There are still a dozen unsold Lexus LFAs in the USA

  • Thread starter RocZX
This car was and still is, an icon of the brand Lexus. Only 500 copies were sold in the form of rent-a-car, on condition that the owners could not sell them within two years, namely with the inflated price. After more than two years, we see here in Europe a few cars for sale at double the price and a little less. More than half of the 500 units remained in the brand's dealerships. Especially for a show to customers that the interest would be to sell another Lexus model and not an LFA. USA was left with 150 ... 170 cars and the rest of the world with the rest. Even Kaz once showed in a video driving a white LFA in Tokyo. As for that, I also have to say that you made a good choice. Perhaps the LFA is the most beautiful Japanese car so far. I think no one dares to say that the engine noise is not correct in the game Gran Turismo.