Sure did... they will split on the portion where the fender flare meets the rear door. The decal did that on the drivers side (side I did first), so on the passenger side I put them down without trying to get it to conform to the shape until after I had put some Micro Sol on that part of it. Turned out better on the passenger side. On the drivers side I just pushed them together a little more so the "tear" was mostly hidden. Those two huge decals, one on either side (I believe they're number 1 & 2), are the only real challenge as far as the decals go, though.
And appreciate it, but it is definitely not pro level - definitely a 5-footer.

I have a couple of my "usual mistakes" and a couple of new ones as well. Will say this isn't the easiest car to do, and even though it's only one color, Mica Blue I think is the name, it's got plenty of other areas that can be a little difficult. Not horrible, just a challenge. It does buildup nice though, and is a good looking car.
It was on both sides, and I think it was decals #3 & 4... the one with the two stripes. Here's the only real close-up I have of it (and did the pass side first).
And here's the driver side, little bit harder to see, but I was able to push the "tear", or split, portion together some...
This was definitely the most difficult part.
The driver side definitely looks better.