Look at all the threads on here, penalties are broken.
Sometimes you are better off not qualifying so not to end up mid pack at the start. However the match making is broken too and a lot of the time it will place you behind drivers with a lot lower DR ranking. Qualifying top 3 is better. however as your DR climbs the system will start placing you mid pack anyway. It loves to put me 7th to 12th. Heck once I tried my best in qualifying, got placed 20th in a room full of DR.S/DR.A It was still carnage dodging accidents and getting rammed by people rushing back to the front. I left DR.A soon after, better off in DR.B
Actually after draft bumping on blue moon my SR was down to B, there the match making is much better, and the racing was actually better too since there wasn't as much difference in people's abilities. However it didn't take long to get back to SR max with the ****** match making setting up bad races. If there was an option I would keep my SR at max B... Tired of rooms ranging for S/S to D/S, those are a mess.