Arcade Views Predominating in Demos

  • Thread starter Pog1
Each to their own of course but I really don't get this. I can't argue that a behind the car / bonnet
view makes the game easier to play but craftsman have spent years creating a realistic driving experience. Why do so many people including seasoned gamers insist on plane such masterpieces as though they were playing OutRun on the Commodore 64??

Cockpit view! Please! Persevere! And get a wheel. Email may not believe this but playing Gran Turismo 6 in this way has actually improved my driving on the road. That's how realistic it is. So if you haven't learn to drive yet start now! It will save you a fortune in driving lessons.

If you have become a better driver by using cockpit view, then good for you. However, different views exist because people prefer playing the game in different ways. I'm primarily a chase cam user because I like to see how the car is behaving and gauge my car's position relative to the track limits or other drivers, when applicable. Using cockpit view without VR or a multi-screen setup isn't entirely realistic anyway due to tunnel vision; you can't move you head the way would when driving a real car.

At the end of the day, I'm playing a video game and not bound by the rules of reality so I can play with the view I'm most satisfied with. 👍
I'm only having a moan because I'm bitter about not yet owning a PS4 so I will have to wait for GT Sport(I'm on GT6 still). I'll just have to enjoy all you guys enjoying it for now. Enjoy!
I bought a PS4 pro and a Sony 4k hdr TV just for this game :cheers:
Horses for courses I guess. I've always been a Sim man rather than a game man. Ever since Hard Drivin' arcade game of the mid eighties!

I bought a PS4 pro and a Sony 4k hdr TV just for this game :cheers:
And so will I - eventually. I only have two PS3 games - GT6 and F1 2012. It's all I play. I'm too mean though. Will wait for the prices to drop first. Have a great time!
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I liked it C'était un Rendez-vous style for GT1 - 6... can't see me changing now. Cockpit view, detailed though it is, just doesn't make sense for me outside of VR or at least a 3 screen set-up.

... but, I'm in the same boat as you @Pog1 I don't have the game yet, or a PS4.. just waiting to see what the limitations of the game actually are before I spend the money.
Excited for you guys. Been playing GT since the first one back in 1998. Played them all (apart from GT4 which I own but could never get to load). Always a major gaming event a new release!
Back when the series started, bonnet cam (did we even have cockpit cam back then?). When advances in tech made the cockpits look real (as opposed to black boxes with window slits or low res models AND accurate moving steering wheel) I got excited and switched to that view. It made racing MUCH harder at first but after a week or so I found I couldnt go back. Just felt silly and unrealistic. I could go faster outside as can see everything better but we cant do that in real life so it seemed like cheating just to get a better time or beat the game faster.
The exception (I'm not OCD) is for some of the alien cars I am forced to use in missions/tests or campaign (RIP) . I'm not going to suffer looking thru what looks like a pillbox gun slit whiles trying to drive at 200 mph! Golded all the beginner tests last night and I think 3 cars you cant see the road when you turn so stuff that.
I'm kinda half wishing there were online/lobby races with fields for specific views only as that levels the field, I KNOW when passing me they have a better view than I do! In fact driving outside the car gives you a HUGE advantage online I believe when you can see all the cars you are trying to avoid!
Finally, kudos to GTS for getting wheel movement spot on this time. For the first time in any racer my G29 rotation is matched precisely by what I see in car, it's uncanny! This actually makes me wonder why it's there at all? In flight sims if you have a yoke most add on planes allow you to switch the plane's yoke off so you dont see two at once.
Ahh I do have one major gripe about the cockpit views. The lighting/shadows. That's one level of realism I could do without. Screen glare and reflections of objects inside the car on the screen make it a pain to drive at times and makes you wonder how on earth drivers do it in real life? DOnt we have some kind of anti-glare anti-reflective screens these days? There's one car in Sport, cant remember which, that has a massive hose pipe over the dash in front of the driver (air tube?). The sun blasts a bright reflection of this into the screen for half the track so made it undrivable for me. Wish I could turn in car lighting effects off! Shadows no problem but reflections ugh...
Back when the series started, bonnet cam (did we even have cockpit cam back then?). When advances in tech made the cockpits look real (as opposed to black boxes with window slits or low res models AND accurate moving steering wheel) I got excited and switched to that view. It made racing MUCH harder at first but after a week or so I found I couldnt go back. Just felt silly and unrealistic. I could go faster outside as can see everything better but we cant do that in real life so it seemed like cheating just to get a better time or beat the game faster.
The exception (I'm not OCD) is for some of the alien cars I am forced to use in missions/tests or campaign (RIP) . I'm not going to suffer looking thru what looks like a pillbox gun slit whiles trying to drive at 200 mph! Golded all the beginner tests last night and I think 3 cars you cant see the road when you turn so stuff that.
I'm kinda half wishing there were online/lobby races with fields for specific views only as that levels the field, I KNOW when passing me they have a better view than I do! In fact driving outside the car gives you a HUGE advantage online I believe when you can see all the cars you are trying to avoid!
Finally, kudos to GTS for getting wheel movement spot on this time. For the first time in any racer my G29 rotation is matched precisely by what I see in car, it's uncanny! This actually makes me wonder why it's there at all? In flight sims if you have a yoke most add on planes allow you to switch the plane's yoke off so you dont see two at once.
Ahh I do have one major gripe about the cockpit views. The lighting/shadows. That's one level of realism I could do without. Screen glare and reflections of objects inside the car on the screen make it a pain to drive at times and makes you wonder how on earth drivers do it in real life? DOnt we have some kind of anti-glare anti-reflective screens these days? There's one car in Sport, cant remember which, that has a massive hose pipe over the dash in front of the driver (air tube?). The sun blasts a bright reflection of this into the screen for half the track so made it undrivable for me. Wish I could turn in car lighting effects off! Shadows no problem but reflections ugh...
Virtual sunglasses required by the sounds of it! A little too realistic for comfort. But I'm with you all the way. I'm doubtless a little slower but much happier! Incidentally I also have no ABS, TCS or ASM. So tough at first but by persevering with wheel and pedals literally adds a brand new dimension to the driving experience
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I hate chase cam with a passion, & won't even watch YouTube videos with it on. Love cockpit view, but have to be able to turn the wheel & hands animation off, so always use Normal View in GT.
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That said, can't handle anything above 400 hp properly with these settings. Which is realistic. .. I doubt if I could in real life as it stands!
Could you please stop double posting*. Use the +quote feature, or the edit button, in future. Thanks.

* Double posting is making one post, then making another when no one else has posted in the meantime.
Everyone likes to look at those cars, but each has their own preference on the driving view. I like the bumper view because I like the sound, the direct visual feedback I'm getting, and a clearer view of the track, period.

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