something really nasty.
I'm all for them protecting the public, but nothing about those small signs looks like a bomb to me.

For more I found a blog covering it. It has the full image with the mooninites giving the finger, so beware if that would offend you. It even has a link to a Flickr account where someone had taken pictures of them lit up before. Yep, it definitely looks menacing.

That's why they went overboard, even though they looked silly doing it. BTW, they KNOW they looked silly doing it, but they'd rather protect your ignorant butts by doing their jobs correctly than let this cover up something really nasty.
And that I agree with - the first responders did exactly what they should do: Disposed of suspicious objects in accordance with protocols. No problem or overreaction there. Incidentally, although I have heard the words "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" before, I'd never have recognized the characters or connected them with any TV show.

What's bothering me is the petulant, accusatory tone adopted by the Boston press office and the mayor. They're acting as if TBS did this deliberately to create mass panic, which patently they did NOT. All the mayor's office had to say is "Don't even think about trying a stunt like this again" and perhaps "Here's a bill for 172 person-days' worth of our emergency services staff, plus consumables; please remit within 30 days." Over and done with. But by acting like babies and accusing TBS of malice (instead of, at worst, stupidity) they are making themselves look very bad.
All this did was create... publicity! I bet the ratings will skyrocket, everyone in my school was talking about ATHF.
I can't wait until we see Plutonians on brooklyn bridge.
Here's a neat video about it. Be warned that it has foul language, though.

Boston is teh s_uck. They things were there for weeks and all of a sudden they decided they needed to rush in and blow the crap out of all of them.
I can't stand this "hoax" bull****. IT IS NOT A HOAX. A hoax would be calling the FBI, telling them that you were going to blow up 20 skyscrapers in the U.S. tomorrow, and ending the conversation with "this is only the beginning".

Placing a few Lite-Brites around does not match the above scenario. And besides, WHO THE HELL PUTS BOMBS IN PLAIN SIGHT?
I think what bothers me most is that the same things were posted in a few other cities around the country, and yet, nobody took notice of them there. What about the ones in New York or Denver? Do more people watch ATHF there?

...What kills me is the way Fox News has been covering it. Generally speaking, I watch the channel and enjoy it, but the big deal they were making over it simply because Cartoon Network is owned by their rival CNN, it was just childish and unnecessary...

The discussions I was in about it today have pretty much been that if you didn't know the show, you were likely to not understand it all, and likely get upset. If anything, we ATHF fans need to unite and stand up for the rights of these guys...
I think what bothers me most is that the same things were posted in a few other cities around the country, and yet, nobody took notice of them there. What about the ones in New York or Denver? Do more people watch ATHF there?

...What kills me is the way Fox News has been covering it. Generally speaking, I watch the channel and enjoy it, but the big deal they were making over it simply because Cartoon Network is owned by their rival CNN, it was just childish and unnecessary...

The discussions I was in about it today have pretty much been that if you didn't know the show, you were likely to not understand it all, and likely get upset. If anything, we ATHF fans need to unite and stand up for the rights of these guys...

Fox news is always childish and unecessary. But even CNN was totally clueless and stupid about it.

edit: Here's a hilarious video with the two prank suspects. I think the guy in the dreds has smoked enough pot over his lifetime to fill Wembley Stadium.

All this did was create... publicity! I bet the ratings will skyrocket, everyone in my school was talking about ATHF.
Yeah. I have only seen two episodes that my brother had on his DVR and wanted me to watch, and I thought it was funny but it is on too late for me. Now, I am thinking I might start downloading their episodes because increased interest will really get people all worked up.

Here's a neat video about it. Be warned that it has foul language, though.
👍 The guy's reaction to hearing they had been up for weeks and that officials weren't taking Turner seriously was basically how I reacted.

"1-31 Never Forget" :lol:

I think what bothers me most is that the same things were posted in a few other cities around the country, and yet, nobody took notice of them there. What about the ones in New York or Denver? Do more people watch ATHF there?
It could be that a lit up sign, no matter how obscure the image, looks like a lit up sign and not a bomb.

...What kills me is the way Fox News has been covering it. Generally speaking, I watch the channel and enjoy it, but the big deal they were making over it simply because Cartoon Network is owned by their rival CNN, it was just childish and unnecessary...
Did you expect less in a media age where national "breaking news" is defined by a high speed chase?

The discussions I was in about it today have pretty much been that if you didn't know the show, you were likely to not understand it all, and likely get upset. If anything, we ATHF fans need to unite and stand up for the rights of these guys...
I know plenty of people who don't know the show that are laughing at Boston for this. Even the 60-something year old woman that I work with started laughing when I showed her an image of what the whole device actually looked like.

From what I have heard Turner say it was intended to create awareness of the movie among the fanbase, which is why it was such a small and obscure plan. Non-fans were supposed to just go, "What the?" and move on.

edit: Here's a hilarious video with the two prank suspects. I think the guy in the dreds has smoked enough pot over his lifetime to fill Wembley Stadium.
That was beautiful. Best press conference ever!

The best part is when you hear the Fox News anchor say, "This is more like Comedy Central material now," and then they still stay with it for another minute and a half! They knew it wasn't worth covering and kept going.

I still want an explanation of how no one reacted to these for weeks in any of the cities and then all of a sudden they are all reported.

Here is a timeline released by Boston police.

The best line is this:
Boston Police Timeline
At 8:18 a.m. an MBTA worker reported a suspicious device attached to a stanchion supporting Interstate 93 and near the train line. Appropriate units responded and determined that this device was suspicious and had components consistent with improvised explosive devices.
If that's the case then I am using a WMD to make this post and I have IEDs all over my house.

The truly disturbing facts to me are that these statements have been ignored by the media.
Boston Police Timeline
Six minutes later at 1:02 p.m. Boston Police received a call from New England Medical Center Security that they had uncovered a pipe bomb in their building in a desk drawer. Shortly thereafter Hospital Security reported that a suspect had been seen leaving the area of the pipe bomb in an agitated state stating, "God is warning you that today is going to be a sad Day." The suspect was reported to have fled the hospital. Boston Police continue to investigate this incident. No further details at this time

Officers identified a device (possible pipe bomb) at the New England Medical Center which turned out to be unrelated. Another type of device was located under the Longfellow Bridge, which is being investigated by the Massachusetts State Police.
The reaction isn't, who planted the real pipe bombs? No, it is let's all charge a media corporation and their marketing group for placing "hoax devices." The fact that it is two days later and no one has even asked, "what about the pipe bombs?" shows me that all integrity is gone from the media.

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