Are Lamborghini and Porsche timed licensed exclusively to any developers?

  • Thread starter skingg
PD can't get a license and hold onto it until they simply want to use it. Licenses are often either based on a period of time of being attached to a brand or franchise, eg however many GT games are out within the next 5 years, the licensed cars can be included in all of them. Or licenses can be based on inclusion product by product eg this license is for GT5 and GT5 only, if they wanted thoes cars in GT6 they'd have to negotiate a new license. Either way, PD Porsche and/or Lambo arn't going to say to PD, we'll give you a license attached to the GT franchise over the next 5 years only for PD to not include them in GT5. Porsche and Lambo arn't going to accomodate PD wanting to hold the licenses back so they can milk the Ferrari inclusions. If PD have the licenses, they might not be revealed until later in production, but PD won't hold off including them for a future GT game if they have thoes licenses now. Licenses are too valuable and often too short term to make that a wise course of action. Especially when thoes cars are popping up in other gaems.
i think car companies should pay PD to have cars in the game instead of the other way round, think of all the exposure your car/brand is getting, free advertisement! and seriously what's a car game without's one of the most important marques in racing history...
i think car companies should pay PD to have cars in the game instead of the other way round, think of all the exposure your car/brand is getting, free advertisement! and seriously what's a car game without's one of the most important marques in racing history...
^ Unforunately, for the past 4 iterations of GT, PD didn't rely LamPorFerra just to get GT on where they are today. I'm highly 'yay' to more cars, and its still too early to tell if LamPorMas is included or not. I can still wait. :)

~> BTW, I love Porsche's than Ferrari's. :)
If they can't get a lot of the Porsches into the game, at least make a deal with them to just include the Carrera GT (my dream car). That would seriously get me more excited than a 15 year old kid seeing his first porno.
I just remembered....
Last time I looked, Porsche and Lamborgini were part of the Volkswagen group, so ud think that VW would allow polyphony to feature lambo and porsche in GT5.
Doesn't work quite like that. If it did, Fiat would have allowed Ferrari many years ago.

It's nice that you ignored the "to Japan" bit. None of thoes cars will be nearly as big in Japan as the GT-R.

Perhaps, you did not read what I underlined?
the automotive industry this year and the next
He said "and" which also implies the Nissan GT-R will be the biggest thing to it as well.

This isn't true. The GT-R will be big in Japan, but it will not be the biggest thing to Japan AND the automotive industry. Not both by far.
^ye, i heard Porsche do have a controling share in VW at the moment!!!
>I think that PD can and will get both Lamborghini and Porsche, but will choose to hold off in including them until its GT franchise needs a little "PICK ME UP" to freshen it up againsts stiffer competition down the I think Por/Lambo wont be in GT5(shame as I'm big fan of both) but maybe as DL content in a year or 2 or maybe even GT6(would make sense profit wise)

After GT4, a little pick me up is exactly what Gran Turismo needs. I wouldn't doubt Lamboghini and Porsche. Lamborghini isn't a confirmation by far but they are still discussing Gran Turismo 5.
Sure, it would be nice to also see Porsche and Lambo in any future release of GT; However, now that PD has been able to include Ferrari's, I'm HOPING that PD was fortunate enough, or 'wanted to', include some 'race bread' versions of the Ferrari moniker. Say either a 360/430 CS or the 550, all of which are extremely sweet looking cars!

Matter of fact, it would be nice to see more race cars, say the new C6R, Aston Martin DBR9, Saleen S7R...but I guess that would only be 'wishful thinking' eah? :D
Sure, it would be nice to also see Porsche and Lambo in any future release of GT; However, now that PD has been able to include Ferrari's, I'm HOPING that PD was fortunate enough, or 'wanted to', include some 'race bread' versions of the Ferrari moniker. Say either a 360/430 CS or the 550, all of which are extremely sweet looking cars!

Matter of fact, it would be nice to see more race cars, say the new C6R, Aston Martin DBR9, Saleen S7R...but I guess that would only be 'wishful thinking' eah? :D

Knowing PD, we should be able to see the C6-R this time around. The C5-R is quite a classic to the GT series, so I'm sure PD know it's successor would be the same. I, personally, would like to see PD take a route similar to Forza 2 and snatch up some F1 GTRs.
Doesn't work quite like that. If it did, Fiat would have allowed Ferrari many years ago.

Perhaps, you did not read what I underlined?
No, I read what you didn't underline between the two underlined bits, and I read that little bit too well from the look of things.

He said "and" which also implies the Nissan GT-R will be the biggest thing to it as well.

This isn't true. The GT-R will be big in Japan, but it will not be the biggest thing to Japan AND the automotive industry. Not both by far.
Because your right, my apologies.
Knowing PD, we should be able to see the C6-R this time around. The C5-R is quite a classic to the GT series, so I'm sure PD know it's successor would be the same. I, personally, would like to see PD take a route similar to Forza 2 and snatch up some F1 GTRs.

but please keep the C5R as well, its one of my favorites, they just need to fix the sound.

as for porsche, id love to see it, id like to see the full line of 911s, their history in germany, and the us, is just as rich if not richer than the skylines that most previous GT games have been riddled with. they could have 50+ different 911s if they wanted to, theyd have to cut down on some skylines though :).
PD can't get a license and hold onto it until they simply want to use it. Licenses are often either based on a period of time of being attached to a brand or franchise, eg however many GT games are out within the next 5 years, the licensed cars can be included in all of them. Or licenses can be based on inclusion product by product eg this license is for GT5 and GT5 only, if they wanted thoes cars in GT6 they'd have to negotiate a new license. Either way, PD Porsche and/or Lambo arn't going to say to PD, we'll give you a license attached to the GT franchise over the next 5 years only for PD to not include them in GT5. Porsche and Lambo arn't going to accomodate PD wanting to hold the licenses back so they can milk the Ferrari inclusions. If PD have the licenses, they might not be revealed until later in production, but PD won't hold off including them for a future GT game if they have thoes licenses now. Licenses are too valuable and often too short term to make that a wise course of action. Especially when thoes cars are popping up in other gaems.

your right in the fact that they cant hold off on useing the licences (never said they would)....but I was saying they would purchase the licences when and as they see fit to use them , eg after the initial hit of having Ferrari (to pasify hungry GT fans) wares off (after theyve modelled every Ferrari ever produced!!!) they would go and then purchase the next big ticket (read Porsche licence) and offer these cars as extra DL ($$$) content.I just think it seems funny that PD cannot secure/afford licences for Por/Lamb/Mas....I mean anything can be bought....for the right price!!!!!
Just because we haven't seen anything yet doesn't mean that those cars are not in the game. I think it's in PD's best interest to keep discussion of the game at a high pitch and that means doling out information slowly over time as opposed to releasing all the information all at once.

Just a thought.
Yeah i agree. I don't think they'd want to spoil ALL the surprises otherwise the anticipation of the game would live up a great deal of hype just the anxiety wouldn't be there :crazy:

Let's just hope PD includes some of the worlds most beautiful Supercars of our era :)
how come atari had so many manufacturers in test drive unlimited, with the exception of porsche, they had ferrari, lamborghini, maserati and others not seen in GT like konigsegg, mclaren etc
how come atari had so many manufacturers in test drive unlimited, with the exception of porsche, they had ferrari, lamborghini, maserati and others not seen in GT like konigsegg, mclaren etc

They had MS at their back for part of it, but when the game came out, it was already long after EA dropped Ferrari and Lamborghini.
Also in TDU for the PS2 we didn't get the Ferrari or Maserati license. Hopefully Maserati should come along with Ferrari and Fiat seeming I think they are all still under the same roof.
I think GT5 might not have Lambo and Porsche.

However I am not bothered too much. If they include some really nice cars from Ferrari and RUF, I'll be more than happy. For example, I'd like to see the new RUF CTR3, and also the 997 RUF. I'd also like to see a Ferrari 308 or a 512TR. Please please PD, give us the Ferrari 512TR.
Just because we haven't seen anything yet doesn't mean that those cars are not in the game.
So, what you are saying is that PD is quite willing to promote Ferrari to us when (if they have signed up other big brand names) they are not willing to show us all of the goods?

That makes no sense at all. If they had signed other brands, they would hawk it like a circus shill! If PD didn't promote the new cars in the same way as they did with Ferraris, how would it look to the hidden brands?


So, what you are saying is that PD is quite willing to promote Ferrari to us when (if they have signed up other big brand names) they are not willing to show us all of the goods?

That makes no sense at all. If they had signed other brands, they would hawk it like a circus shill! If PD didn't promote the new cars in the same way as they did with Ferraris, how would it look to the hidden brands?



No they won't. That's called building unnecessary hype. Polyphony has done some stupid stuff, but they're not going to shower us with everything we want to see.

No point in showing all the goods 1 year from release. Bad marketing.
They were quick to show off Ferrari, but they're normally quite slow at releasing details. That said, you can bet that even at this stage in development, PD are probably still working on licenses for many of the cars to feature in GT5 both at launch and as future downloads.
They were quick to show off Ferrari
If SONY/PD signed any of the other big "missing" brands, you can bet your sweet bippy that they'd wind up their PR department just the same as they did with the Ferrari news.


i tend to agree with the whole drip feeding concept of marketing with PD.Why would they show us all there cards with 1 year to go till GT5?? I recon Por/Lamb/Maser a likely posibility for late 2008 as they need some thing to build hype with till 08. On another note, ive been playinging alot of FM2 at a cuz's place lately and love the fact that Lambos and porches are in it.....but stilll not enough of them to warrent me buying a 360.
If SONY/PD signed any of the other big "missing" brands, you can bet your sweet bippy that they'd wind up their PR department just the same as they did with the Ferrari news.



Showing off Ferrari doesn't mean anything. You also weren't expecting it, were you? For all we know, PD could have captured the Ferrari license months before GT:HD came out.
I can perfectly see what your on about Mclaren. Also you have to remember that the things they are showing us at the moment are for GT5:P not actually GT5. In GT5 they might have loads of different makes and models. Personally I haven't seen any sign of Aston Matin yet, but you just know they are going to be in it after all they have been in every GT since the first. So at this time we just can't tell what cars are in it at the present moment in time, perhaps next year near the release date we will have a better idea.
I can perfectly see what your on about Mclaren. Also you have to remember that the things they are showing us at the moment are for GT5:P not actually GT5. In GT5 they might have loads of different makes and models. Personally I haven't seen any sign of Aston Matin yet, but you just know they are going to be in it after all they have been in every GT since the first. So at this time we just can't tell what cars are in it at the present moment in time, perhaps next year near the release date we will have a better idea.

Agreed. I haven't paid any attention to the current car list, but I recently saw Lancia's appearence for the first time. 👍

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