Are you waiting to buy a PS3 when Gran Turismo 5 is released?

Are you waiting for Gran Turismo 5's release to buy a PS3?

  • Definitely, it's the only reason I want a PS3!

    Votes: 16 8.7%
  • Yes, but I want a PS3 for other games, too.

    Votes: 19 10.4%
  • No, I just got my PS3 this year.

    Votes: 26 14.2%
  • No, I've had my PS3 for more than a year.

    Votes: 82 44.8%
  • No, I've had a PS3 since it came out in 2006.

    Votes: 40 21.9%

  • Total voters
I already have the ps3 but I would buy the ps3 slim if it will be in blundle with gt5
Bought PS3 for GT5P a few months after the game came out.. and I'm glad I did.

Learning to drive consistent/fast with the DFGT wheel and sim physics took me a while. Anyone planning to get PS3 when GT5 comes out would be wise to get acquainted with GT5P sim physics somehow, cause I'm sure it will be unavoidably incorporated into GT5 when it comes out. Don't want to start out too rough.
I bought mine July 2007 for the Playstation library. I own more than a dozen games right now, though two of them are Prologue. ;) And I'm about to go back to it.
Dont own a PS3 yet, was planning on buying one this holidays, but the only game I want it for is GT5P, no other PS3 games appeal to me except maybe ferrari challenge and supercar challenge. Since I bought a new car a couple of weeks ago, its made me think twice about getting one, since they are so bloody expensive. I might buy it when GT5 comes out, but that said, ir'll probably come down to price once again. $700 is a lot to pay for a PS3 when I could get an xbox 360 for less than $500 or upgrade my computer and get a nice new monitor for about $500 also.
My PS3 got the yellow light of death on saturday, so I will have to buy one when GT5 gets here. Don't worry, PS3's are reliable, i just got a faulty one.
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Got my 60GB at european launch, still kicking ass like there's no tomorrow, waiting for GT5 now as like everyone here I guess :°)
Bought mine not long after launch (60gb version) to play gt5 and ff13 (which is now also on x360... doh!). It's been gathering dust ever since.. only title I have is GT5P, but that lost its appeal pretty quickly. I've been trying to play some multiplatform games on the PS3 but in every case I've ended up trading them in for x360 versions...

Hope it doesn't break when I finally get to fire it up :S
Three reasons for me getting a PS3,

1. GT5P
2. Our old DVD player didn't read the new DVD:s we were buying (Barbie titles mostly, blarg)
3. Needed a mediacenter in the living room
When I got my PS3 last year I only had GT5 in mind but I'm pleased to have found other titles to engulf in.
I bought my PS3 almost new as unwanted present with huge discount in january 2008 - just for Prologue. Then HDTV. Now it's my main entertainment in living room - music, hd movies, photos etc. There are only two games I'll buy: GT5 & GOW3.
I have had my PS3 since the EU launch, however I am on my second one as my original got the YLOD. I wanted a PS3 for many games so I was happy to make the purchase when it was first released. I can't wait for GT5 though, judging by the amount I have played GT5p, I can only imagine how long i'll be playing GT5 for, it will be great. :D
i've got my 60gig ps3 since it came out but last month it had the yellow ring of deth i'm not disapointed but im not disapointed.But yes i am waiting for gt5 to fix it:nervous:
I'm desperately scrounging for cash to get one in time for GT5... I'm aiming for just a broken one off eBay that I could maybe fix or have fixed.

I just can't afford a new one :(
I got my PS3 for mainly gaming and some other features like playing movies and stuff because the PS2 wasn't cutting it for a HDTV.
Yes, but I want a PS3 for other games, too. And I'm also waiting for the announced price cut.

I know that I answered a similar question before but I can't find the thread.