Loving mine . Here are my settings.
For 100
ffb 100
Fei 90
Spr 0
Dpr 0
Dri -03
Sen Aut
Traits are a light wheel with very detailed information. There is more weight transfer feel on the table if you use higher in game sensitivity, but the wheel gets choppy around the center, especially with fei set that high.
Ok , came back to share a tweak. My wheel was previously on a stand but now it's mounted to a solids rig it's a little light on resistance. I initially raised torque to 2 and not surprisingly it had too much resistance. Adding damper to 70 helped, but it soon became apparent damper should be avoided like the plague. The wheel felt good but the responsiness of the wheel took a hit and lap times suffered. After a couple days , Ive finally hit pay dirt with the settings below. I basically raised fei to 100 and dropped FF to 80 in contrast to my previos settings. Now torgue 2 is very mangable. Road feel took a slight decline but overall the balance of feel and responsiveness is great.
For 100
ffb 80
Fei 100
Spr 0
Dpr 0
Dri -03
Sen Aut
Edit.. Front wheels on my TT seem bit vague. Will play with settings to eek out more feel.
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