Are there any jobs for a 15 year old?

  • Thread starter Tom


Voice of Gran Turismo
United Kingdom
I'm currently seeking employment of some sort. I don't mind what it is, I just feel that I have a lot of spare time on the weekends and I need something to do with it, rather than sitting around on my backside doing bugger all, plus the money would be nice. Are there any national employers around the country that will hire 15 year olds? Weekends or Summer Jobs?

Thanks in advance,

Tesco.. :dopey:

But you won't get paid.. :sly:
I'm not sure on the exact laws however since 13 I have done a paperound in the mornings. A couple of my 15 year old mates have jobs by getting as special permit, however otherwise you have to be 16 to work in a shop.

Hope that helps.

Do you want fries with that.

Or just enjoy your time off as it will end when you get a job for life.
Its good your thinking about work this early ANY experience you can get will put you ahead of others and you will find it much easier when you look for a real job later.
Speak to your family if they can get you in their place of work, it will be very difficult to just apply for a regular job and get accepted. I started working with my dad when I was 15, wasnt paid officially but any money is better than no money, also look for volunteer jobs??
Its good your thinking about work this early ANY experience you can get will put you ahead of others and you will find it much easier when you look for a real job later.
Speak to your family if they can get you in their place of work, it will be very difficult to just apply for a regular job and get accepted. I started working with my dad when I was 15, wasnt paid officially but any money is better than no money, also look for volunteer jobs??

I currently volunteer at my local radio station, but I'll about having a word with my dad as he works at Ford.

Don't hire until you're 16.


Any 'real' job, will almost certainly be unpaid at your age. Only something like a paper round would pay. Badly. And trust me, you'll get bored of it so soon. I hated paper rounds.

Nip down to the job centre and see if one of their advisors will have a word or something. Couldn't hurt. I'm sure it'd make a refreshing change for them to talk to someone who actually wants a job and not the dole money, especially at your age.
One of my mates has a job at his local corner store stacking shelves and he is 14 so I guess you could get a job at a shop
Do what I do sit around. :D

But my philosophy is im never going to get these long holidays again in my life until I retire so enjoy them.

But try looking in the paper and seeing if they will accept.
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I got my first job at 15 doing data entry and filing in a doctor's surgery, after my dad saw it advertised in the window of the local post office. I worked a couple of hours after school/college each weekday. That might not be particularly helpful to you as surgerys tend to be shut on weekends, and this was 10 years ago, but it's somewhere else to look. Bear in mind that (unless the rules have changed in the last decade) you aren't allowed to work in the surgery at which you're registered; there's 3 in my home town, but if you live in a village with only 1 surgery you probably won't get work there for that reason.
You're probably looking at shelf stacking in a local corner shop for about £3 an hour, if you're lucky.

Otherwise you'd have to wait until 16 to get a job with supermarket/fast foods.
Here in Australia at least, you can referee football matches locally and get paid at the end. Of course, you have to know the rules of the game and take a two day training course. It's great fun though, and I get $18 a match (one per weekend) for watching some 10 year olds run around for an hour :lol:
Here in Australia at least, you can referee football matches locally and get paid at the end. Of course, you have to know the rules of the game and take a two day training course. It's great fun though, and I get $18 a match (one per weekend) for watching some 10 year olds run around for an hour :lol:
Is this my mind or does this need rewording :odd: :lol:
Try searching Craigslist. They post jobs there. You should filter the posts to food/bev/hosp, and general labor because most of the jobs there would require no experience. Instead of just working at some crappy fast food joint, you can find job openings for legitimate restaurants or anything that pays more than McDonalds.
Just don't expect a Craigslist job to last very long. My dad found a job by pure chance on Craigslist after he got laid off. It was fantastic until they came up on the end of the first fiscal year and decided to outsource every network and eliminate his office and the department he ran.
Im basically my neighbor's gardener. I also work a snackbar at the Little League my brother plays at. I'm only 15. 👍
I think they hire at 15 in the US with a work permit. Not the same over there?

No, you have to have left school to work there.

I also don't recommend it. But, beggers can't be choosers. 4 years on, I'm still doing 4-5 months a year at the place.
You can work at 16 while being in high school, but only part time and limited hours if I recall correctly. Likely varies from State to State as well.

At 15, your best bet is to mow lawns, or similar manual labor that can easily be paid with cash, undocumented.
I've also never worked fast food, so not sure how they operate.

They'll hire anyone that is legally an option. However, they tend to want people with flexible schedules and awkward hours for part time jobs, something a high school student might have some trouble with. McDonald's is a pretty good place to work from what I've heard, but they have a large applicant pool to pull from, so wouldn't get hopes up.

Local stores and regional chains would be better options I feel - bag boy at a grocery store. But again, this is mostly for those 16 or older.

If you can mow a lawn in under an hour and charge 10 dollars, you'll be making more money anyhow. Pulling weeds, gardening in general, painting, handy man projects can all work out well too. But then you also need to be able to sell yourself effectively and be your own boss - not the easiest thing.
Depends on the area etc, but there should be work for you.

I used to mow my whole street's lawn for a good $20 back when I was 12, at the age of 15 I started to clean my dad's workshop, wash the cars, etc.

I guess it depends on your opportunities, and how many people you know.
Agree with the people saying mow lawns. The easiest way to get business is to do a letterbox drop around your local area, advertising your services. Generally, people will be happy to support a local kid with a bit of motivation. You just have to hope your parents have/will let you use their lawnmower.

Then when you start to look for a job at a supermarket or something, you can give them a reference from one of your longer term customers. This will help you a lot in your future employment opportunities. 👍 for being motivated enough to get out there and look for a job, youre doing much better than 90% of the other 15 y/o's.

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