Are expanded grids (more than 16 cars on track) possible in future GT games?

  • Thread starter trustjab

how big of a grid do you feel is reasonabable to expect?

  • Total voters
United States
Salt Lake City,
Please forgive me if this was already asked, but will there be expanded grids, or rather more than 16 cars/racers on track at once in future GT games?

This is a big deal for people who want to have multiclass races or those who have large interest in their series. Even 20 or 24 cars on track would be a big deal and a huge plus for Gran Turismo!
Well, first vote. ;)

I'm aiming a little low, and I expect about 24 cars on track in GT7. The reason being that I expect the PS4 to be running a lot of processes that PS3 isn't. Better A.I. algorithms, better sound and more channels of it, a damage build that's more contemporary, more refined physics, a LOT of environmental enhancements such as dynamic breezes and winds and more refined weather in general, worlds that are more alive with moving foliage, independently waving flags, spectators with many layers of activity that respond dynamically to the race, much better lighting with many more light sources... a whole lot of stuff.

And yet, they've accomplished unbelievable feats on PS3. Because of this, I wouldn't be surprised if PD aims big and has 32 cars on track as the target. I think they should play it a little safe this time and get everything running well before they try to overdrive the system in GT8.
If anyone that has viewed this topic and not clicked "like", please do so! I think this is a really important question. I know my brother and I have ran a lot of racing series with full grids of 16 and had to turn people away or have been turned away. With more racers able to partake, racing series with high popularity can have the big grids their fans want.
The other thing that would be good, if vast fields weren't available (over 24), would be having one host be able to run multiple rooms. Then an elimination championship could happen. (shrug)
This all depends on cars available in GT_. Makes no sense offline to have a 45 car grid and quadruplicates of 787Bs. Or 25 Ferrari P4s, 1 Xj13 and the rest GT40s. The range of MX5s we have currently with different stripes, would be awesome for that type of racing. A 45 car grid would suit the different color combinations.

Online, there should be as many as can fit. Internet speed and all those factors I underatand will slow a room. Providing everyone clear their cache, 45 cars should be able to race. Even if in different classes, the grid could be split between human users and some AI thrown in, should be possible in future GT titles.
PS4? Maybe 24 cars offline with AI and 32 online without AI. That's with 500K models.

100K models? 120 offline with AI and 160 online without AI. That would enable proper endurance racing with multi classes.
PS4? Maybe 24 cars offline with AI and 32 online without AI. That's with 500K models.

100K models? 120 offline with AI and 160 online without AI. That would enable proper endurance racing with multi classes.

I can see these numbers, but I feel that they will be the other way around. More cars off-line than online. Even with an incredible connection, I don't ever see the larger numbers happening online.
I can see that I'm in the minority on this. ;)

I would certainly like to see as many as 32 cars on track. That would allow for four classes of multiclass racing with eight cars in each class, or however it would ultimately be divvied up.

I really think that PD should aim a little lower to 24 first, and button the game engine down with as many processes running at the same time, such as rain gusts with a 100% wet track and 24 cars with custom liveries and full damage, in the dusk with all headlights on and bots at full aggression. And then if they have that running flawlessly, then see what else can be squeezed in.

Now, one thing would make it a lot easier to have more than 24 cars on track, and that's including those dreaded Standard cars, which I would be quite happy with. Especially if they were sub-Premiums. I don't know how viable that is, so I'm going to just leave that as a passing thought. It's entirely possible the Standards will be dropped, and besides, PD should benchmark the performance of their build on a Premium only grid of cars.
As it stands now without standing grid starts this could be a nightmare, 24 car field you could be a minute behind the lead rabbit before crossing the start/finish line at the beginning of the race.:crazy:
As it stands now without standing grid starts this could be a nightmare, 24 car field you could be a minute behind the lead rabbit before crossing the start/finish line at the beginning of the race.:crazy:
Standing grid starts? I donno about that, but this thread is about having more than 16 cars on track. Ive no trouble starting from the rear in A-spec, thats off topic. I know if you run qualifying online you start where you qualified. If thats towards the back, you just arent as fast as the others. Its worked fine in gt6 for my experience. But again, this thread is for talking about wanting to see expanded grids, or more than just 16 cars racing at a given time. If you agree with that, please click 'like' on the first post. If not Im sorry youre bothered by it? :odd:
more slow cars?just more traffic?no thanks!I prefer one really fast car to fight with me instead 24 slow cars which suck
For the PS4 power I prefer smarter and faster A.I and more realistic physics!
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more slow cars?just more traffic?no thanks!I prefer one really fast car to fight with me instead 24 slow cars which suck
PS4 power and not leave power for realistic enough physics!

I already asked this question but without the poll. I also created a thread about showing latency/ping so we know the racing will be of good quality.

Now, regarding super_gt post... To me, you could be the very slow car while I'm racing at the front. That doesn't mean I'm going to bash you and kick you out of my lobby for being slow. Having back markers to overtake while fighting for a top spot is part of racing!
I prefer A.I to become smarter and faster instead of 24 kamikazes,especially with improved PS4 physics if they touch you you will spin off immediately.
Thats not the discussion. A spec is only a small portion of the future of gt. Online is the bigger future. Online racing with 20-30 of your friends would be awesome. If youre faster or slower, its still going to be great to have battles ongoing with more people. I dont see how you cant be all for that, unless you consider a-spec the bulk of your competitive racing and feel the AI will never improve. But thats another topic.
Considering the EA Sports NASCAR series had 43 cars on the Ps2 and Ps3, why should we not have more than 12-16 now, 5-10 years after the fact.

When did it become acceptable for racing games across all the platforms and companies to fill these grand racing circuits with 16 cars. 16 or less cars for a race in the real world means that your series is probably in some deep trouble. On the Nurburgring, you can have up to .81 of a mile between each car with a 16 car grid. All these game designers need to stop focusing on polygons and lighting models, and fix the driving model and the racing itself.
100K models? 120 offline with AI and 160 online without AI. That would enable proper endurance racing with multi classes.

Or 160 Tank cars at GT Arena, could you imagine that?
Seriously though, I think doubling up to 32 cars would be good/should be possible, but 20-24 is better than nothing. 16 isn't quite enough for a "proper" race.
I look at the old games like V8 Supercars, TOCA(my favorite) and F1 for PS One. There was a game, 24 Le Mans for Dreamcast. That had like 25 cars(including Porsche GT cars)and the graphics were awesome. I loved that game and ran it as much as I could before it kept freezing on me. I bought the Playstation version and it was graphically horrible but, it did have the faster cars flash you before they passed.

That was 128bit graphics back then. No excuses today.