Aqua Teen Creates Hysteria In Boston, Mass

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
gotta love the choice words of the news... This is a real bad look for Boston lol. i hope the two guys dont have to do any jailtime over this crap. Its amazing how stupid people can be.

Some seem to think it's Govt. trying to make itself seem like, "We've got everything covered. Nothing goes undetected." as it trying to make up for 9/11 around here.

However, I think we have over-reacted. I mean, c'mon, since when did Osama watch a little polygonal alien giving the finger to a shake and a box of frys?
I still hear the stupid media calling them Hoax devices. The one thing I wish someobdy would've said is that they were not INTENDED TO RESEMBLE BOMBS OR BE BOMBS and, therefore, were NOT a "hoax".
From the initial news, they make it sound like black boxes consistent with mail-bombs, but after seeing actual pictures of the device, ye Gods is that idea ridiculous!

The Moonites must have incredible technology to make bombs this thin:


(from Fool-Killer's link... )

If I were a first respondent here, and I saw the thing, and I wasn't familiar with the show, I'd be thinking... "Why in the hell would anyone do this...?" I'm not entirely familiar with explosives, but I do know that the amount of C4 you could hide on a sheet that thin would probably be just enough to shoot that board off whatever wall it's attached to... not enough to injure anybody, unless it hits them on the head.

"components consistent with improvised explosive devices..." Yup... next time you see anything with duct tape on it... run away. Run far, far away... :lol:


While I find the humor of ATHF kind of crude and at times, more moronic than humanly possible, I do watch it for the occassional guffaw. I think the advertising is entirely appropriate, but those three bulbs that look like an upraised middle finger mighy be construed as scandalous...

Heck, where can I buy one? :lol:
Umm did I mention ROTFLMFAO at Boston ? :) :) :) :)


Some seem to think it's Govt. trying to make itself seem like, "We've got everything covered. Nothing goes undetected." as it trying to make up for 9/11 around here.
Yup. It just proves that government wants us to live in fear, TERRORISTS!
However, I think we have over-reacted. I mean, c'mon, since when did Osama watch a little polygonal alien giving the finger to a shake and a box of frys?
ATHF would be the last thing that al-Qaeda would watch. It would offend them for many reasons.
If that's the case then I am using a WMD to make this post and I have IEDs all over my house.
The components consistent with an improvised explosive device were batteries, wire, and LEDs. Therefore, my MP3 player is an IED. Everytime I walk onto a bus, I could be arrested?
Legal experts predict case against men in Boston bomb scare will be difficult to prove

Who wants to take a guess at why Boston officials and the media keep using the term "hoax devices"?

Best part of the article:
White-Lief said it could also prove difficult to win convictions on a second count the men face, misdemeanor disorderly conduct, which is generally related to an immediate annoyance or threat. But the devices were in place for a couple of weeks before police were notified.

Critics have mocked Boston for overreacting.

“If they were bombs, at that response rate, the city would have been screwed,” said Norajean McCarthy, 24, a friend of both suspects.
This is a good point. If no one sees a bomb for three weeks is this really a great response?

I predict the city will try and make these guys into villains or the DA will drop the case due to lack of evidence. I'm still shocked this got past a grand jury and these charges were even pressed. I am sure they could come up with a different crime committed here because of the location of these signs, but the current charges just don't mesh with the story.

So far the officials have told us that A) these were intended to be advertisements for a television show and B) these men intended to scare everyone into thinking they had planted bombs, thus a bomb hoax.

That doesn't add up and any honest jury will say the same thing. Of course, I would love to see them find a jury in Boston that wasn't affected in some way by this event.
Umm did I mention ROTFLMFAO at Boston ? :) :) :) :)


Hey! An Acme safe falling on your head is no laughing matter, buddy!

Boston is run by a bunch sue-happy good-for-nothings.
Boston over reacted. However. What really gets to me is that fact that these were so EASILY placed. How is it two collage kids can place GLOWING things around Boston, and not get caught until days later. What if it had been a terrorist placing explosives? The damage would have been done way before anyone reported the first device.

That being said, I think that since Boston was who played it up, it's only their fault for causing "mass distress, anxiety" .etc. Had they been quiet about it, or better yet, ID the damn things before hand, it would never turn out like this, hell, they were in other cities weeks before hand.

ATHF is the best though!
Boston officials did it again.

Only this time it was a traffic counting device put there by officials.

Police Blow Up Suspicious Device In Boston

(WBZ) BOSTON There were some tense moments in Boston's financial district Wednesday morning as police were forced to blow up a suspicious device.

The bomb squad shut down busy Devonshire Street after someone spotted a green box chained to a no parking sign.

The box turned out to be some kind of traffic counting device and was completely harmless.

Side note: A Google search for this caused me to search for three pages before I found it mentioned on a news site, as opposed to the numerous blogs.

Oh wait, following a link through a blog I found another news site.
And according to this Boston found a contracting company to blame this time. How much will they extort from them I wonder? Will the employees be arrested?

And here it is:

At first glance I would have thought the Aqua Teen things were just some stupid sign but not known what they were, but I know what these are when I see them. Usually the cable running across the street is a big clue. I pass these on my way to work at least two or three times a year. Probably more without noticing.

If you plan on leaving anything laying about in Boston I suggest putting your phone number on it so you can identify it as yours.
I don't understand how this is possible, but I heard about that through word of mouth yesterday.

At work I was passing by some guy's cubicle and I saw one of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force characters on his cubicle wall. So of course we struck up a brief conversation on it, and he mentioned that "Boston just blew up a traffic counting box today" or something along those lines.
