Mass shooting in San Bernadino, California

Enrique Marquez, the neighbor of Syed Farook, is expected to face charges in connection to the shooting. Marquez is alleged to have bought the two AR-15s that Farook and his wife used in the shooting that killed 14 people and injured many more. Marquez has been cooperative with the investigation so far. Marquez recently converted to Islam.

Also, FOX is reporting that police divers are searching a small pond in San Bernardino for hard drives that were in the computers at the Farook house.
Also, FOX is reporting that police divers are searching a small pond in San Bernardino for hard drives that were in the computers at the Farook house.

Information like this shouldn't be out in the open. People with ties to the killers read and watch the news also.
Information like this shouldn't be out in the open. People with ties to the killers read and watch the news also.
Kind of hard to disguise a police diving team working in a small pond close by where the one of the biggest terrorist attacks in the last decade and a half took place.
Kind of hard to disguise a police diving team working in a small pond close by where the one of the biggest terrorist attacks in the last decade and a half took place.

Let them look for something.
Let them look for something.
Don't tell anyone I said this, but did you ever think they might have certain suspects under surveillance and released the information in an attempt to possibly prompt said suspects into a hasty action or a revealing conversation over some electronic media? Perhaps to spook them into revealing where they also disposed of certain hard drives and other evidence:idea:? :odd::odd:
Don't tell anyone I said this, but did you ever think they might have certain suspects under surveillance and released the information in an attempt to possibly prompt said suspects into a hasty action or a revealing conversation over some electronic media? Perhaps to spook them into revealing where they also disposed of certain hard drives and other evidence:idea:? :odd::odd:

...One too many episodes of NCIS, I see. :lol: